Background: In recent years, biomaterials are being found and frequently utilized in bone defects. They have also gained significant precedence
in hand surgery.
Objectives: The respective requirements for such replacement material will be cited and acknowledged in this article. The individual material
groups will also be referred to in this review. An introduction to some of the customary bone replacement materials will be
cited and concluded with a corresponding recommendation.
Conclusion: The implantation of autologous cancellous bone is still regarded today as the “gold standard”. Nevertheless, the usage of
bone replacement material can be an enormous advantage in certain indications.
The original article can be found online at
There was an error in the author’s affiliation and the address for correspondence was incomplete. Please note the correct
institution and complete address:
Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology, Hand-, Foot- and Reconstructive Surgery, Kreiskrankenhaus Gummersbach GmbH, Germany.
Alexander von Friesen, MD Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology, Hand-, Foot- and Reconstructive Surgery Kreiskrankenhaus
Gummersbach GmbH Wilhelm-Breckow-Allee 20 51643 Gummersbach Germany Phone (+49/2261) 171-575, Fax -449 e-mail: Friesen@kkh-gummersbach.de