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Fetal B lymphocytes in mice and humans use a limited number of the available VH gene segments. Mouse fetal B cells primarily utilize 3' VH elements, suggesting that the localization of these elements determines their rearrangement frequency. The previously reported non-random usage of human VH genes has been more difficult to explain. In this study the authors analysed the expression of the most proximal 3' human VH element (VH6) using a monoclonal antibody (JE-6). VH6 expression was assessed in various B cell differentiation stages from fetal liver, bone marrow and spleen at 12–20 weeks of gestation. The authors demonstrate that the level of VH6 expression does not exceed a stochastic usage frequency. This suggests that the localization of VH6 does not significantly promote its expression during human fetal life, and that other factors must affect the usage of VH genes during human fetal development.  相似文献   
A case-control study of squamous cell carcinoma of the upper aerodigestive tract conducted in Heidelberg and Giessen (FRG) provided information on occupational factors in 200 patients and 800 controls (adjusted to sex, age and area of living; 4:1 matched design). The number of subjects exposed to wood dusts, organic chemicals, coal products or to cement was significantly elevated in the tumour group. An increased risk for head and neck cancer was observed after exposition to wood dust (RR = 2,2), organic compounds (RR = 2,4), coal products (RR = 2,7) and especially to cement (RR = 4,4). The cancer risk due to cement exposition showed a positive correlation to the duration of exposition and remained significantly elevated after adjustment for alcohol and tobacco consumption.  相似文献   
Results of an hierarchical factor analysis with university students (N = 101) do not support the construct validity of the Multidimensional Aptitude Battery (MAB). Although the MAB Full Scale IQ seems to be a valid measure of general mental ability, the construct validity of the Verbal and Performance scale IQs is not supported. Therefore, the Verbal and Performance IQs should be interpreted with caution, if at all. In addition, re-analysis of previous investigations of the MAB underscores the importance of ascertaining the reading level of subjects prior to the administration of the MAB. Marginal reading proficiency, especially on a timed paper-and-pencil test such as the MAB, will confound results.  相似文献   
The degree of metabolic acidosis at birth has been calculated in cord artery and vein samples from 21 term fetuses with cord artery pH less than 7.20. The aim of the study was to compare base deficit values calculated from either Siggaard-Andersen alignment nomogram (BD blood) or the Acid-Base chart (BD extra cellular fluid, BDecf). BDblood was found to be consistently higher in the cord artery as compared with BDecf, 13.2 +/- 3.5 and 9.9 +/- 2.9 mmol/l (Mean +/- SD), respectively. A significant correlation was found between cord artery PCO2 and BDblood whereas BDecf appeared unaffected by PCO2. In cases with cord entanglement BDecf a-v differences were increased to 3.4 +/- 2.3 mmol/l as compared with the small a-v difference noted in acidotic cases without cord entanglement, 1.1 +/- 1.25 mmol/l. It is speculated that with acutely emerging, intermittent asphyxia due to cord compression, a cord artery and vein difference in metabolic acidosis may exist and where the vein captures the basal level and the artery the acute changes. It is concluded that BDecf in both cord artery and vein add valuable information on the mechanisms behind metabolic acidosis.  相似文献   
We tested the urine of 30 infants 6 weeks to 7 months of age after they received standard 10-micrograms (0.5-ml) doses of HbOC (HibTITER) Haemophilus influenzae b (Hib) conjugate vaccine for the presence of Hib antigenuria using a commercially available latex particle agglutination assay (Directigen). Urines were collected within 1 hour, from 1 to 3 hours, at 24 hours and at 3, 6 and 9 days after vaccine administration and reactions were quantitated from 0 to 3+. In contrast to previous studies in older children which showed little or no antigenuria following HbOC vaccination, our study shows that in infants intense Hib antigenuria is evident within 2 to 3 hours and persists 3 days after vaccine administration and that less intense antigenuria may be detected in some infants for several days. With efficacious vaccines now being used in 2- to 6-month-old infants, invasive Hib disease may soon be limited to infants of this age just before their seroconversion. It should be recognized that antigenuria occurs for several days after vaccination with Hib conjugate vaccines and that it could be erroneously interpreted as evidence of invasive Hib infection.  相似文献   
Eight-eight female weanling Sprague-Dawley rats were fed diets containing either 650 or 150 mg magnesium/kg diet and 7.0 or 3.5 mg pyridoxine-HCl/kg diet, in a 2 x 2 factorial arrangement, during growth, gestation, and lactation. The objective of the study was to determine whether concurrent dietary deficiencies of magnesium and pyridoxine were synergistic, additive, or antagonistic with regards to effects on reproductive performance, growth, and development of offspring, and tissue content of magnesium and calcium. Body weight of dams and pups was not different between groups until day 9 of lactation, at which point those animals in either low magnesium group weighed less than the other. Litter size and birth weight were not different. Development, as measured by timing of unfolding of the external ear, opening of both eyes, and clinical emergence of incisors, was delayed in pups from litters in the low magnesium groups. A synergistic effect on delay of onset of ear unfolding by deficiency of both magnesium and pyridoxine was observed. Calcium content of heart and kidney from dams was increased in the low magnesium groups. Renal calcium was not further increased by the level of pyridoxine deficiency in this study. The calcium to magnesium ratio in heart from pups was higher in those from litters in the low magnesium and pyridoxine group than in the others. Results indicate that simultaneous deficiencies of magnesium and pyridoxine may impair function synergistically. Because these two nutrients are often reported to be presented in inadequate amounts in diets of women in their reproductive years, the potential exists for impaired reproductive success.  相似文献   
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