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四氢卟啉锰的放射性肺损伤保护作用的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的用大鼠放射性肺损伤模型评价仿SOD化合物四氢卟啉锰(MnTE-2-PyP)的放射性肺损伤保护作用.方法 150~160 g Fish-344雌性大鼠随机进入实验组,用4 MV X射线、单次照射右全肺28 Gy,照射前15~30 min腹腔内注射MnTE-2-PyP 6 mg/kg.治疗后每两周观测呼吸频率和转化生长因子(TGF-β1)水平,在出现明显呼吸困难伴有明显体重下降时终止观察,否则6个月后终止观察.肺组织进行羟脯胺酸含量、TGF-β1蛋白表达和肺纤维化评分等检测.结果在加MnTE-2-PyP者能明显延迟呼吸频率发生改变的时间(延迟3周)和降低呼吸频率改变的幅度(低30%)(P<0.01).在单纯照射组,有3只大鼠在第12~14周出现明显呼吸困难给予终止观察,而在放射加MnTE-2-PyP者仅为1只(14周以后).单纯照射组较之照射加MnTE-2-PyP组,每克湿肺和干肺的羟脯胺酸含量分别为(6.76±0.38) mg/g与(5.20±0.55) mg/g(t=2.35,P<0.05)和(28.80±2.04) mg/g与(24.12±2.40) mg/g(t=2.26,P<0.05);肺组织纤维化评分分别为5.82±0.34与3.60±0.15(P<0.05);在12周的血浆TGF-β1相对含量分别为(3.10±0.50) ng/ml和(1.34±0.63) ng/ml(t=2.41,P=0.029).另外,放射加MnTE-2-PyP组的肺组织TGF-β1蛋白表达也比单纯照射组明显减少.结论 MnTE-2-PyP能增加肺组织对放射性损伤的耐受,可能是一潜在的放射性损伤保护剂.  相似文献   
脉冲电流对胰岛素经皮渗透的促进作用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
实验结果表明,脉冲电流能有效地提高胰岛素的透皮扩散速率,并随着释放池中胰岛素浓度的递增,透皮扩散速率呈线性增加。同时,胰岛素在pH值偏离等电点的酸性溶液(pH3.6)中透皮速率最高,为324.2±33.4μU/(cm2·h),而在pH值高于等电点的溶液(pH7.4)中其透皮速率降至143.7±27.3μU/(cm2·h),在pH值接近等电点(pH5.3)时,胰岛素的透皮速率最低,为78.4±21.9μU/(cm2·h)。  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: A good blood bank must be able to provide compatible blood units promptly to operating room patients with minimal wastage. A "self- service" by nursing staff blood banking system that is safe, efficient, and well-accepted has been developed. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: Specific blood units are no longer assigned to surgical patients who have a negative pretransfusion antibody screen, irrespective of the type of surgery. A computer-generated list of the serial numbers of all group-identical blood units currently in the blood bank inventory is provided for each patient. The units themselves are not labeled with a patient's name. The group O list will be provided for group O patients, the group A list for group A patients, and so forth. Should the patient require transfusion during surgery, the operating room nurses go to the refrigerator, remove any group-identical unit, and check the serial number of the unit against the serial numbers on the patient's list. If the serial number is on that list, the blood bank will accept responsibility for compatibility. The system was implemented in 1995. RESULTS: Since implementation, a total of 2154 patients have undergone operations at this hospital. Thirty-two patients received more than 10 units of red cells each. There were no transfusion errors. The crossmatch-to-transfusion ratio was reduced from 1.67 to 1.12. Turnaround time for supplying additional or urgent units to patients in operating room was shortened from 33 to 2.5 minutes. There was no incidence of a blood unit's serial number not being on the list. Work by nurses and technical staff was reduced by nearly 50 percent. CONCLUSION: The "self-service" (by nursing staff) blood banking system described is safe and efficient. It saves staff time and can be easily set up.  相似文献   
Annual transfusion activity between 1980 and 1985 was surveyed in four sets of United States (US) hospitals, which together accounted for 4.8 percent of the red cell (RBC) transfusions in the US in 1980. Total RBC transfusion rates (total RBCs transfused/1000 hospital admissions) increased between 1980 and 1982 but remained nearly constant between 1982 and 1985. Plasma transfusion dynamics followed a similar pattern, whereas the preoperative deposit of autologous blood by patients accelerated rapidly after 1982. These changes appear to reflect responses to the acquired immune deficiency syndrome epidemic. In contrast, total platelet transfusion rates grew by 76 percent during the 6-year period, approaching total RBC rates by 1985. This is the first reported evidence in such a large sample of transfusions that total RBC transfusion rates have moderated.  相似文献   
AIM: To report the outcome of surgery in patients with (pre)malignant conditions of celiac disease (CD) and the impact on survival.METHODS: A total of 40 patients with (pre)malignant conditions of CD, ulcerative jejunitis (n = 5) and enteropathy associated T-cell lymphoma (EATL) (n = 35), who underwent surgery between 2002 and 2013 were retrospectively evaluated. Data on indications, operative procedure, post-operative morbidity and mortality, adjuvant therapy and overall survival (OS) were collected. Eleven patients with EATL who underwent chemotherapy without resection were included as a control group for survival analysis. Patients were followed-up every three months during the first year and at 6-mo intervals thereafter.RESULTS: Mean age at resection was 62 years. The majority of patients (63%) underwent elective laparotomy. Functional stenosis (n = 13) and perforation (n = 12) were the major indications for surgery. In 70% of patients radical resection was performed. Early postoperative complications, mainly due to leakage or sepsis, occurred in 14/40 (35%) of patients. Eight patients required reoperation. More patients who underwent resection in the acute setting (n = 3, 20%) died compared to patients treated in the elective setting. With a median follow-up of 20 mo, seven patients (18%) required reoperation due to long-term complications. Significantly more patients who underwent acute surgery could not be treated with adjuvant chemotherapy. Patients who first underwent surgical resection showed significantly better OS than patients who received chemotherapy without resection.CONCLUSION: Although the complication rate is high, the preferred first step of treatment in (pre)malignant CD consists of local resection as early as possible to improve survival.  相似文献   
Ultrasound examination of the hydatic liver   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Peptide specificities of myelin basic protein-reactive human T-cell clones   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Forty myelin basic protein (BP)-reactive T-cell clones were isolated from a patient with multiple sclerosis and used to identify human T-cell recognition sites on the BP molecule. At least three sites have been identified: one in the N-terminal half of the molecule (residues 1-97), one in the C-terminal (residues 98-170), and one which spans residues 97-98. The clones exhibited a marked preference for the C-terminal half of the molecule. No cross-reactivity with measles virus was detected. These clones will be useful for both the further delineation of the human T-cell recognition sites on BP and the generation of anticlonotypic monoclonal antibodies.  相似文献   
A plasma fibronectin-rich component was prepared by heparin-induced 4 degrees C precipitation of fresh or stored (21 days at 4 degrees C), single-donor plasma. The recovery of plasma fibronectin was 45 percent at a concentration of 0.05 mg heparin per ml (7.5 units/ml) and 75 percent at 0.1 mg per ml (15 units/ml). The biologic activity of plasma fibronectin, as assessed by the spreading of Chinese hamster ovary cells or attachment of monocytes to gelatin-coated surfaces, was similar to that of plasma fibronectin concentrates made from fresh or stored plasma. Only 20 to 30 percent of the factor VIII activity in fresh plasma was recovered in cryoprecipitate produced after the heparin-induced precipitate containing fibronectin was removed. Cryoprecipitate prepared from the supernatant plasma that remains after heparin-induced cold precipitation in the presence of CaCl2 (5 mM) contained approximately 50 percent less factor VIII. The relatively low recovery of factor VIII in cryoprecipitate prepared from fibronectin-depleted plasma makes cryoprecipitation an unsuitable method of producing fibronectin-rich and factor VIII-rich components effectively from a single unit of fresh plasma. However, heparin-induced cold precipitation provides an efficient method for preparing plasma fibronectin concentrates from small plasma pools or single units of stored or fresh plasma.  相似文献   


Studies show that tuberculosis notification declines with increasing altitude. This can be due to declining incidence or declining case detection. In Vietnam notification rates of new smear-positive tuberculosis in the central mountainous provinces (26/100,000 population) are considerably lower than in Vietnam in general (69/100,000 population). In order to clarify whether this is explained by low incidence or low case detection, we aimed to assess the prevalence of new smear-positive tuberculosis among adults with prolonged cough in three mountainous provinces in central Vietnam.  相似文献   
Forearm bone mineral density (BMD) was investigated in women to identify osteoporosis at the spine or femoral neck (or both) defined by WHO criteria (T score -2.5) without requirement for fracture. BMD was measured by single-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DTX100) and by dual- energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) in the lumbar spine and femoral neck in 422 subjects aged 22-90 yr. A total of 62% of subjects with osteoporosis (at the spine, femoral neck, or both sites) were detected with 89% specificity [receiver operating characteristics (ROC) analysis] and included all subjects below forearm BMD 0.34 g/cm2. Conversely, above 0.419 g/cm2, only 10% of patients had osteoporosis. A total of 71.8% of women could be assigned either to those who warranted therapy (<0.34 g/cm2) or to those who did not (>0.419 g/cm2) with 90% certainty. Subjects with forearm BMD between 0.34 and 0.419 g/cm2, who constituted 28.2% of the total group and included 31% of subjects with osteoporosis, had a 40% chance of having osteoporosis. This leads to a high identification rate on subsequent DXA scanning, which is thus used efficiently.   相似文献   
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