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A study was carried out on 82 very apprehensive children who had previously refused operative dental treatment. Inhalation sedation with Entonox was offered to each child and 53 children had their treatment completed with the use of sedation and local angalgesia. Nineteen children elected to have their treatment carried out without sedation and 10 patients refused all conscious techniques.

The possible role of Entonox as a safe inhalation sedation agent in the dental management of some frightened young patients is discussed.  相似文献   

Objective : This study examines the relationships between stated restorative treatment thresholds of 16 dentists and both their restorative decisions and caries depth determinations for approximal tooth surfaces based on bitewing radiographs. Methods : Sixteen dentists independently examined 15 pairs of experimental bitewing radiographs. They separately recorded restorative and dental caries depth decisions for 4,864 unrestored approximal tooth surfaces, 304 identical surfaces per dentist. In addition to caries depth and restorative decision data, these dentists provided their restorative thresholds using a five-point scale. Results : Three dentists stated it would be appropriate to restore enamel lesions, nine would wait until caries had reached the dentinoenamel junction, and four would wait until caries extended into the dentine. Although dentists stating an enamel restorative threshold intended definitely or probably to restore relatively more surfaces and recorded relatively more surfaces with dentinal caries, ANOVA analyses revealed that the differences among the restorative and the depth means according to the restorative thresholds were not significant. Considerable variation existed in both the restorative and depth decisions among the dentists in each threshold group. Conclusion : Although interesting trends occurred in the restorative and depth decisions relative to the stated thresholds, this study suggests, like others in Europe, that these thresholds cannot be taken at face value to explain restorative decisions  相似文献   
Objective : The question of whether dentists who most frequently identify tooth surfaces for definite restoration perceive dental caries as significantly deeper than other dentists is assessed. Methods : One group of 20 dentists independently examined 145 unrestored approximal tooth surfaces on 16 bitewing radiographs and recorded their restorative and depth decisions. Another group of 15 dentists similarly scored 304 unrestored surfaces on 30 bitewing radiographs. Each group of dentists was later divided into four subgroups according to the number of surfaces designated for definite restoration by each dentist. Results : As the number of tooth surfaces designated for definite restoration increased, mean caries depth (P<.05 for the high vs low subgroups) and the percent of dentinally carious surfaces increased, while the percent of surfaces assessed as sound decreased. Dentists with the lower numbers of surfaces designated for definite restoration came closest to the true histologic mean caries depth of the examined tooth surfaces. Conclusions : Dentists who designated high numbers of approximal tooth surfaces for definite restoration assessed caries as deeper than other dentists, and deeper than was proven histologically.  相似文献   
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