Background: A multidisciplinary effort was undertaken to determine whether patients could safely bypass the postanesthesia care unit (PACU) after same-day surgery by moving to an earlier time point evaluation of recovery criteria.
Methods: A prospective, outcomes research study with a baseline month, an intervention month, and a follow-up month was designed. Five surgical centers (three community-based hospitals and two freestanding ambulatory surgical centers) were utilized. Two thousand five hundred eight patients were involved in the baseline period, and 2,354 were involved in the follow-up period. Outcome measures included PACU bypass rates and adverse events. Intervention consisted of a multidisciplinary educational program and routine feedback reports.
Results: The overall PACU bypass rate (58%) was significantly different from baseline (15.9%, P < 0.001), for patients to whom a general anesthetic was administered (0.4-31.8%, P < 0.001), and for those given other anesthetic techniques (monitored anesthesia care, regional or local anesthetics; 29.1-84.2%, P < 0.001). During the follow-up period, the average (SD) recovery duration for patients who bypassed the PACU was significantly shorter compared to that for patients who did not bypass, 84.6 (61.5) versus 175.1 (98.8) min, P < 0.001, with no change in patient outcome. Patients receiving only short-acting anesthetics were 78% more likely (P < 0.002) to bypass the PACU after adjusting for various surgical procedures. 相似文献
A total of 178 patients with metastatic renal cell cancer were randomized to receive interferon alfa-2a (rIFN alfa-2a) or interferon alfa-2a+vinblastine (VLB). IFN alfa-2a was injected intramuscularly at a dose of 18 MIU 3 times a week and VLB was given intravenously at a dose of 0.1 mg/kg once every 3 weeks. The response rate was 11% for patients on monotherapy and 24% for those on combination treatment. The 5-year survival for 145 eligible patients was 9%, independently from the treatment arm. The performance status was significantly related to long-term prognosis, and 13% of the patients with performance status 0 were alive at 5 years, as compared to 6% and 0% for patients with a WHO grade of 1 and 2, respectively. The most frequent adverse events in both treatment arms were flu-like symptoms (95%), fatigue (70%) and gastrointestinal disturbances (68%). Leukopenia was observed more frequently with combination treatment (53%) than with IFN alfa-2a alone (30%). In conclusion, rIFN alfa-2a monotherapy at this dose and schedule has modest antitumor activity in metastatic renal cell cancer. The combination of rIFN alfa-2a+VLB results in a doubling of the response rate, but this does not translate into prolonged survival. Toxicity (except leukopenia) and tolerance were similar in both treatment arms. 相似文献
A bstract A rare case of congenital mitral insufficiency characterized by the hypoplasia of the posterior leaflet is reported. At operation, the mitral valve was successfully repaired by a ring annuloplasty, which created a satisfactory surface of coaptation between the anterior leaflet and the bulky posterior muscular structure. The presence of this posterior muscular structure represents a developmental arrest at the stage of conversion from muscular chordae and leaflets to thin connective structures. 相似文献
The non-invasive measurement of the extremely weak magnetic fields generated by heart and brain is motivated by the possibility of obtaining quantitative diagnostic information about electric function. Magnetic signals (MCG, MEG) are significantly less influenced by body tissue than the corresponding electric signals (ECG, EEG). Measurement of biomagnetic signals is performed by superconducting sensors, consisting of pickup coils and SQUIDs (superconducting quantum interference device) operating in liquid Helium. For clinical investigations a biomagnetic multi-channel system (KRENIKONR) has been designed. It uses a flat array of 37 magnetic field sensors and is operated inside a shielded room. Evaluation of biomagnetic signals by use of simple source and body models and in combination with anatomical data from 3D MR- or CT-images yields sequences of locations of electrical function with a spatial resolution of some millimeters and a time resolution better than one millisecond. More than three years of clinical studies have demonstrated the value of the method primarily in cases with localized functional pathologies. In cardiology this is pathologies of the cardiac conductive pathway, ectopies, and arrhythmias. Validation has been performed by catheter stimulation in volunteers, and by catheter mapping and nuclear medical methods in patients. Extension of modelling and evaluation to cases with distributed activity, e.g. ventricular excitation, is under investigation. 相似文献
28 patients with a fracture of the distal end of the radius were treated by a T-plate osteosynthesis through the volar approach. There were 7 unstable distal metaphyseal fractures and 21 dislocated intra-articular fractures. 21 patients were investigated 6 months to 8 years after operation according to the scheme of Sarmiento. 17 patients had a good or excellent result, 4 patients a fair or poor result. 2 patients developed a Sudeck's dystrophy (Algodystrophy), one of them with a radial-ulnar bone bridge. The volar application of the plate is indicated for flexion and extension fractures. In cases with compression of the dorsal cortex a bone graft is indicated to improve a stable osteosynthesis. A conventional tomography on two views helps to diagnose exactly an intra-articular fracture and to decide whether to use a plate or pins and external fixation after open reduction. Remanipulation or an operation 2 weeks after trauma increases the risk of a Sudeck's dystrophy and leads to a poor result. 相似文献
This study was devised to identify sepsis-relevant parameters that early and reliably predict a lethal outcome in intra-abdominal sepsis. In 18 Duroc pigs, peritonitis was induced through standardized gastrotomy. Twelve hours later the defect was oversewn and the abdominal cavity lavaged thoroughly. Sepsis relevant parameters were measured before initiating therapy, and 30 min later animals were extubated and observed for a period of 6 days under adequate analgesia with free access to water and food. All parameters were correlated with survival postoperatively. In the treatment group, 7 out of 18 pigs (39%) died within the observation period. Endotoxin level at 30 min after initiation of therapy [17.9 EU/mL (+/- 12.1) vs. 110.9 EU/mL (+/- 21); p <.001] and Delta pHi [0.015 (+/- 0.011) vs. -0.039 (+/- 0.013); p =.016] were identified as the two parameters with highest predictive power regarding mortality in a multivariate analysis. In conclusion measurement of endotoxin and gastric tonometry should gain wider clinical application in septic patients. 相似文献
Zusammenfassung. Mit dem Ziel, die Incidenz tiefer Venenthrombosen bei selektierten Patienten nach laparoskopischer Cholecystektomie und anderen
minimal-invasiven chirurgischen Eingriffen zu bestimmen, sowie die Sicherheit und Wirksamkeit eines niedermolekularen Heparinpr?parats
(NMH) in der postoperativen Thromboseprophylaxe zu belegen, wurde eine prospektive, randomisierte, kontrollierte klinische
Studie durchgeführt. Dabei wurden 718 Patienten nach Randomplan einer von 2 Prüfgruppen zugeordnet: Eine Gruppe erhielt physikalische
Ma?nahmen zur Thromboseprophylaxe, wie Kompressionsstrümpfe mit graduiertem Andruck (n = 359), die 2. Gruppe erhielt ebenfalls physikalische Ma?nahmen und zus?tzlich ein NMH (Reviparin-Natrium, Clivarin) s. c.
einmal t?glich (n = 359). Aus Sicherheitsgründen mit Hinblick auf die medikament?s unbehandelte Kontrollgruppe wurden Patienten mit 3 oder
mehr Risikofaktoren für eine ven?se Thromboembolie nicht in die Studie aufgenommen. Die Diagnostik tiefer Beinvenenthrombosen
erfolgte mittels Duplexscan. In dieser, eher künstlichen Niedrigrisikoselektion war die Gesamtincidenz thromboembolischer
Ereignisse überraschend gering: 5 Verdachtsf?lle einer Lungenembolie, von denen nur 1 Lungenembolie szintigraphisch verifiziert
werden konnte, sowie eine phlebographisch best?tigte Unterschenkelthrombose. Die Anwendung von Reviparin zur Prophylaxe ven?ser
Thromboembolien war sicher und anwenderfreundlich – die Incidenz postoperativer Blutungskomplikationen betrug nur 2,3 % in
der NMH-Gruppe und war somit sogar geringfügig niedriger als in der Kontrollgruppe (3,2 %). Die tats?chliche Incidenz tiefer
Venenthrombosen bei Patienten nach laparoskopischer Cholecystektomie bleibt jedoch nach wie vor unklar. Weitere klinische
Studien müssen in einem unselektierten Patientengut durchgeführt werden.
Sporozoites and free circumsporozoite (CS) protein were stained immunoenzymatically in 1-min saliva samples collected fromAnopheles stephensi mosquitoes infected with eitherPlasmodium berghei orP. falciparum. The number of sporozoites in 1-min saliva-streak samples significantly increased as the salivary gland index rose from 3+ to 4+. ForP. berghei-infected mosquitoes from which saliva had been collected before 30 days postfeed, the median sporozoite counts for 3+ and 4+ gland indexes were 4.5 and 116, respectively. ForP. falciparum-infected mosquitoes, the median counts obtained in two experiments were 4.5 and 14.5 (3+) and 97 and 107 (4+), respectively. The frequency of sporozoite detection in the saliva of mosquitoes containing <100 salivary-gland sporozoites was low (0.1), whereas that in the saliva of mosquitoes with >100 sporozoites was high (0.96). In highly infected 4+P. berghei-infected mosquitoes from which saliva had been collected after 30 days postinfection, both the volume of saliva collected and the median number of sporozoites recovered decreased significantly. 相似文献