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Successful efforts in improving breastfeeding initiation rates at an urban teaching hospital prompted the hospital to create a lactation consultant (LC) position in the outpatient setting to focus on breastfeeding duration. This article reviews the complexity of the clinic setting, with the challenges and benefits of the consultant's first year in one of the hospital's outpatient clinics. Preliminary data collected by the consultant suggest that patients counseled by the LC in the outpatient clinic setting have longer breastfeeding duration rates.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To compare infants' discomfort, nursing-time and caregiver preference, and assess the clinical efficiency (as a secondary outcome) of hood versus facemask nebulization in infants with evolving bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) in the neonatal intensive care unit. STUDY DESIGN: A prospective, open, randomized, controlled crossover clinical trial. In total, 10 infants with BPD who were on inhaled beta-agonist bronchodilators and corticosteroids were randomly assigned to receive their nebulized treatments either by a facemask, or by a hood for 2-3 days, and then crossover to receive the same treatments with the other technique for another 2-3 days. Infants' discomfort, nursing-time, caregiver preference and clinical efficiency were compared. RESULTS: At baseline there was no significant clinical difference between the groups. Nurse-time required for administering the hood nebulization (mean+/-s.e.m.: 1.9+/-0.1 min) was significantly shorter than the time for mask nebulization (12.0+/-0.6 min, P<0.0001). Infants' discomfort score was significantly lower (0.1+/-0.04) for hood versus mask nebulization (2.5+/-0.2, P<0.0001). Nurses and parents unequivocally preferred the hood treatment. During both mask and hood nebulization therapies (2-3 days) clinical efficiency was comparable. While both methods caused an immediate (20 min post) clinical improvement, the immediate respiratory assessment change score was significantly greater for the hood versus the mask nebulization (0.62+/-0.27 versus 0.13+/-0.14, P<0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Nebulization of aerosolized medications in infants with evolving BPD by hood was less time-consuming for caregivers and was much better tolerated by the infants while being at least as effective as the conventional facemask nebulization.  相似文献   
Malignant tumors of the bones   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The value of ultrasound in the diagnosis of a large rapidly growing thyroid mass was assessed in a study of 42 patients with a large (> 3 cm) rapidly growing (< two months) solitary mass. Haemorrhage into a thyroid nodule was present in 31 patients and thyroid malignancy in 11. Ultrasound of haemorrhage into a thyroid nodule revealed a large cystic mass in all 31 patients containing internal debris (22), septations (three), or a combination of both (six). The malignant causes of a large rapidly growing mass were lymphoma (two), anaplastic carcinoma (four) and metastasis (five). Ultrasound of these thyroid malignancies revealed a mass with a smooth, well-defined margin and strikingly low homogeneous echogenicity in all cases. Patients with thyroid metastases had evidence of widespread metastatic disease elsewhere. Lymphoma was differentiated from anaplastic carcinoma on fine-needle aspiration cytology or surgical biopsy. Ultrasound was of value in differentiating between a benign haemorrhagic nodule and a malignant tumour. The various malignant tumours had similar appearances, however, and could not be distinguished on ultrasound.  相似文献   
Summary GM1- and GM2-gangliosides were isolated from brain and radio-labelled. The labelled moieties were localized by hydrolysis with lysosomal enzymes, followed by thin-layer chromatography of the products. High-resolution loading tests with labelled gangliosides were developed and found to differentiate infantile and juvenile forms of GM1- and GM2-gangliosidoses as well as the identification of B, O and AB types of GM2-gangliosidosis.  相似文献   
Adverse ocular effects associated with niacin therapy.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
In a retrospective survey of patients taking medication for hyperlipidaemia, those taking niacin (nicotinic acid) were more likely (p < 0.05) to report sicca syndromes, blurred vision, eyelid oedema, and macular oedema compared with those who never took niacin. Additionally, 7% of those taking niacin discontinued the drug owing to adverse ocular side effects, while none of the other lipid lowering agents were found to cause these side effects (p = 0.016). Data from spontaneous reporting systems support a possible association of decreased vision, cystoid macular oedema, sicca-like symptoms, discoloration of the eyelids with or without periorbital or eyelid oedema, proptosis, loss of eyebrow or eyelashes, and superficial punctate keratitis with the use of niacin in high doses. Decreased vision may be marked, and if the drug is not discontinued, may progress to cystoid macular oedema. All ocular side effects listed above are reversible if the association with niacin is recognised and the drug is discontinued; both the incidence and severity of the ocular side effects seem to be dose dependent.  相似文献   
A case illustrating the potentially fatal complication of endogenous Gram Negative Aerobic Bacillus (GNAB) septicaemia secondary to nosocomial pneumonia is presented along with current theories as to its aetiology. The technique of selective decontamination of the digestive tract is designed and advocated to prevent such occurrences; oral and maxillofacial surgeons should be aware of this approach. It may be, however, that by using much simpler manoeuvres such as changes in policy regarding gastric stress ulcer prophylaxis, the already small risk of such an occurrence will be further reduced. Awareness of this condition will allow a higher index of suspicion when presented with catastrophic septic complications on the ITU and aid in more rational planning of antimicrobial therapy.  相似文献   
The anticarcinogenic action of the garlic constituent diallyl sulfide (DAS), was examined in the hamster buccal pouch and forestomach. Groups of hamsters were topically treated, for up to 14 weeks, with a 0.5% solution of the buccal pouch and forestomach carcinogen 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene (DMBA). Prior to, during and after DMBA treatment, groups of hamsters were also treated, on alternate days, with a 1% solution of DAS. In addition to tumor formation, the induction of gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (gamma GT) buccal pouch epithelial lesions served as an additional presumptive index of in vivo carcinogenesis/anticarcinogenesis. DAS resulted in a significant reduction in buccal pouch tumor frequency, buccal pouch tumor burden, buccal pouch gamma GT lesion frequency and forestomach tumor frequency. In a separate experiment, DAS also reduced the level of autoradiographically quantified unscheduled DNA repair synthesis (UDS) in pieces of hamster buccal pouch concurrently exposed in vitro to the potent buccal pouch carcinogen N-methyl-N-benzylnitrosamine (MBN). This study demonstrates that DAS is an effective anticarcinogenic agent in squamous mucosa of the hamster and suggests novel cost-effective strategies for the rapid identification of tissue-specific anticarcinogens and a quantitative assessment of their efficacy.  相似文献   
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