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We report a case of a primary gastric Burkitt's lymphoma in a 8-year-old child, which first symptoms were abdominal pain, dysphagia, melena and a constitutional syndrome. The differential characteristics of this case are its peculiar gastric infiltration and the existence of oesophageal extension, which is very infrequent among this kind of tumors.  相似文献   
We study 40 patients, 55 +/- 7 years old with acute myocardial infarction treated early by thrombolytic therapy (20 STK and 20 rt-PA). All patients were angiographically studied in the following conditions: 1) baseline, before initiating therapy. 2) Three hours after treatment. 3) Twenty four hours later. 4) Before discharge. The infarct related artery was patent 24 hours after treatment in 31 patients (78%); five of them were patent before treatment, and we observed an early reperfusion in 20 patients (57%) and late reperfusion in 6 patients (17%). The number of patients with angiographic evidence of intraluminal thrombus decreased progressively through conditions while the grade TIMI of coronary perfusion increased in the absence of reocclusion. Final regional wall motion of infarct related myocardial zones and their degree of recovery were significantly higher in recanalized patients, as compared with non-reperfused patients. Similarly, left ventricular functional recovery was higher in patients with antegrade of collateral flow to the infarct area, as compared with totally occluded patients.  相似文献   
PURPOSE: The development of overall survival of a DOSAK (German-Austrian-Swiss Cooperative Group on tumours of the maxillofacial region) clinic's overall population comprising a time period of more than 20 years (1983-2004) should be assessed. At a cutoff date (January 1st, 1997), a change from a primarily surgically based to a consequent multi-modality treatment regimen was implemented. The periods of time before and after that change should be compared. METHODS AND PATIENTS: The data of the DOSAK registry entries on 1038 patients suffering from primary untreated oral and oropharyngeal carcinomas were updated with respect to follow-up and mortality data to achieve a 100% quality of follow-up. The end point (death) was reached in 67% of the overall population. Statistical analysis was carried out by the Trium Analysis Online corporation, Munich. RESULTS: The portion of female and older tumor patients increased, more than half of all tumor patients were clearly in stage IV of the disease at first referral. The portion of patients operated on persisted approximately (80%), the portion of additional treatment modalities could be increased considerably. The fact of a bony infiltration by the tumor and the operability remained highly significantly relevant for survival in multivariate analysis, despite of multi-modality treatment. The survival rate of the patients remained significantly dependent on the clinical stage of the disease in multivariate analysis but could be improved by 10% in the clinical stages II and III and in the patients who could not be operated on. All in all, the cutoff date was statistically relevant for survival in multivariate analysis, i.[Symbol: see text]e. the change in the treatment regimen had a verifiable positive effect on the survival of a unicentric overall population. CONCLUSION: Survival improvement in an overall population via change in treatment strategy is possible in relatively short time; the clinical stages II and III and the non-operable patients have the greatest benefit from a multi-modality treatment.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Although several immunological abnormalities may be present in pigeon hypersensitivity pneumonitis (HP), few specific hallmarks have been described. OBJECTIVE: To determine whether the presence of rheumatoid factor (RF) could be useful to discriminate pigeon HP from asymptomatic breeders (AB) and other interstitial lung diseases. METHODS: Fifty-three patients with pigeon HP, 47 AB, 31 idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) patients and a rheumatoid arthritis (RA) group were studied. IgM RF was determined through enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and western blot using human IgG and IgG Fc fragment as antigens. IgG and IgA anti-avian antibodies (AA) against pigeon serum antigen were also measured. The use of F(ab')2 fraction of peroxidase-labelled anti-human immunoglobulins prevented endogenous interferences. Possible cross-binding of RF with avian antigens and the reactivity against human IgG by AA were studied. RESULTS: RF tests were frequently positive in HP (52.8%) in comparison to AB (4.2%) and IPF (12.9%; P = 2.6 x 10-10 and 4.1 x 10-5). Therefore, the presence of RF in pigeon HP showed a sensitivity of 52% and was highly specific considering the results of AB and IPF (95 and 87%, respectively). The RA group revealed positive RF but negative AA tests. RF activity was confirmed through western blot using purified IgG Fc fragment. Overlapping levels of IgG and IgA AA were found in HP and AB. The frequency of AA was low in IPF. The cross-reaction of RF with avian antigens was excluded, and no reactivity against human IgG by AA was detected. Other endogenous interferences were ruled out. CONCLUSION: No single immunological test may definitively distinguish pigeon HP from AB and other interstitial lung disorders; however, positive RF, together with high AA levels, seems to be useful in differentiating the diagnosis.  相似文献   
Cast syndrome     
The term cast syndrome is used to denote duodenal obstruction occurring after application of a corrective plaster cast to patients with scoliosis. We report a classical case in a 14-year-old female who required surgical intervention after conservative treatment failed. Six months later the patient had no further gastrointestinal symptoms. Clinical, radiological, and pathological details as well as the surgical treatment are described and discussed. Offprint requests to: M. E. Martín Hortigüela  相似文献   
The purpose was to investigate experienced loneliness among the elderly. The material included 1725 people, aged 75 and over. The study describes relationships between loneliness, social network, cognitive function and health. Thirty-five per cent experienced loneliness, and a higher percentage was found among women. A gradual increase in loneliness was found up to the age of 90, after which a levelling was found. Elderly persons living together with a partner experienced less loneliness. There were no significant differences between those with and without children. Ten per cent reported not having any friends and, of these, one out of two experienced loneliness. A high frequency of experienced loneliness was found among elderly people with reduced cognitive function. Subjectively experienced bad health and loneliness were strongly related to each other, i.e. a person who experienced loneliness did usually not feel completely healthy.  相似文献   
The synthesis and irreversible alpha-blocking activity in the rat vas deferens of a series of tetra- and diamine disulfides 2-38, structural analogues of benextramine (BHC), are described. All compounds containing a central cystamine moiety displayed an irreversible alpha-adrenergic blockade at concentrations ranging from 10(-4) to 6 X 10(-6)M. Potency was increased in cystamines N,N'-disubstituted with 6-aminohexyl groups, especially when the outer nitrogen atoms bear arylalkyl substituents or are enclosed in a ring. However, N,N,N',N'-tetrasubstituted cystamines were poor blockers. Structural specificity in the outer portion of the tetramine disulfide is low, since many types of substituents gave rise to potent alpha-blockers. Even replacement of the outer amines with nonbasic ethers or amides was observed to maintain irreversible alpha-blockade.  相似文献   
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