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J Thachil  J R Zeller  M S Kochar 《Chest》1987,92(5):943-944
An elderly, mildly demented, hypertensive male patient developed hypersomnolence on administration of propranolol for treatment of hypertension; no other cause for hypersomnolence was detected. Upon replacement of propranolol with atenolol, he felt better but continued to be quite somnolent. When atenolol was discontinued, he reported to have lack of sleep. On readministration of subtherapeutic doses of the same beta-adrenergic blocking agents, he once again experienced excessive sleepiness. By discontinuing beta-blocking agents and introducing captopril, he felt much better, became pleasant and talkative, and blood pressure was well controlled. Beta antagonists are important drugs in the management of many cardiovascular problems. Propranolol, a lipophilic beta-blocking agent, and atenolol, a hydrophilic beta-blocking agent, are two of the major agents currently used clinically in the United States. Numerous neuropsychiatric side-effects of the beta-adrenergic blocking drugs have been reported, but hypersomnolence is not readily recognized as one of them.  相似文献   
Clinical Oral Investigations - The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic has created hitherto unknown challenges for healthcare systems and patient care. This study...  相似文献   
PURPOSE: To report the outcome of a prospective randomized safety and performance trial of 2 access site closure devices versus a wound dressing. METHODS: Between October 2005 and July 2006, 852 consecutive patients (605 men; mean age 67 years) undergoing diagnostic or interventional catheterization procedures thru a 5- or 6-F femoral sheath were randomized to one of the 3 closure methods: a collagen plug device (Angio-Seal), a clip (StarClose), or a wound dressing (D-Stat Dry). The efficacy of the devices was assessed, as well as the complications occurring at the puncture site during the hospital stay. The primary endpoint of the study was the cumulative incidence of access site pseudoaneurysm, major access site bleeding requiring transfusion, access site vascular surgery, or death from all causes. RESULTS: There were no significant differences in baseline characteristics between the 3 treatment groups. The primary endpoint was reached in 20 (7.1%) of 281 patients treated with D-Stat Dry and in 11 (1.9%) of 571 patients treated with the mechanical closure devices (p<0.0001). There was no significant difference among the mechanical closure devices concerning the incidence of the primary endpoint (Angio-Seal 1.1% versus StarClose 2.8%; p = 0.13). CONCLUSION: The collagen plug device had the lowest rates of major and minor access site-related complications after removal of 5- or 6-F femoral sheaths. The difference between the mechanical closure devices concerning the incidence of the primary endpoint did not reach statistical significance. The wound dressing showed significantly higher major and minor complication rates.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the role of vitamin C tissue content as a protective agent during myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury, we have evaluated the postischemic functional recovery and free radical release of osteogenic disorder Shionogi (ODS) inherently scorbutic rat hearts and compared them to healthy Wistar rat hearts. METHODS: Isolated perfused hearts of ODS or Wistar rats underwent 30 min of a global total normothermic ischemia followed by 30 min of reperfusion. The lipid-soluble spin trap alpha-phenyl N-tert-butylnitrone (3 mM) was perfused upstream of the coronary bed. Functional parameters were recorded and samples of coronary effluents were analysed using electron spin resonance spectroscopy to characterise and quantify the amount of radical species released. RESULTS: From the onset of reperfusion, a large and long-lasting release of alkyl/alkoxyl radicals was detected, with a peak value of 29.0+/-3.2 nM obtained after 13 min, which was associated with a persistent contractile dysfunction. However, ODS rat hearts showed a higher myocardial recovery with lower left ventricular end diastolic pressure (44.34+/-1.74 vs. 55.03+/-1.57 mmHg for Wistar), higher recovery of rate pressure product (12.3+/-1.4 vs. 1.9+/-1.7x10(3) mmHg beats/min for Wistar) and shorter duration of contractile abnormalities during reperfusion (3.7+/-1.0 vs. 20.8+/-5.3 min for Wistar). Moreover, free radical release was identical in ODS rat hearts as compared to control Wistar rats. Ascorbic acid tissue content was significantly altered in ODS rats (31.9+/-3.3 vs. 591.0+/-54.9 mmol/g of tissue for Wistar) but superoxide dismutases, glutathion peroxidases and inducible heat shock protein 70 genes were up-regulated. CONCLUSIONS: This study shows that ascorbic-acid-deficient ODS rat hearts are more resistant to an ischemic insult than control Wistar rats, probably through the development of alternative protective defences, like the induction of heat shock proteins. These paradoxical results raise the question of the relative importance of each endogenous antioxidant in the cardiac resistance to ischemia-reperfusion injury.  相似文献   
The aims of this study were to evaluate new tools of risk stratification in an unselected population of myocardial infarction (MI), usable in a pre-hospital situation, and to compare the risk profile of these patients with those of other clinical trials or myocardial infarction registries. The risk scores of death at 30 days (TIMI score and TIMI risk index) based on data available in the context of coronary emergencies, were applied to the population base of the MI observatory of myocardial infarction in the C?te d'Or (RICO). The risk profile was expressed by the smoothed graph of frequency distribution of each score. The TIMI score applied to the RICO population had a high discriminating power (c = 0.80) for mortality whereas TIMI risk index was less powerful (c = 0.57). The risk profile of the RICO population was comparable to that of InTIME II, ASSENT 2 and the NRMI with reperfusion registry. The NRMI without reperfusion and the MAGIC studies had different profiles characterised by a shift in the graph towards high risk patients. The authors conclude that risk stratification scores, like the TIMI score, are valuable tools for early triage in the management of MI patients. The risk profiles allow comparative analysis of risk levels of populations notably with respect to other registries and also with respect to randomised clinical trials.  相似文献   
Whole blood glucose testing by reagent sticks is inaccurate at low plasma glucose concentrations and with varying hemalocrit. Both conditions are frequently seen in newborn infants. Therefore plasma glucose analysis is the preferred method for newborn glucose monitoring. We encountered unanticipated difficulties in plasma glucose measurement by the automated hexokinase method caused by the combinations of plasma free hemoglobin, bilirubin, and plasma triglycerides, which are frequently elevated in newborn plasma. We determined the adverse effects of various combinations of these interfering substances on glucose analysis by the hexokinase method and demonstrated that accurate analysis is possible by a 1:1 plasma dilution only at high plasma glucose levels but not at the more critical low plasma glucose concentration. The dilution reduced the number of repeat specimen required in newborns. But 1:1 plasma dilution overestimated the glucose levels at low plasma glucose values, and therefore this automated hexokinase method is not suitable for glucose analysis in the newborn. Glucose-oxidase remains the method of choice for plasma glucose analysis in neonates. This information is important because using this hexokinase methodology, one might miss hypoglycemia in the newborn. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
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