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A simplified technique of the liver transplantation under hypothermia has been studied in dog. An immersion hypothermia was used in both the donor and the recipient. The temperature of the graft at excision was lowered to 20 degrees C with supplemental use of topical cooling. The temperature of the recipient was lowered at 27 degrees C when the transplantation was attempted. Chlorpromazine and dopamine were employed beneficially in hypothermia. No perfusion or irrigation of the graft was performed. The use of heparin was avoided. Anastomoses were carried out in turn of the proximal vena cava, portal vein, distal vena cava and the hepatic artery with a stem shaped aorta. Reperfusion was established after the completion of anastomosis between the proximal vena cava and portal vein. The anhepatic phase of the recipient was uneventfully lasted without heparinization. All dogs, 5 out of 11 without early surgical troubles survived more than 5 days. Immunosuppressive therapy was not employed except one which died of pneumonia on the 19th postoperative day. Histologically, these dogs were free from ischemic injury and/or thrombotic lesion throughout transplantation procedure.  相似文献   
1. Effects of potassium (K) supplementation (100 mEq/day) on urinary sodium (Na) excretion and on the secretion of atrial natriuretic polypeptide (ANP) during salt loading (350 mEq/day) were studied in 12 healthy salt-resistant normotensives under strictly controlled metabolic ward conditions. 2. Urinary volume and Na excretion on the first day of the high salt period (HSP) were significantly greater in the K-supplemented group (KG) than in the control group (CG). 3. There was a significant gain in bodyweight after salt loading in both groups, with a significantly greater gain in CG on the second day of HSP. Haematocrit decreased significantly during salt loading in both groups, the degree of which was significantly greater in CG. 4. Plasma norepinephrine decreased significantly during salt loading in both groups, the degree of which was significantly less in KG than in CG. A significant increase in plasma ANP was observed in CG on and after the second day of HSP, while a significant increase in plasma ANP was observed on the fifth day of HSP in KG. 5. These findings indicate that K supplementation accelerates diuresis and natriuresis, resulting in moderate suppression of volume expansion induced by salt loading and that this accelerated diuresis and natriuresis is not a result of the action of ANP.  相似文献   
We investigated the relationship between esophageal varices and the collaterals by endoscopy and endoscopic ultrasound (20 MHz ultrasonic miniprobe; UMP). Moreover, we investigated the correlation between the collaterals around the esophagus and recurrence of esophageal varices in patients with portal hypertension who had undergone EIS. The collaterals were divided into two groups: peri‐esophageal collateral veins (peri‐ECVs) and para‐esophageal collateral veins (para‐ECVs). These were scored as mild or severe according to the stage of development. According to endoscopy, the varix form was significantly larger in severe the peri‐ECVs group than in mild the peri‐ECVs group. The prevalence of perforating veins increased according to the varix form. With regard to variceal recurrence, in patients with variceal recurrences, UMP findings included a significantly higher incidence of severe peri‐ECVs, a significantly larger diameter of perforating veins compared with patients without recurrence. In conclusion, the presence of severe peri‐ECVs and large perforating veins in the esophageal wall strongly correlates with occurrence and recurrence of esophageal varices in patients with portal hypertension. An understanding of these UMP abnormalities on the basis of hemodynamics around the esophagus is thought to be important for management of esophageal varices in patients with portal hypertension.  相似文献   
A 66-year-old woman time of 10 days. One month after radicalmastectomy, there was local recurrence, followed by multiplepulmonary metastases, and the patient died of respiratory failure5 months after surgery. The gray-white-colored tumor measured13x12x;10 cm, and its border was well defined. The tumor wascomposed of diffusely growing round or polygonal cells withvesicular nuclei, prominent nucleoli, and ample cytoplasm containingeosinophilic inclusions. Lymph node involvement was widespread.Both vimentin and keratin were clearly demonstrated by immunohistochemicalstaining. Ultrastructural studies revealed that the MRT cellscontained cytoplasmic whorls of intermediate filaments.  相似文献   
Liver transplantation, which serves as treatment of familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy (FAP), and domino liver transplantation, which utilizes resected livers from patients with FAP for treatment of liver diseases, may induce changes in transthyretin (TTR), a pathogenic FAP-related protein. To evaluate this possibility, we performed a 70% hepatectomy or administered tacrolimus to Dark Agouti (DA) rats for 7 days and then measured changes in liver TTR mRNA levels and changes in serum TTR concentrations. After hepatectomy, TTR mRNA levels decreased by 77%; at day 3, they returned to preoperative levels. Except for slightly elevated serum TTR concentrations 12 h after operation, serum TTR levels remained unchanged. Thus, partial hepatectomy did not influence serum TTR concentrations. After tacrolimus administration, TTR mRNA declined by 56% 12 h after the experiment started; however, after day 3, a rebound phenomenon occurred until day 7. Tacrolimus may facilitate serum TTR degradation, although production of TTR in the liver also increased. This finding -- that TTR, the source of FAP-inducing amyloid, did not increase after transplantation -- may help post-transplantation treatment of patients who have FAP and other liver diseases.  相似文献   
Langerhans cell histiocytosis is currently regarded as a reactive proliferative process of Langerhans cells rather than a malignancy. The disease is characterized by Langerhans cell infiltration of skin, lung, bone and other organs. We report a 74-year-old man with Langerhans cell histiocytosis who had generalized hemorrhagic and crusted papules. He also had diabetes insipidus. Because he did not have any severe constitutional symptoms or failure of vital organs, we applied topical PUVA treatment to his skin lesions, which responded well to the therapy. Diabetes insipidus, however, remained, in spite of X ray radiotherapy for the pituiary lesion.  相似文献   
There have only been a few studies of chemo-endocrine therapy compared with endocrine therapy alone in newly diagnosed prostate cancer patients. We assessed the effects of these two therapies by comparing long-term survival rates. One hundred and twenty-nine patients were entered in this study between November 1977 and March 1992. Seventy-seven patients were treated with endocrine therapy alone. Other 52 patients received chemo-endocrine therapy, which included orchiectomy and/or diethylstilbestrol diphosphate (DES-DP) plus Cisplatin, with or without other cytotoxic agents. All patients had bone metastasis at the beginning of the study. There was a significant difference in survival between patients who received endocrine therapy and chemo-endocrine therapy (P = 0.0078). That is, survival rate was superior for the chemoendocrine therapy patients throughout the entire follow-up period. These data suggest that early chemo-endocrine therapy containing Cisplatin, with or without maintenance chemotherapy, is a potentially effective treatment for newly diagnosed metastatic prostate cancer and is worth further investigation via a randomized trial.  相似文献   
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