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In this study we analyzed by immunohistochemistry the expression of TGF-beta1 protein and TGF-beta receptors I and II in 4 low-grade dysplastic nodules, 2 high-grade dysplastic nodules, 6 early, 22 small, and 62 advanced hepatocellular carcinomas. The expression of TGF-beta1 protein by hepatocytes was decreased in advanced hepatocellular carcinoma compared with small or early hepatocellular carcinoma(P < .05). Frequent and intense staining of TGF-beta1 protein was noted in the sinusoidal endothelium of advanced hepatocellular carcinomas despite of its decreased staining in hepatocellular carcinoma cells. Reduced expression of TGF-beta receptors I and II compared with surrounding nontumorous tissue were noted from the early hepatocellular carcinoma stage suggesting that down-regulation of TGF-beta receptors is correlated with progression from premalignant to malignant phenotype. Reduced expression of both TGF-beta1 and TGF-beta receptor II in neoplastic hepatocytes were also significantly correlated with increased tumor size and increased proliferative activity(P < .05). These findings suggest that during hepatocarcinogenesis, the inhibitory effects of TGF-beta1 protein on hepatocellular carcinoma cells is outweighed by its effects on stromal elements, which, overall, contributes indirectly to a tumor growth stimulatory environment. Also, the growth-inhibitory effects of TGF-beta1 may have been further negated by reduced TGF-beta receptors on hepatocellular carcinoma cells.  相似文献   
A modified SiO2 was prepared by reacting SiO2 with Cl2Si(CH3)2 in toluene, on which methylaluminoxane (MAO) was supported to obtain a catalyst precursor. The mixture of the precursor and Cp2ZrCl2 (Cp: cyclopentadienyl) gave polyethylene in a high yield even by using common trialkylaluminiums as cocatalyst. Surprisingly, the MAO-free catalyst system composed of the modified SiO2 and Cp2ZrCl2 was also found to be activated by common trialkylaluminiums.  相似文献   
Human nm23 has been implicated in suppression of metastasis in various cancers, but the underlying mechanism of such activity has not been fully understood. Using Drosophila tracheal system as a genetic model, we examined the function of the Drosophila homolog of nm23, the awd gene, in cell migration. We show that loss of Drosophila awd results in dysregulated tracheal cell motility. This phenotype can be suppressed by reducing the dosage of the chemotactic FGF receptor (FGFR) homolog, breathless (btl), indicating that btl and awd are functionally antagonists. In addition, mutants of shi/dynamin show similar tracheal phenotypes as in awd and exacerbate those in awd mutant, suggesting defects in vesicle-mediated turnover of FGFR in the awd mutant. Consistent with this, Btl-GFP chimera expressed from a cognate btl promoter-driven system accumulate at high levels on tracheal cell membrane of awd mutants as well as in awd RNA duplex-treated cultured cells. Thus, we propose that awd regulates tracheal cell motility by modulating the FGFR levels, through a dynamin-mediated pathway.  相似文献   
Malignant rhabdoid tumor is a distinct renal tumor in children. It had been regarded as a rhabdomyosarcomatoid variant of Wilms' tumor, but it is now thought as a separate entity. We report a case of malignant rhabdoid tumor of the kidney in a 26-month-old girl who presented with a left abdominal mass. Grossly, a large mass in the lower pole of the left kidney was well encapsulated and measured 4 x 4 x 3.5cm. On cross section, it was soft and yellowish white and showed multifocal necroses. The mass was mainly located in the medial medullary portion and compressed the renal pelvis laterally. Microscopically, the tumor masses were hypercellular and anaplastic without definite blastematous elements. In larger portion, the tumor cells had abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm and hyaline globules. In addition to the classic "rhabdoid" feature, alveolar, sclerosing, and lymphomatous patterns were seen. Ultrastructurally, tumor cells with abundant cytoplasm contained tangles of intermediate filament corresponding to vimentin in immunostaining.  相似文献   
Extracellular hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) has been implicated in the activation of phospholipase D (PLD). However, it was still unclear how this activation occurs and what the molecular identity of the H2O2-stimulated PLD isozyme is. This study shows that H2O2 potently increases the PLD activity in mouse lymphocytic leukemic L1210 cells, which contain exclusively PLD2. In addition, H2O2 increased PLD activity only in PLD2-transfected COS-7 cells and not in PLD1-transfected cells. This suggests that PLD2 is selectively activated by H2O2. Depletion of extracellular Ca2+ with EGTA completely blocked the H2O2-induced PLD activation, indicating that Ca2+ influx is required. Moreover, pretreatment of the cells with the protein kinase C (PKC) inhibitors GF-109203X and RO-31-8220 and down-regulation of PKCalpha by prolonged treatment with 4beta-phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate inhibited the H2O2-stimulated PLD2 activity, which points to the involvement of PKCalpha. Based on these new findings we suggest that PLD2 activity is specifically up-regulated by H2O2 and that the H2O2-induced PLD2 activation is mediated by Ca2+ influx and PKCalpha activation.  相似文献   
Recent studies have suggested that the "pressor effect" of acellular Hb is a consequence of perturbation of the macro-and microcirculatory system in multiple ways, and that PEGylation is an effective approach for controlling the same. In an attempt to confirm this concept, a new and simple thiolation mediated, maleimide chemistry-based conservative PEGylation protocol has been developed to conjugate multiple copies of PEG-chains to Hb. This approach combines the high reactivity of maleimides towards thiols with the propensity of iminothiolane to derivatize the epsilon-amino groups of proteins into reactive thiol groups, with conservation of their positive charge. One of the PEGylated products, namely (SP-PEG5K)6-HbA, that carries on an average six copies of PEG5000 chains per Hb, is non-hypertensive in hamster top load and in rat 50% exchange transfusion models. This hexa-PEGylated-Hb has (i) a hydrodynamic volume corresponding to that of an oligomerized Hb of 256kDa, (ii) a molecular radius of approximately 6.8 nm, (iii) high oxygen affinity, (iv) lowered Bohr effect, and (v) increased viscosity and colloidal osmotic pressure. These properties of (SP-PEG5K)6-HbA are consistent with the emerging new paradigms for the design of Hb based oxygen carriers and confirm the concept that the "pressor effect" of Hb is a multifactorial event. The thiolation mediated maleimide chemistry-based PEGylation protocol described here for the generation of (SP-PEG5K)6-Hb is simple, highly efficient, and is carried out under oxy conditions. The results demonstrate that a non-hypertensive PEG-Hb can be generated by conjugation of a lower number of PEG chains than previously reported.  相似文献   
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