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In 1986, an outbreak of Moraxella follicular conjunctivitis occurred in girls attending a Navajo boarding school in New Mexico. We diagnosed 19 cases of culture-proven, and 21 of clinical conjunctivitis based on isolation of Moraxella from conjunctival cultures and the occurrence of symptoms significantly associated with positive culture. Sharing eye makeup was significantly associated with Moraxella-positive conjunctivitis (odds ratio [OR] = 7.2, P = .004) and showed a trend toward significance in those with clinical conjunctivitis (OR = 2.9, P = .09). Eyeliner and eye shadow were implicated (OR = 4.1, P less than .05). We cultured samples of 13 students' makeup; one third of the eyeliners were positive for Moraxella. Nasal carriage of Moraxella was found in 35 (44%) of the 79 female boarders and in 20 (21%) of 97 Navajo patients at two nearby clinics. In a prospective evaluation of the effect of patient education and rifampin therapy on the occurrence of conjunctivitis during an 11-month follow-up period, both types of intervention were successful in significantly reducing the rate of conjunctivitis when compared with that in a control group.  相似文献   
The objective of this study was to assess the use of saline microbubbles as a sonographic contrast medium in monitoring abscess drainage. Seven abscesses were localized and drained with sonographic guidance. Four were in the brain and three were small abscesses in the liver, the subhepatic region, and the pancreas. After aspiration of the purulent material, irrigation with saline produced a highly echogenic sonographic pattern that was free of artifacts and distinctly different from the abscess contents and capsule, and the surrounding parenchyma. In one case, previously unsuspected loculation was detected, requiring repositioning of the needle for complete drainage. All abscesses were resolved and no untoward effects, such as sepsis, were encountered. In one additional patient, microbubble sonographic evaluation was used to monitor the progress of an abscess in which a percutaneous catheter was placed. Saline microbubbles may be used as a sonographic contrast medium to monitor sonography-assisted abscess drainage.  相似文献   


It has been observed that ras-transformed cell lines in culture have a higher phosphatidylcholine (PC) biosynthesis rate as well as higher PC-degradation rate (increased PC-turnover) than normal cells. In correspondence to these findings, the concentrations of the PC-degradation product lyso-phosphatidylcholine (LPC) in cancer patients were found to be decreased. Our objective was the systematic investigation of the relationship between LPC and inflammatory and nutritional parameters in cancer patients. Therefore, plasma LPC concentrations were assessed in 59 cancer patients and related to nutritional and inflammatory parameters. To determine LPC in blood plasma we developed and validated a HPTLC method.  相似文献   
Elderly persons are apt to receive multiple drugs for many diseases. Prescribers should take extra care in persons aged over 65-70 years, and especially the very old. The main problem of the elderly is the unpredictability of their response to drugs. Self-medication with both prescribed and over-the-counter drugs worsens this problem. Drug actions may be altered by impairment of the liver, kidneys and brain, or acute illness, or both. Unwanted (adverse) drug reactions often produce rapid and unduly severe illness in the old. Some antibacterial antibiotics like the sulphonamides are best avoided. Taking many drugs together promotes adverse interactions between the drugs. Drugs with a narrow therapeutic ratio, such as warfarin, digoxin, the aminoglycosides, and many antiarrhythmic drugs, cause clinical problems. Old persons respond more abruptly to drugs like benzodiazepines, opioid analgesics, and antiparkinsonian drugs. Anaesthesia given on top of psychotropic drugs may damage the central nervous system. The elderly brain is more sensitive to induction agents and short-acting intravenous anaesthetics, like alfentanil and midazolam; the elderly liver is more easily damaged by inhalational anaesthetics like halothane. The overall benefit:risk ratio should be judged for every drug in each patient. Wherever possible, drug treatment should be avoided. If drugs are given, safe drugs with broad therapeutic ratios and tissue- or receptor-specific actions are preferable. Drug doses are usually, but not always, reduced. Benefit from a drug should be assessed early. Severe unpredictable adverse reactions need immediate cessation of the drug and prompt patient support. The practitioner should frequently review the patient's continuing need for drugs.  相似文献   
A patient with a 12 hour history of headache, breathlessness and hypotension developed acute renal failure necessitating haemodialysis for 12 days. During recovery she developed hypertension, tachycardia and facial flushing. Investigations revealed a right adrenal phaeochromocytoma. Whilst postural hypotension is common in phaeochromocytoma, profound shock with acute renal failure is rare. This may have been precipitated by concomitant drug therapy, myocardial necrosis or by necrosis within the tumour.  相似文献   
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