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This paper describes a method by which antianginal drugs can be evaluated in the dog heart in situ. Myocardial pH was measured continuously by a micro glass pH electrode inserted in the left ventricular endocardial layers of the dog anesthetized with pentobarbital. Occlusion of the left anterior descending coronary artery (LAD) decreased myocardial pH, and release of the LAD restored the pH. The myocardial acidosis induced by ischemia was metabolic in nature and accompanied by a decrease in the levels of adenosine triphosphate and creatine phosphate and an increase in the levels of lactate in the myocardium. Drugs were injected intravenously 30 min after incomplete (partial) occlusion ot the LAD, lasting until 60 min after drug injection. Propranolol, atenolol, and sotalol markedly attenuated the myocardial pH that had been decreased by LAD occlusion. Nitroglycerin, diltiazem, and nicorandil also attenuated the pH, but these drugs were less active in attenuating myocardial acidosis. Dipyridamole, nifedipine, and beta-2 adrenoceptor antagonists were least active in this regard. It is concluded that myocardial pH can be used as an indicator of myocardial regional ischemia and utilized for evaluation of antianginal drugs.  相似文献   
Intracranial pathology is a common and important complication in extremely low birth weight babies. Lenticulostriate vasculopathy (LSV) is an abnormal finding on cranial ultrasounds of sick babies and has been associated with congenital infection, chromosomal aberration and twin-to-twin transfusion. We describe a previously unreported situation of LSV being detected in both donor and recipient twin. This pair of monochorionic, diamniotic twins was admitted to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at 28 weeks of gestation. The mother underwent an emergency caesarean section because ultrasound and Doppler studies showed stage III twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome. The first twin weighed 998 g and second twin weighed 600 g. The first twin had an uneventful stay, whereas the second twin needed prolonged continuous positive airway pressure and indomethacin for patent ductus arteriosus. Both of them developed LSV. The clinical significance of this condition on the neuro-developmental outcome of a neonate has not yet been fully determined.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: In allergic conditions, the degree of skin test reactivity does not always correlate with the severity of clinical symptoms. Additional factors may contribute to the reported symptom severity. OBJECTIVES: To investigate the association between the magnitude of the skin prick test (SPT) response and the reported symptom severity in patients with allergic rhinitis and the possible modifying role of psychological factors. METHODS: One hundred four patients with allergic rhinitis and 23 with non-allergic rhinitis, classified according to their SPT response to 19 aeroallergens, were asked to rate the severity of five symptoms and to indicate whether their symptoms intensified on exposure to five common aeroallergens. They also completed a psychological questionnaire. Results Reported symptom severity of allergic rhinitis did not correlate with weal size for any of the aeroallergens tested or with the number of positive responses on SPT. It was not related to patient age, sex, or education. The reported symptoms severity correlated positively (0.29, P < 0.01) with reported symptom intensification on exposure to allergens. Moreover, both outcomes were positively associated with the psychological factors of hypochondriasis (0.20, P < 0.05 and 0.18, P < 0.05, respectively), and somatic awareness (0.24, P < 0.05 and 0.33, P < 0.01, respectively), but not with neuroticism. CONCLUSIONS: The severity of symptoms experienced by patients with allergic rhinitis is apparently not related to the magnitude of SPT response, but rather to psychological factors of hypochondriasis and somatic awareness. Physicians should be aware of the contribution of psychological factors to patient perceptions of the intensity of symptoms and of the intensification of symptoms on their exposure to allergens.  相似文献   
We investigate the controlled release of lidocaine hydrochloride from the doped silica-based xerogels. In the xerogel preparation, tetraethoxysilane (TEOS), methyltriethoxysilane (MTES), and propyltriethoxysilane (PTES) are used as precursors, and a nonionic surfactant Igepal CO 720 is used as a dopant. The experimental results suggest that the release of lidocaine hydrochloride can be easily controlled by partially substituting TEOS with the organosilanes, and/or by adding the dopant. Adding the organosilane precursors lowers the release of both the drug and the surfactant in the order of TEOS, MTES/TEOS, and PTES/TEOS xerogels. The release from the PTES/TEOS xerogels is much lower than that from the other xerogels. The release of lidocaine hydrochloride is obviously suppressed by the addition of Igepal CO 720, while the release of Igepal CO 720 is slightly promoted by the addition of the drug. The overall release process is found to be diffusion-controlled, and the release behaviors can be well explained by considering the effects of the textual properties of the xerogels and the interactions among the drug, the surfactant, and the xerogel matrices.  相似文献   
The pharmacokinetics of 1-(tetrahydro-2-furanyl)-5-fluorouracil (FT) and its conversion into 5-fluorouracil (FUra) in liver tissue were studied in ten patients with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). The plasma concentration of FT after its intravenous injection (dosage: 800 mg) was computerfitted to a bi-exponential function (C = Ae-alpha t + Be-beta t), indicating a two-compartment disposition. The pharmacokinetic parameters did not significantly differ between the five patients with, and the five without cirrhosis of the liver. The plasma concentrations of FUra likewise showed no significant difference between the two groups. The rates of FT degradation in the liver tissue homogenate were similar for four of the patients with cirrhosis (0.10 +/- 0.05 mumol/g liver protein/30 min) and four of those without it (0.13 +/- 0.05). The rates of cytochrome P-450-dependent FUra formation in the microsomal fraction of liver tissue from two patients (1.1 and 1.3 nmol/mg microsomal protein/30 min) were dramatically reduced to less than half of those of two control subjects (2.4 and 2.7). The estimated rates of FUra formation in the soluble fraction (105,000 X g supernatant fraction) from the two patients (0.1 and 0.13 nmol/mg protein/30 min) were almost identical to those from the controls (0.12 and 0.14), suggesting that the rate in the soluble fraction from HCC patients may not be as strongly affected as the rate in the microsomal fraction.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
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