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Clinical evaluation of the GaALAs laser treatment for hypersensitive dentin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The methods available for treatment of hypersensitive dentin include the application of heavy metal salts such as diamine silver fluoride to the tooth, iontophoresis, Hyper-Band patching and restoration with various filling materials following cavity lining. Laser beam therapy, which has recently been used in dental treatment, is also expected to be applied to the treatment of hypersensitive dentin. In the present study, we obtained interesting results from the clinical use of a GaAlAs semiconductor Laser (Semilaser Nanox LX-800, GC Co.). The subjects were 63 patients with hypersensitive dentin: 8 patients without the exposed root, 40 with the exposed root, 21 treated with filling materials, 5 given Hyper-Band treatment, 14 with wedge-shaped defect, attrition or abrasion, and one with primary caries. Twenty-six fell into two or more categories. The effect of treatment was assessed by a single examiner in order to minimize error of estimates. Each lesion was directly irradiated for less than 3 minutes, and assessment of the result was conducted according to the criteria and method of Suzuki and Ishikawa. The results were as follows: The treatment was markedly effective in 44 (69.8%), effective in 12 (19.0%) and not effective in 7 (11.1%) of 63 patients. No case of exacerbation was found. The efficacy rate was 88.9%.  相似文献   
Teeth from the C57BL/6J-Hyp mouse (Hyp mouse) were examined histologically, radiographically, and crystallographically. Microscopic examinations of the ground sections, the decalcified and H-E-stained sections, and the contact microradiograms of molars and incisors from the Hyp mouse showed several abnormalities--such as large pulp chamber, wide predentin, thin dentin at the pulp floor, and multiple occurrences of interglobular dentin. Powder and microbeam x-ray diffraction analyses showed that the crystallinity of hydroxyapatite in incisor globular dentin from the Hyp mouse was higher than that in incisor dentin from the normal mouse. On the other hand, the findings of transmission electron microscopy demonstrated that the sizes of hydroxyapatite crystals of globular dentin in the Hyp incisor were larger than those in normal incisor dentin. These results demonstrated that the findings in Hyp mouse teeth were in accord with those of human XLH teeth.  相似文献   
Forty-two cases with frontal sinus fractures were treated at the Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery of Fujita-Gakuen Health University Hospital between December, 1978 and December, 1987; this experience and a discussion of our management of these cases are presented herein. Our concept of fundamental treatment is based on not obliterating the sinus, but rather removing the devitalized mucosa and establishing permanent drainage to the nose. During the operation, we use a cold light source, which provides a fine operative field, and a special cutting saw which allows us safely to perform bone grafts. Up to now we have experienced no significant complications and have achieved uniformly good results, both functionally and aesthetically.  相似文献   
Staining patterns of the surface and interior of maturing enamel of these tooth germs were examined using the glyoxal bis(2-hydroxyanil) (GBHA) solution which chelates with calcium loosely bound to hydroxyapatite to form insoluble red precipitates. An intense red, band-like pattern of GBHA staining, 1-2 mm wide, first appeared on the incisal portion of lingual enamel surface as complete loops, concentrically arranged; these gradually increased in number. Most of the later-formed bands encircled the entire periphery of the maturing enamel surface. GBHA also revealed reactive areas on the labio-lingual, cut and ground surface of maturing enamel, corresponding exactly to the surface GBHA bands. GBHA did not stain EDTA-etched surface enamel, but did reveal regular staining patterns on the ground surface, disclosed after EDTA treatment. These observations suggest an intimate correlation between the properties of interior and surface enamel, at least with regard to the state of local calcium. The maturation of bovine incisor enamel may start at the lingual aspect of the tooth crown.  相似文献   
To study the involvement of the Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) in patients with Beh?et's disease (BD), PCR was used to detect HSV-1 DNA and RNA (LAT, TK, gB) in peripheral blood leukocytes and oral smears from patients with BD. Out of 32 patients with BD and 30 healthy volunteers, HSV-1 specific DNA was not detected in any case. Using a highly sensitive competitive RT-PCR method, HSV-1 specific mRNA was not detected either in peripheral blood leukocytes from any of the patients or volunteers. In contrast, serum levels of IgG anti HSV-1 antibody were higher in patients with BD; however, there were 70% sero-positives among the control subjects. Even though it has been reported that the highly frequent presence of the HSV-1 genome in peripheral blood is a characteristic feature of BD, our results show that the HSV-1 genome and its expression are not present in peripheral blood in patients with BD. We could not find any evidence that the lesions associated with BD were caused by the direct lytic effects of HSV-1.  相似文献   
The purpose of this investigation was to compare the dynamic viscoelastic properties of various models composed of denture teeth and heat-cured denture base resin. The specimens were porcelain and resin teeth mounted in denture base resin. Compressive dynamic stiffness and phase differences were measured with a viscoelastic spectrometer. Measurements of the viscoelastic frequency spectrum based on the fast Fourier transform of displacement to applied random forces were analyzed with a spectrum analyzer. The stiffness of the specimens was independent of the frequency. The stiffness of the porcelain specimens was higher than that of the resin ones measured under the same conditions. The phase lag of the specimens was dependent on the frequency. The phase lag of the porcelain specimens was lower than that of the resin ones measured under the same conditions. This study suggested that the acrylic resin teeth had greater toughness and higher shock-absorbing ability than the porcelain teeth, and that the porcelain teeth were more brittle than the acrylic resin ones, whether the teeth were isolated or in dentures.  相似文献   
Y Liao  Y Cen 《华西口腔医学杂志》1997,15(2):99-101, 109
The authors reported the result of the study of the glass formation range and physicochemical characteristics of apatite (APA) castable ceramics in the CaO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2-P2O5 system. The relationship between its component and casting properties, the mechanical property and chemical stability was mainly discussed. The result showed that homogeneous glass could be formed in the experimental scope. This glass crystallized enamel-analogous apatite phase. It has improved mechanical property of parent glass, the bending strength was up to 165 MPa and possessed a fine chemical stability. This investigation could provide a new castable ceramics material for dental restoration.  相似文献   
The plasminogen activator (PA)-plasmin proteolytic system has recently received considerable attention because of its participation in a wide variety of biological activities and in pathological conditions involving tissue destruction. Excessive mechanical stress such as occlusal trauma is associated with alveolar bone loss in severe periodontitis. Therefore, mechanical stress may involve degradation of the extracellular matrix by occlusal trauma through activation of the PA-plasmin proteolytic system. We examined the effects of mechanical stress on PA activity, gene expressions of tissue type (t) PA, urokinase type (u) PA and PA inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) in human PDL cells. Human PDL cells were cultured on flexible-bottomed culture plates and placed on a Flexercell Strain Unit. The cells were flexed at 6 cycles (5 s strain, 5 s relaxation) at 9% and 18% elongation for 5 d. Application of tension-force induced significantly higher PA activity in stressed PDL cells than in non-stressed controls, and did so in a time- and magnitude-dependent manner (p<0.001, ANOVA). Western-blot analysis revealed that the high level of activity was due to tPA and not uPA. Gene expression of tPA mRNA in stressed PDL cells, as examined by RT-PCR, increased on d 5. These findings suggest that tPA may be involved in periodontal metabolism in response to mechanical stress.  相似文献   
放射线检查在龋病诊断中的价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
放射线检查是龋病诊断中常用的辅助手段,本文讨论了根尖片与翼片、数字式根尖片与数字式翼片、放射屏幕影像仪(RVG)、纵向显微放射法(LMR)、激光诱导荧光法(LAF)等方法在龋病诊断中的优缺点。并提出以直接数字式系统取代湿片过程和胶片贮存,尽量减少射线剂量、以及将龋病的诊断定位于早期脱矿阶段是放射线检查在龋病诊断中的发展方向。  相似文献   
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