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OBJECTIVES: We have previously shown that the levels of circulatory fetal DNA are elevated in preeclampsia and that these increases correspond to disease severity. Several reports have indicated that increased levels of antiphospholipid (anti-PL) and anti-DNA antibodies may be associated with preeclampsia, in particular with the severe forms of the disorder. Since the release of cell-free DNA by the placenta is attributed to some form of cell death or damage and as anti-PL and anti-double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) antibodies have been proposed to lead to placental damage, we have studied the relationship between these parameters in preeclampsia. METHODS: Circulating fetal DNA levels in samples taken from pregnant women with mild (n = 12) or severe (n = 12) preeclampsia and from normal pregnant controls (n = 35) were quantified using a Taqman real-time Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) assay. The Anti-PL antibodies (IgG and IgM) were assayed by anticardiolipin ELISA and by commercial anti-beta2-Glycoprotein I (GPI) ELISA kits. Anti-dsDNA antibodies (IgG and IgM) were analyzed by a commercially available anti-dsDNA ELISA kit. RESULTS: No correlation could be drawn with the quantity of circulatory fetal DNA in the samples analyzed and corresponding anti-PL or anti-dsDNA antibody levels. Furthermore, no significant difference existed between the levels of these antibodies in the two study groups and the control cohort. CONCLUSION: Our data suggest that the mechanism leading to the increased release of cell-free circulatory DNA from the placenta does not involve trophoblast damage mediated by these agents. Our analysis also questions the reported involvement of anti-PL and anti-DNA antibodies in preeclampsia.  相似文献   
Microcystic adnexal carcinoma is a rare cutaneous neoplasm characterized by slow but locally aggressive growth, which normally does not lead to systemic metastasis. Frequent local recurrences are reported, which are most likely due to insufficient operative technique. We present the fourth case of cervical ipsilateral metastatic microcystic adnexal carcinoma in an otherwise healthy woman. The patient presented with a previously diagnosed but not completely resected microcystic adnexal carcinoma in the area of the right posterior scalp and two palpable ipsilateral lymph nodes. The tumor was resected using intraoperative snap frozen histological evaluation of the resection borders. In the same procedure two lymph nodes were resected from the right neck. The lymph nodes were histologically assessed and showed infiltration by small strains of tumor cells. After exclusion of a second primary tumor, e.g., mammary carcinoma, as the cause for cervical lymph node metastases, we performed a modified radical neck dissection with resection of the sternocleidomastoid muscle and the accessory nerve, which was histologically proven to be perineurally infiltrated by tumor cells. In this second procedure the histological evaluation of the specimen showed no sign of remaining tumor infiltration. After exclusion of distant metastasis the patient was irradiated with 60 Gy. The patient is well 1 year after the initial treatment without signs of recurrence.  相似文献   
According to the consensus statement on the diagnosis of multiple system atrophy (MSA), erectile dysfunction is required for male patients to fulfil the urinary incontinence criterion. However, there is no equivalent item for female patients. We questioned 19 female patients with MSA of the parkinsonian type (MSA-P), 28 female patients with Parkinson's disease (PD), and 27 healthy controls on their genital sensitivity. A total of 47% of the MSA patients but only 4% of the PD patients and 4% of the control group admitted to reduced genital sensitivity, a highly significant difference (P < 0.001). Moreover, the appearance of reduced genital sensitivity in female MSA patients showed a close temporal relation to the onset of the disease. If these preliminary results can be confirmed and further specified in a larger sample, a historical item of reduced genital sensitivity in female patients might become a diagnostic feature for MSA, comparable to erectile dysfunction in male patients.  相似文献   
Frontal stimulation, i.e. electrical stimulation where electrodes are pressed on the skin of the intact frontal skull of mice or rats, may represent a more humane alternative to the widely used transcorneal stimulation to induce electroshock seizures. The aim of this work was to directly compare transcorneal and frontal stimulation in eliciting maximal electroshock-induced seizures (MES) in mice and the anticonvulsant effect of carbamazepine (CBZ) and phenytoin (PHT) on thus produced seizures. In addition, we stimulated mice and rats repeatedly via transcorneal and frontal electrodes to see whether kindling is produced by this procedure. Two electroshock tests were used in mice, i.e. maximal electroshock seizure threshold (MEST) test and MES generated by supramaximal stimulation (50 mA). Frontal stimulation resulted in lower convulsive threshold than in the case of corneal stimulation. Both CBZ and PHT produced dose-dependent increases in seizure threshold for both sites of stimulation, i.e. transcorneal and frontal. As regards type of electrodes, higher doses of PHT were required to increase seizure threshold in the case of frontal than transcorneal stimulation. Supramaximal stimulation (50 mA) yielded comparable ED50 values regardless of the site of stimulation. Furthermore, once-daily stimulation of mice, regardless of the placement of electrodes, did not induce any changes in convulsive threshold. We also attempted to kindle mice and rats via corneal and frontal electrodes by repetitive electrical stimulation using currents which initially did not produce generalized clonic seizures. Mice were stimulated once daily for 2 s with 3 mA (corneal electrodes) or 2 mA (frontal electrodes) and rats were stimulated twice daily for 4 s at 8 mA (corneal electrodes) or 5 mA (frontal electrodes). With corneal stimulation in rats there was a clear progression of kindling development which was not the same in nature when compared with corneally-stimulated mice. Frontal stimulation did not produce kindling. Moreover, corneal stimulation was better tolerated by rats, while in mice high mortality was seen after either method of current delivery. Our data indicate that frontal electrodes can be used as an alternative to transcorneal stimulation to produce MES by supramaximal or threshold current intensities as screening procedures in antiepileptic drug (AED) development. Nevertheless, this type of stimulation cannot be used to produce minimal electroshock seizures and seems not to be useful to produce kindling in rats and mice.  相似文献   
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