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The doula: an essential ingredient of childbirth rediscovered   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Eleven randomized control trials examined whether additional support by a trained lay person (called a doula), student midwife or midwife, who provides continuous support consisting of praise, encouragement, reassurance, comfort measures, physical contact and explanations about progress during labor, will affect obstetrical and neonatal outcomes. The women were healthy primigravidas at term. Meta-analysis of these studies showed a reduction in the duration of labor, the use of medications for pain relief, operative vaginal delivery, and in many studies a reduction in caesarian deliveries. At 6 weeks after delivery in one study a greater proportion of doula-supported women were breastfeeding, reported greater self-esteem, less depression, a higher regard for their babies and their ability to care for them compared to the control mothers. Observations during labor showed that fathers remained farther away from mothers than doulas, talked and touched less. When the doula was present with the couple during labor the father offered more personal support. The father-to-be's presence during labor and delivery is important to the mother and father, but it is the presence of the doula that results in significant benefits in outcome.  相似文献   
To test the sensitivity and accuracy of pulsed Doppler ultrasonography to detect and quantitate left to right aortopulmonary shunt flow, an arterial allograft aortopulmonary anastomosis was constructed in nine adult mongrel dogs. Cardiac output and allograft flow were measured as the diameter of the allograft was varied. Piezoelectric crystals attached to the carotid artery and proximal descending aorta were energized with 20 MHz pulsed Doppler signals. Negative Doppler shift and negative Doppler shift/positive Doppler shift were calculated for seven dogs. All dogs exhibited negative Doppler shift in the carotid artery at zero allograft flow; five of the seven dogs exhibited a similar pattern in the descending aorta. Increasing negative Doppler shift was measured in all dogs from both sites as the allograft flow increased. Excellent linear correlation existed between allograft flow and negative Doppler shift and negative Doppler shift/positive Doppler shift for each dog from both sampling sites. However, marked interanimal variation in the slopes of the linear regression lines existed, making the composite linear correlation very poor. Detection of small left to right aortopulmonary shunting and single measurements to quantitate accurately left to right aortopulmonary shunting introduce errors due to intersubject variation. However, these results suggest that serial ultrasound measurements made over a short time can accurately predict changes in left to right aortopulmonary shunting.  相似文献   
The objective of this study was to assess the safety and to make a preliminary assessment of the efficacy of 0.5% ferric hyaluronate adhesion prevention gel in reducing adhesions in patients undergoing peritoneal cavity surgery by laparotomy, with a planned 'second-look' laparoscopy. The study was a randomized, open-label, placebo- controlled, parallel-group design in patients desirous of fertility at the Women's and Children's Hospital, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Southern California School of Medicine, Los Angeles, California. Female patients aged 24 to 41 years received 300 ml 0.5% ferric hyaluronate adhesion prevention gel or lactated Ringer's solution as an intraperitoneal instillate at the completion of the laparotomy procedure. At second-look laparoscopy 4-12 weeks after the laparotomy, the presence of adhesions was evaluated. Haematology and serum chemistry were determined throughout the study interval. All patients tolerated the procedures well and did not manifest any serious adverse events. At second-look laparoscopy, patients treated with 0.5% ferric hyaluronate adhesion prevention gel had significantly fewer adhesions than control patients. When adhesions did form, they were significantly less extensive and less severe in patients who received 0.5% ferric hyaluronate adhesion prevention gel. In conclusion, 0.5% ferric hyaluronate adhesion prevention gel was safe and highly efficacious in the reduction of the number, severity and extent of adhesions throughout the entire abdomen following peritoneal cavity surgery.   相似文献   
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