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OBJECTIVE: To support collaboration and clinician-targeted decision support, electronic health records (EHRs) must contain accurate information about patients' care providers. The objective of this study was to evaluate two approaches for care provider identification employed within a commercial EHR at a large academic medical center. METHODS: We performed a retrospective review of EHR data for 121 patients in two cardiology wards during a four-week period. System audit logs of chart accesses were analyzed to identify the clinicians who were likely participating in the patients' hospital care. The audit log data were compared with two functions in the EHR for documenting care team membership: 1) a vendor-supplied module called "Care Providers", and 2) a custom "Designate Provider" order that was created primarily to improve accuracy of the attending physician of record documentation. RESULTS: For patients with a 3-5 day hospital stay, an average of 30.8 clinicians accessed the electronic chart, including 10.2 nurses, 1.4 attending physicians, 2.3 residents, and 5.4 physician assistants. The Care Providers module identified 2.7 clinicians/patient (1.8 attending physicians and 0.9 nurses). The Designate Provider order identified 2.1 clinicians/patient (1.1 attending physicians, 0.2 resident physicians, and 0.8 physician assistants). Information about other members of patients' care teams (social workers, dietitians, pharmacists, etc.) was absent. CONCLUSIONS: The two methods for specifying care team information failed to identify numerous individuals involved in patients' care, suggesting that commercial EHRs may not provide adequate tools for care team designation. Improvements to EHR tools could foster greater collaboration among care teams and reduce communication-related risks to patient safety.  相似文献   
Folate metabolism plays a critical role in embryonic development. Prenatal folate supplementation reduces the risk of neural tube defects and probably oral facial clefts. Previous studies of related metabolic genes have associated polymorphisms in cystathionine-beta-synthase (CBS) and 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) with cleft risk. We explored associations between genes related to one-carbon metabolism and clefts in a Norwegian population-based study that included 362 families with cleft lip with or without cleft palate (CL/P) and 191 families with cleft palate only (CPO). We previously showed a 39% reduction in risk of CL/P with folic acid supplementation in this population. In the present study we genotyped 12 polymorphisms in nine genes related to one-carbon metabolism and looked for associations of clefting risk with fetal polymorphisms, maternal polymorphisms, as well as parent-of-origin effects, using combined likelihood-ratio tests (LRT). We also stratified by maternal periconceptional intake of folic acid (>400 microg) to explore gene-exposure interactions. We found a reduced risk of CL/P with mothers who carried the CBS C699T variant (rs234706); relative risk was 0.94 with one copy of the T allele (95% CI 0.63-1.4) and 0.50 (95% CI 0.26-0.96) with two copies (P = 0.008). We found no evidence of interaction of this variant with folate status. We saw no evidence of risk from the MTHFR C677T variant (rs1801133) either overall or after stratifying by maternal folate intake. No associations were found between any of the polymorphisms and CPO. Genetic variations in the nine metabolic genes examined here do not confer a substantial degree of risk for clefts.  相似文献   
AIMS: To investigate the pattern of epidermal growth factor receptor expression and its prognostic value in the three main types of cervical carcinoma. METHODS: 62 cases of stage IB/IIA cervical carcinoma, all with a minimum of five years of follow up, were studied. Representative sections were stained for mucin to permit accurate tumour typing and a standard avidin-biotin immunoperoxidase technique using the polyclonal antibody 12E was used to demonstrate the presence of epidermal growth factor receptor. RESULTS: A proportion of all three tumour types expressed epidermal growth factor receptor, it being most common in squamous cell carcinomas (50%). Overall, there was a correlation between epidermal growth factor expression and mortality. This was particularly obvious in the absence of lymph node metastases. When the individual tumour types were considered this association with prognosis was not demonstrable for squamous cell carcinomas or adenocarcinomas but was a very prominent feature of adenosquamous carcinomas. CONCLUSIONS: Immunohistochemical demonstration of epidermal growth factor receptor expression may be useful in identifying those patients with a poor prognosis, particularly those with adenosquamous carcinomas which have not metastasised to the regional lymph nodes.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVES: The efficacy of endoscopic treatment of sphincter of Oddi dysfunction (SOD) with endoscopic sphincterotomy (ES) remains controversial. Although some studies have shown a positive impact on patient symptoms after treatment, these reports have been largely qualitative and evaluated on short-term response. The aim of our study was to quantitatively measure the long-term outcomes of endoscopic therapy in patients with SOD. METHODS: Thirty-three patients with suspected SOD underwent selective sphincter of Oddi manometry (SOM) of the biliary and/or pancreatic sphincter. Each patient completed a telephone-based survey measuring symptomatic pain before and after SOM +/- ES. The questioner was blinded to the results of SOM. The patients with normal SOM or SOD but who did not undergo ES served as controls. RESULTS: Of these 33 patients (27 women, mean age 48.7 yr, range 13-74), 19 (57.5%) were found to have SOD (12 biliary, six pancreatic, one both). The average follow-up was 18.1 months (range 7-34). Of the patients with SOD, 17 (89%) underwent ES. At follow-up of the 19 patients undergoing ES, five were taking narcotics for persistent pain, two were taking antidepressants, and 15 identified the endoscopic therapy as the reason for their relief. Of the 14 controls, seven were taking narcotics, seven were taking antidepressants, and two identified the endoscopy as the reason for their relief; some patients were taking both antidepressants and narcotics. CONCLUSIONS: Patients found to have SOD who undergo ES are more likely to be improved on long-term follow-up when compared with patients with suspected SOD but normal manometry without ES. However, almost uniformly, despite ES, patients continue to have pain, which is consistent with most chronic pain disorders and which suggests a multifactorial cause for the pain.  相似文献   
Diarrhea is a significant problem in patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). The aim of this study was to determine octreotide effectiveness in refractory AIDS-associated diarrhea. In a 3-week protocol, 129 patients with a stool weight of >500 g/day despite standard antidiarrheal therapy were randomized to receive octreotide or placebo (3:2 ratio). Octreotide dose was increased 100 μg weekly to a maximum of 300 μg three times a day based on weekly 72-hour stool collections. Subsequently, patients received open-label octreotide at doses of up to 500 μg three times a day. A 30% decrease in stool weight defined response. After 3 weeks, 48% of octreotide- and 39% of placebo-treated patients had responded (P = 0.43). At 300 μg three times a day, 50% of octreotide- and 30.1% of placebo-treated patients responded (P = 0.12). At a baseline stool weight of 1000–2000 g/day, 57% of octreotide- and 25% of placebo-treated patients responded (P = 0.06). Response rates based on CD4 counts, diarrhea duration, body weight, human immunodeficiency virus risk factor, and presence or absence of pathogens showed no benefit of octreotide. Adverse events were more frequent in the octreotide-treated group. In the doses studied, octreotide was not more effective than placebo in patients with refractory AIDS-associated diarrhea. This lack of effectiveness may be attributable to inadequate sample size, doses, and duration of study treatment.  相似文献   
Serum diiodotyrosine (DIT) was measured by radioimmunoassay in healthy subjects patients with thyroid disease and a variety of laboratorty animals. Ninety-two healthy adults had a mean level of 101 ng/100 ml. There was no sex difference in DIT levels but DIT fell with aging. There was no change with short term oral SSKI administration. Athyrotic subjects had measurable but reduced levels (mean = 52 ng/100 ml). Hyperthyroid subjects had levels slightly, but not significantly, higher than controls (mean = 149 ng/100 ml). Treatment of hyperthyroidism was followed by a small but significant fall in DIT levels, but there was no change in DIT levels with thyroid hormone therapy of hypothyroidism. A large species variation in serum DIT levels was found among laboratory animals with mean levels ranging from 17 ng/100 ml in mice to 428 ng/100 ml in dogs.  相似文献   
We have isolated three classes of monoclonal antibodies against Drosophila cell-surface antigens that are expressed with positional specificity in imaginal discs. Comparison of immunofluorescence patterns with the wing-disc fate map reveals that expression of the antigens is not directly related to the specific type of cuticular structure that a cell will make upon differentiation but depends on the position of the cell in the undifferentiated disc epithelium. On mature wing discs, each class of position-specific (PS) antibody binds nonuniformly with respect to the dorso-ventral compartment boundary, with PS1 antibodies binding primarily to dorsal cells and PS2 antibodies, to ventral cells. Antibodies of the different PS classes extract similar but nonidentical sets of large glycoproteins from cell lysates, and antibodies of the most general class, PS3, recognize the PS1 and PS2 antigens in addition to PS3-specific components. Thus, the distributions and molecular characteristics of the PS antigens suggest that the molecules are structurally and functionally related to one another.  相似文献   
This study follows a group of 174 young people with new onset of schizotypal symptoms and examines factors which may lead to conversion to psychosis. These prodromal subjects were screened for symptoms and later given the Structured Clinical Interview of DSM-III-R at one year, two years and ten years post onset. We also included the Paranoia Scale of Fenigstein and Vanable and the Scale for Thought, Language and Communications of Andreasen in all interviews. Our analysis found that the addition of scales for paranoia and thought disorder enhanced prediction of conversion to psychosis and long term outcome. The early occurrence of ideas of reference and poverty of thought appear to be significant predictors of future deterioration even when considered among other high-risk variables.  相似文献   
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