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The main purpose of this study was to evaluate the obstetric and neonatal outcome of children conceived from cryopreserved embryos. The medical records of 270 infants (163 singletons, 98 twins and nine triplets) were reviewed and compared with two control populations of children born after in-vitro fertilization (IVF) with fresh embryos and children born after spontaneous pregnancies. The controls were matched according to maternal age, parity, plurality and date of delivery. In the cryopreserved group the gestational age at delivery for singletons was 279 +/- 13 days with birthweight 3476 +/- 616 g; for twins gestational age was 257 +/- 19 days with birthweight 2574 +/- 560 g; for triplets gestational age was 228 +/- 3 days with birthweight 1752 +/- 183 g. The incidence of preterm birth (< 37 weeks gestation) was 5.6% for singletons, 44.9% for twins and 100% for triplets. Seven children had major malformations (2.7%) and perinatal mortality occurred in two children (8/1000). Gestational age at delivery, birthweight, the incidence of malformations and the perinatal mortality were comparable with the two control groups both for singletons and twins. Significantly more singletons in the cryopreserved group were delivered by Caesarean section compared with the spontaneous group. The number of infants with low Apgar score (< 7 at 5 min) and the number of infants admitted to neonatal intensive care units were similar in the cryopreserved and spontaneous groups. In conclusion, the cryopreservation process did not seem to adversely influence fetal development and no increased perinatal risk was found.   相似文献   
During the period from 1984 through 1986, 72 ultrasound-guided cyst punctures were performed in 60 young women (less than or equal to 40 years). Thirty-one punctures were performed using the transabdominal route and 41 punctures under the guidance of endovaginal scanning. General or local anesthesia were used in 97% of the transabdominal punctures while the corresponding figure for the endovaginal technique was 49%. Seventy-seven percent (46/60) of the women developed no new cysts within one year of the last puncture. Thirteen percent (8/60) had to be punctured twice and 3% (2/60) three times. No complications occurred in any of the 72 punctures. Of those women with cyst relapses and/or persistent abdominal pain, 7 were subjected to laparotomy and 5 to laparoscopy. Ultrasound-guided puncture of cystic tumors in the lower pelvis of young women seems to be an alternative to laparoscopically guided puncture or laparotomy. As compared to surgery, the ultrasound-guided technique may mean less risk for pelvic adhesions in young women with unproven fertility.  相似文献   
Lidocaine is a well-documented local anaesthetic often usedfor paracervical block (PCB) in pregnant women. For this reason,the substance was used early on for PCB in connection with transvaginalfollicle aspiration. However, the concentration reached in follicularfluid after PCB or local infiltration of the vaginal wall hasnot been previously determined. Furthermore, if lidocaine reachesthe follicle, it seems important to determine if the concentrationreached influences fertilization and early cleavage of the embryoand the pregnancy rate. The study included 46 women who hadPCB with lidocaine (50 mg) and 46 women who had no PCB in connectionwith follicle aspiration. The mean concentration in follicularfluid was 0.36 ± 1.1 µg/ml. There was no significantdifference in lidocaine concentration between follicles containingoocytes that were fertilized and those that were not. Furthermore,the fertilization and cleavage rates did not differ significantlyin women with and without PCB with lidocaine. The pregnancyrate did not differ between the two groups. It thus seems thatthe concentration of lidocaine found in the follicular fluidafter PCB with 50 mg lidocaine does not negatively affect fertilizationof the human oocyte or early cleavage of the human embryo.  相似文献   
The performance characteristics of time-resolved fluoroimmunoassays (FIAs) for oestradiol and progesterone were evaluated in an in-vitro fertilization/embryo transfer (IVF/ET) programme and for use in differential diagnosis of early pregnancy. Comparisons were made with commercially available radioimmunoassays (RIAs) and the correlations between the results obtained were analysed. The possible clinical impact of the differences was assessed in 30 women undergoing ovarian stimulation for IVF/ET and also in 68 women presenting with suspected pathological gestation. There was good agreement between the performance characteristics observed in the present study and those claimed by the manufacturer. There was also a strong correlation between RIA and FIA within the working ranges of the assays. The differences in the results obtained with the two methods were within the normal limits of variation of the assays, and, consequently, the clinical relevance was minimal. In conclusion, for the clinical purposes in question, the FIAs perform at least as well as commercially available RIAs, and may, therefore, be regarded as an alternative to RIAs for many laboratories.  相似文献   
The objectives of the present work were to present a new reference for the age at childhood onset of growth and to investigate the secular trend in the timing of puberty in a community‐based normal population in Sweden. A total of 2432 children with longitudinal length/height data from birth to adulthood were used to determine the two measures by visual inspection of the measured attained length/height and the change in growth velocity displayed on a computer‐generated infancy‐childhood‐puberty (ICP) based growth chart. The series represents a sample of normal full‐term children born around 1974 in Göteborg, Sweden. We found about 10% of children were delayed (>12 mo of age) in the childhood onset of growth based on the previous reported normal range, i.e. 14% in boys and 8% in girls. Distribution of the age at childhood onset of growth was skewed. The medians were 10 and 9 mo for boys and girls, respectively. After natural logarithmic transformation, the mean and standard deviation (SD) were 2.29 (anti‐log 9.9 mo) and 0.226 for boys, 2.23 (anti‐log 9.3 mo) and 0.220 for girls, respectively. The 95% normal ranges were 6.3‐15.4 and 6.0‐14.3 for boys and girls, respectively. The distribution of the timing of PHV was close to the normal distribution. The mean values were 13.5 y for boys and 11.6 y for girls with 1 y SD for both sexes. Conclusion: A downward secular trend in the onset of puberty was clearly shown in the population. The age at childhood onset of growth did not correlate with the timing of puberty (r=?0.01 and 0.05, p > 0.7 and 0.1 in boys and girls, respectively). Normal ranges of the age at childhood onset of growth are in need of revise, as this study indicates. The new reference presented here could be a reliable indicator in further studies.  相似文献   
IGF-I is important for somatic growth and development of the human fetus and neonate. IGF-I also plays an important role in normal vascularization of human retina, as it has been suggested that insufficient IGF-I may be a factor in the development of retinopathy of prematurity. The principal regulator of the bioavailability of IGF-I in the circulation is IGF binding protein 3 (IGFBP-3). The aim of this study was to study factors associated with postnatal serum concentrations of IGF-I and of IGFBP-3 in preterm infants from birth to an age corresponding to 40 wk postmenstruation. We conducted a prospective, longitudinal study in which we measured serum IGF-I and IGFBP-3 concentrations in 76 preterm infants from birth (postmenstrual ages 23-32 wk) until discharge from hospital around 40 wk. Information regarding nutrition, weight gain, maternal factors, and treatment with corticosteroids were collected weekly. Variables found to be associated with postnatal change over time of serum IGF-I and IGFBP-3 were postmenstrual age (p<0.001), weight gain (standard deviation score) (p<0.001), and enteral intake of protein (p<0.001). Male gender was associated with lower IGF-I levels (p<0.001). The relationship between protein intake and IGF-I (and also between protein intake and IGFBP-3) was positive, as was the relationship between weight gain and IGF-I (and between weight gain and IGFBP-3). These results indicate that the degree of prematurity, low enteral protein intake, male gender, and slow weight gain are associated with a slower postnatal increase of IGF-I in preterm infants.  相似文献   
Establishment of human embryonic stem cells (hES) from surplus human IVF embryos has been successful when both fresh and frozen-thawed cleavage stage embryos have been cultured to the blastocyst stage. This study reports the characteristics of the starting material, the blastocysts, for hES cell lines that were first derived at the University of Gothenburg, Sahlgrenska University Hospital in 1999. Twenty-two hES cell lines were derived by Cellartis AB from 114 blastocysts, giving an overall success rate of 19.3%. The blastocysts from which the hES cell lines were established were of varying morphological quality, both fresh and frozen-thawed. Two techniques of hES establishment were applied, i.e. direct application of the blastocysts on feeder cells or the standard immunosurgery method. It was further found that the efficiency by which frozen-thawed embryos gave rise to new hES cell lines was 3.7 times better than with fresh surplus embryos. These findings suggest that frozen-thawed embryos are superior to fresh surplus human embryos in hES cell establishment, which also avoids specific ethical problems associated with embryo donation in a fresh IVF cycle.  相似文献   
Summary After four weeks on placebo treatment, 8 hypertensive patients (WHO stage I) were treated for 2 weeks with bendroflumethiazide (bft) 2.5 mg and KCl 1.5 g daily. Subsequently they received bft 5 mg and KCl 1.5 g daily for a further fortnight. At the end of each period of treatment blood pressure was recorded and blood samples and urine were collected for analysis of bft by GLC. Before taking the daily dose of bft, no trace of the drug was found in plasma. Peak levels of bft were seen after 2.3 h and averaged 23 and 50 ng · ml–1 after 2.5 and 5 mg, respectively. After bft 2.5 mg the plasma level was too low for kinetic analysis. The plasma half-life after 5 mg averaged 4.1 h. The mean apparent volume of distribution was 1.18 l · kg–1. Non-renal clearance averaged 200 ml · min–1. The renal clearance of bft was significantly lower (p<0.05) after 5 mg (48 ml · min–1) than after 2.5 mg bft (93 ml · min–1), although the creatinine clearance remained unchanged. No correlation was found between the plasma level of bft and its effect on blood pressure.Supported by the Swedish Medical Research Council (Grant No. B77-19X-00227-13) and Ferrosan AB, Malmö, Sweden.  相似文献   
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