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Information was collected about 302 women referred for breast symptoms and seen in surgical outpatient or outreach clinics during one month at two hospitals in Sheffield. Three-quarters of the women (n = 244) were referred to specialist breast clinics, 22% (n = 70) were referred to general surgical clinics and 3% (n = 6) were referred to outreach clinics. The ages of the women ranged from 16 to 85 years with a mean and median age of 45 years. Some 200 women (66%) presented with a lump or lumpiness, 42 women (14%) presented with pain, 29 women (10%) had a skin and/or nipple problem, and the remaining 31 women (10%) were concerned about their family history or reported other symptoms. A total of 23 women (8%) were diagnosed as having cancer, 180 (60%) were diagnosed as having benign breast disease, and 99 (33%) were diagnosed as normal. Of the 23 women with cancer, 22 were over 40 years of age; 21 women presented with a lump, one presented with pain, and one presented with metastatic disease. The time required to reach a final clinical diagnosis varied from the same day as the clinic visit to 35 weeks, with a median time of 3 weeks. Surgeons assessed the appropriateness of GPs' referrals for 257 cases and judged that 122 (47%) could have been managed by a GP. The implications of the findings for the organisation of specialist outpatient clinics are discussed, and a categorisation of women as either urgent or routine cases is suggested.  相似文献   
Effects of Persian Gulf War (August 2, 1990–July 31, 1991) and Gulf War occupation on post-War hospitalization risk were evaluated through Cox proportional hazards modeling. Active-duty men (n = 1,775,236) and women (n = 209,760) in the Army, Air Force, Navy, and Marine Corps had 30,539 initial postwar hospitalizations for mental disorders between June 1, 1991 and September 30, 1993. Principal diagnoses in the Defense Manpower Data Center hospitalization database were grouped into 10 categories of ICD-9-CM codes. Gulf War service was associated with significantly greater risk for acute reactions to stress and lower risk for personality disorders and adjustment reactions among men. Personnel who served in ground war support occupations (men and women) were at greater risk for postwar drug-related disorders. Men who served in ground war combat occupations were at higher risk for alcohol-related disorders. Longitudinal studies of health, hospitalization, and exposure beginning at recruitment, are needed to better understand how exposure to combat affects the mental health of military personnel.  相似文献   
The pharmacokinetics of cisplatin administered by continuous hyperthermic peritoneal perfusion (CHPP) was characterized in patients with peritoneal carcinomatosis. Cisplatin was added into the perfusate with escalating doses from 100 mg/m2 to 400 mg/m2. The hyperthermic perfusion was maintained for 90 minutes with a flow rate of 1.5 L/min and a target peritoneal temperature of 42.5 degrees C after a tumor debulking procedure. Samples of both the perfusate and blood were obtained during the perfusion and 30 minutes after the perfusion. Cisplatin plasma and perfusate concentrations were determined by flameless atomic absorption spectrometry with a lower limit of detection of 2 ng/ml and a coefficient of variation (CV) < 10%. Fifty-six patients were enrolled in the study. The mean (+/- SD) percentage of cisplatin present in the perfusate at the completion of perfusion was 27.8% +/- 20% of the total dose. The maximum cisplatin concentrations in the perfusate were 10 times higher than those in plasma. The area under the concentration-time curve (AUC) of the perfusate was 13 times higher than the AUC of plasma. A two-compartment model with an additional peritoneal cavity compartment fits to the data best based on the Akaike information criterion. However, the interpatient variability was considerably high (CV < 100%). In conclusion, cisplatin administered by hyperthermic peritoneal perfusion resulted in a pharmacological advantage by obtaining higher and direct drug exposure to the tumor in the peritoneal cavity while limiting systemic absorption and toxicity. Using a complex two-compartment model, the authors were able to characterize the pharmacokinetics of cisplatin given intraperitoneally via this technique.  相似文献   
Radiology provides valuable clues to the correct diagnosis of intracranial tuberculosis. Twenty-three children with this problem were reviewed. Fifteen had meningitis, 12 of whom had abnormal chest radiographs, nine of them suggestive of tuberculosis. Common neuroradiologic findings were minor suture separation, abnormal activity in the region of the sylvian fissure on brain scans, mild ventricular dilatation, and vasculitis. Among the eight patients with tuberculomas, abnormal chest radiographs were less common. Neuroradiologic abnormalities included evidence of increased intracranial pressure on skull radiographs, focal deep lesions on brain scans, and hydrocephalus and mass lesions on air studies. Most tuberculomas were calcified one year later.  相似文献   
In order to test Kissin's (1974) concept of normalization by ethanol (deviant prealcohol parameter values becoming less deviant after alcohol) in nonalcoholics, data on unselected mice and nonalcoholic humans were analyzed. These data were on heart rates (HR) of 1055 HS mice and 24 young adults, measured before and after receiving a dose of ethanol (mice: 1.4g/kg, i.p.; humans: 1.3g/kg, oral). Both mice and humans, on the average, show marked normalization, initially low HR usually increasing after alcohol, and initially high HR usually decreasing. The correlation between (1) deviation in HR from the prealcohol mean and (2) change in HR after alcohol was-0.803 for mice and-0.538 for humans. There is very great individual variability, however, in the degree of this normalizing response, some individuals normalizing strongly and others not at all. Although first described in alcoholics, strong normalization by alcohol of several psychophysiological parameters is now known to occur in mice and seems likely to occur in some nonalcoholic humans. The possible relevance of these results to predisposition to alcoholism remains to be shown.  相似文献   
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