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At the time of writing, January 1992, we are in the very early stages of setting up a standard setting group, and as such this article reflects our current thinking on why it is desirable, perhaps even necessary to do this and how we envisage assuring quality care for our patients in the recovery room.  相似文献   
Evidence from the literature is reviewed to suggest that when fingertip dermal ridge patterns in chromosomal deletion syndromes are characteristic of the opposite spectrum of the developmental scale from patterns found in cases trisomic for the same chromosomal region, the association may be a consequence of loci with growth regulatory functions. Evidence is presented that DNA markers at 18q21 should be the first candidate sequences to be used to test this hypothesis in families with fingertip arches segregating in an apparent autosomal dominant fashion.  相似文献   
The value of a prophylactic antibiotic before a routine cystometrogram has been assessed in a controlled trial of 100 patients. The infection rate was low and not statistically different in both groups. Subsequent symptoms of dysuria and haematuria had a mechanical aetiology.  相似文献   
A retrospective study of 149 patients with rectal cancer diagnosed between 1972 and 1979 was undertaken to compare survival, disease-free survival, recurrence sites, and long-term complications of 40 patients who received 4000 to 4500 rads of preoperative adjuvant radiotherapy (radiation group) with those of 109 patients treated by resection alone (control group). After a mean follow-up of 84 months and 99 months, respectively, survival of the irradiated patients was significantly better than that of controls (68% versus 52%, p less than 0.05). Disease-free survival of those patients rendered free of disease by treatment was also superior for the irradiated group (84% versus 57%, p less than 0.005). Local recurrence without signs of distant metastases developed only one-third as often in irradiated patients (6% versus 18%). Distant metastases, alone or in combination with local recurrence, were also less common after radiation (12% versus 27%). Second primary tumors developed in 15% and 10% of the respective groups, a difference that was not statistically significant. When we consider the survival benefit of preoperative radiation therapy, long-term complications were relatively mild. Delayed healing of the perineum was noted in two irradiated patients. Persistent diarrhea was severe enough to warrant treatment in only one case, and one patient required a colostomy for intestinal obstruction from pelvic fibrosis.  相似文献   
Twenty-four patients between the ages of 8 and 48 years (median 27.5) with high-risk for relapse hematologic malignancy received a marrow transplant from an HLA and MLC compatible sibling donor after chemotherapy with busulfan, 4 mg/kg/day for 4 days by mouth, cyclophosphamide 60 mg/kg/day i.v. for 2 days, and etoposide 60 mg/kg i.v. over 4 h on the first day of cyclophosphamide treatment (BU/CY/VP). Toxicity consisted of mucositis, skin rash, and nausea and vomiting in all patients, transient fever thought to be due to etoposide administration in 16/24 (67%) patients, and clinical veno-occlusive disease (VOD) of the liver in 4/24 (17%). There were nine deaths from causes other than recurrent disease in the first 100 days after transplant and two deaths after day 100, a total transplant mortality of 11/24 (46%). Three patients relapsed, but 10/24 (40%) remain alive and disease free 26-182 weeks (median 60 weeks) from transplant. These results compare favorably with results in a group of 12 similar risk patients treated with total body irradiation (TBI) containing regimens during an overlapping time period. Six of the TBI patients have had persistent or recurrent disease and only two (17%) are currently alive and disease free. The probability of disease persistence or relapse is 67% in the TBI group and 20% in the BU/CY/VP group (p less than 0.02).  相似文献   
Effect of photodynamic therapy on blood flow in normal and tumor vessels   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The aim of this series of experiments was to determine the dynamic blood flow changes that occur in normal and neoplastic tissues during photodynamic therapy. Mice bearing SMT-F tumors and rats with transplanted chondrosarcomas were injected with graded doses of dihematoporphyrin ether. Studies of changes in single-vessel and whole-tumor blood flow were carried out with 630 nm light activation. A helium neon laser Doppler velocimeter was used to stimulate dihematoporphyrin ether, as well as to measure changes in flow velocity in both single-vessel and whole-tumor models. There was a reduction of flow velocity in all vessels and tumors in animals injected with 1 to 40 mg/kg dihematoporphyrin ether intraperitoneally. The extent of flow reduction was related to drug dose administered. Decreases in blood flow began within 10 seconds of light stimulation and were maximal within 5 minutes. Both normal and tumor vessels responded similarly. We conclude that photodynamic therapy leads to significant microcirculatory changes that may be pertinent to the mechanism of tumor necrosis.  相似文献   
Although sexual assault by workplace personnel is widely viewed as a type of sexual harassment, little is known about whether these overlapping constructs may possess some unique characteristics. This article compares the theoretical antecedents and consequences of sexual assault by workplace personnel and other types of sexual harassment among 22,372 women employed in the U.S. military. Path analysis revealed that low sociocultural and organizational power are associated with an increased likelihood of both types of victimization. Organizational climate and job gender context are directly associated with sexual harassment but are only indirectly associated with sexual assault by workplace personnel. Both types of victimization are associated with a variety of negative outcomes, but the pattern of negative consequences differs.  相似文献   
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