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Background contextLumbar interbody fusion (LIF) techniques have been used for years to treat a number of pathologies of the lower back. These procedures may use an anterior, posterior, or combined surgical approach. Each approach is associated with a unique set of complications, but the exact prevalence of complications associated with each approach remains unclear.PurposeTo investigate the rates of perioperative complications of anterior lumbar interbody fusion (ALIF), posterior/transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion (P/TLIF), and LIF with a combined anterior-posterior interbody fusion (APF).Study design/settingRetrospective review of national data from a large administrative database.Patient samplePatients undergoing ALIF, P/TLIF, or APF.Outcome measuresPerioperative complications, length of stay (LOS), total costs, and mortality.MethodsThe Nationwide Inpatient Sample database was queried for patients undergoing ALIF, P/TLIF, or APF between 2001 and 2010 as identified via International Classification of Diseases, ninth revision codes. Univariate analyses were carried out comparing the three cohorts in terms of the outcomes of interest. Multivariate analysis for primary outcomes was carried out adjusting for overall comorbidity burden, race, gender, age, and length of fusion. National estimates of annual total number of procedures were calculated based on the provided discharge weights. Geographic distribution of the three cohorts was also investigated.ResultsAn estimated total of 923,038 LIFs were performed between 2001 and 2010 in the United States. Posterior/transforaminal lumbar interbody fusions accounted for 79% to 86% of total LIFs between 2001 and 2010, ALIFs for 10% to 15%, and APF decreased from 10% in 2002 to less than 1% in 2010. On average, P/TLIF patients were oldest (54.55 years), followed by combined approach (47.23 years) and ALIF (46.94 years) patients (p<.0001). Anterior lumbar interbody fusion, P/TLIF, and combined surgical costs were $75,872, $65,894, and $92,249, respectively (p<.0001). Patients in the P/TLIF cohort had the greatest number of comorbidities, having the highest prevalence for 10 of 17 comorbidities investigated. Anterior-posterior interbody fusion group was associated with the greatest number of complications, having the highest incidence of 12 of the 16 complications investigated.ConclusionsThese data help to define the perioperative risks for several LIF approaches. Comparison of outcomes showed that a combined approach is more expensive and associated with greater LOS, whereas ALIF is associated with the highest postoperative mortality. These trends should be taken into consideration during surgical planning to improve clinical outcomes.  相似文献   
New methods of degradations on the pavement’s surface, such as top-down cracking and delamination, caused by the repeated passage of heavy vehicles led to questions about the impact of the contact between the tire and the pavement. In fact, to increase the service life of the structures, future road design methods must have a precise knowledge of the consequences of the contact parameters on the state of stress and deformation in the pavement. In this paper, tractive rolling contact under the effect of friction is modeled by Kalker’s theory using a semi-analytical method (SAM). A tire profile is performed thanks to a digitization by fringes or a photogrammetry technique. The effect of rolling on the main surface extension deformations is then highlighted to study top cracking. At the end of the SAM calculation, contact areas are closed to 200 μdef, exceeding the allowable micro-deformation limit for the initiation of cracking. In addition, results on the main strain directions also give information on the direction of cracking (initiation of longitudinal or transverse cracks). The cracking then becomes evident, leading to a reduced service life.  相似文献   
CARD15 is a major susceptibility gene for a frequent multifactorial chronic inflammatory bowel disorder, Crohn disease (CD). By using NF-kappaB activation assays, the cytosolic CARD15 was shown to efficiently detect bacterial peptidoglycan (PGN), reminiscent of the PGN recognition protein surveillance mechanism in Drosophila. The 3 CD-associated variants and 13 additional variants carried by CD patients demonstrated impaired PGN-dependent response revealing null, hypomorphic, or dominant-negative properties. Quantitative parametrization of this response, computed from the patients' CARD15 genotypes, was predictive of several variable CD manifestations. In contrast, CARD15 alleles associated with Blau's syndrome promoted PGN-independent NF-kappaB activation, an observation that accounts for the minimal microbial input in the etiology of this dominant, monogenic inflammatory disorder affecting solely aseptic sites.  相似文献   
Ferric uptake regulation protein (Fur) is a bacterial global regulator that uses iron as a cofactor to bind to specific DNA sequences. The function of Fur is not limited to iron homeostasis. A wide variety of genes involved in various mechanisms such as oxidative and acid stresses are under Fur control. Flavohemoglobin (Hmp) is an NO-detoxifying enzyme induced by NO and nitrosothiol compounds. Fur recently was found to regulate hmp in Salmonella typhimurium, and in Escherichia coli, the iron-chelating agent 2,2'-dipyridyl induces hmp expression. We now establish direct inhibition of E. coli Fur activity by NO. By using chromosomal Fur-regulated lacZ reporter fusion in E. coli, Fur activity is switched off by NO at micromolar concentration. In vitro Fur DNA-binding activity, as measured by protection of restriction site in aerobactin promoter, is directly sensitive to NO. NO reacts with Fe(II) in purified FeFur protein to form a S = 12 low-spin FeFur-NO complex with a g = 2.03 EPR signal. Appearance of the same EPR signal in NO-treated cells links nitrosylation of the iron with Fur inhibition. The nitrosylated Fur protein is still a dimer and is stable in anaerobiosis but slowly decays in air. This inhibition probably arises from a conformational switch, leading to an inactive dimeric protein. These data establish a link between control of iron metabolism and the response to NO effects.  相似文献   
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