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Paragangliomas (PGs) of the head and neck region are typically benign, slow-growing neuroendocrine tumours. At times, they may exhibit unusual histological features, such as prominent stromal sclerosis (sclerosing PG), which may raise concerns of malignancy. We describe a case of sclerosing PG of the carotid body, emphasizing the value of immunohistochemical stains for differential diagnosis. A 43-year-old woman presented with a painless lump on the neck. A magnetic resonance imaging scan demonstrated a hypervascular lesion of the carotid body, which was surgically excised. Grossly, the lesion measured 1.8 cm at maximum diameter. On microscopic examination, irregular nests and tiny bundles of neoplastic cells were found between thick bands of fibrous tissue. Focal nuclear cytomegaly and marked pleomorphism were noted. Neoplastic cells proved to be immunoreactive for chromogranin, synaptophysin and neuron specific enolase, but negative for cytokeratins, smooth muscle actin and CD34. Ultrastructurally, numerous mitochondria, rough endoplasmic reticulum structures and endocrine granules were seen in the cytoplasm of the tumour cells. On consideration of the above-mentioned clinico-pathological and ultrastructural findings a diagnosis of sclerosing PG was established. Sclerosing PG is a rare entity which may mimic a malignant neoplasm. The recognition of this unusual morphological variant of PG, together with appropriate immunostains, leads to the correct diagnosis.  相似文献   
Although the female gamete is blocked at the dictyate stage of the first meiotic prophase during the whole folliculogenesis, many important epigenetic changes occur to organise the genome to attend early embryonic development. In this paper, we will describe the results of a number of studies aimed to improve our understanding of the nuclear organization of the mouse oocyte during folliculogenesis. Using silver methods that stain NOR, centromeres and heterochromatin, as well as, the use of specific antibodies for the demonstration of centromeres, we have described the changes to the chromatin organisation and to the spatial localisation of chromocenters and centromeres during oocyte growth; these changes have been correlated to the developmental competence of the resulting antral and metaphase II (MII) oocyte.  相似文献   
Continuous lifelong neurogenesis is typical of the vertebrate olfactory system. The regenerative ability of olfactory receptor neurons is dependent on the glial cell type specific to the olfactory pathway, designated ‘olfactory ensheathing cells’. Several studies to date have focused on mammalian olfactory ensheathing cells, owing to their potential roles in cell‐based therapy for spinal cord injury repair. However, limited information is available regarding this glial cell type in non‐mammalian vertebrates, particularly anamniotes. In the current immunocytochemical study, we analysed the features of olfactory ensheathing cells in the zebrafish, Danio rerio. Fish provide a good model for studying glial cells associated with the olfactory pathway of non‐mammalian vertebrates. In particular, zebrafish has numerous valuable features that enable its use as a prime model organism for genetic, neurobiological and developmental studies, as well as toxicology and genomics research. Paraffin sections from decalcified heads of zebrafish were processed immunocytochemically to detect proteins used in the research on mammalian olfactory ensheathing cells, including glial fibrillary acid protein (GFAP), S100, neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM), polysialylated NCAM (PSA‐NCAM), vimentin (VIM), p75NTR and galactin (Gal)‐1. Notably, GFAP, S100, NCAM and Gal‐1 were clearly observed, whereas no vimentin staining was detected. Weak immunostaining for PSA‐NCAM and p75NTR was evident. Moreover the degree of marker expression was not uniform in various tracts of the zebrafish olfactory pathway. The immunostaining patterns of the zebrafish olfactory system are distinct from those of other fish to some extent, suggesting interspecific differences. We also showed that the olfactory pathway of zebrafish expresses markers of mammalian olfactory ensheathing cells. The olfactory systems of vertebrates have similarities but there are also marked variations between them. The issue of whether regional and interspecific differences in immunostaining patterns of olfactory pathway markers have functional significance requires further investigation.  相似文献   
Cardiotrophin-1 (CT-1) is a member of the interleukin (IL-6) family of cytokines. Plasma CT-1 levels correlate with the left ventricle mass index in patients with dilatated cardiomyopathy and congestive heart failure (CHF). The aim of this paper was to evaluate CT-1 plasma levels, before and after cardiac resynchronization therapy CRT, and to characterizeits prognostic role in patients with CHF. Fifty-two consecutive patients (M/F = 39/13; 56 ± 11 years old) underwent clinical and echocardiographic evaluation, and blood sample collection at baseline. The same evaluation was repeated 6.4 ± 0.79 months after CRT. Patients with a decreased LV end-systolic volume by at least 15% (reverse remodeling) were considered echo responders to CRT. Twenty-nine patients (56%) were responders to CRT. After CRT, only 15 patients (29%) showed increased CT-1 after CRT. They were all non responders to CRT. A multivariate, logistic modelshowed CT-1 as an independent predictor of CRT echo response (p = 0.005; OR 0.97). During follow-up (18 ± 7 months), 21 cardiac events in 18 patients occurred. A Cox multivariable model showed plasma BNP pre-CRT (p = 0.02; CI 1.2–5.6; OR 3.1) and CT1 post-CRT (p = 0.01; CI 1.4–4.3; OR 2.7) as independent predictors of cardiac events. Analysis of CT-1 plasma levels deserves future consideration for larger, longitudinal studies in patients with CHF.  相似文献   
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