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The value of maternal C-reactive protein (CRP) levels as predictors of fetal and maternal infective morbidity and fetal mortality was assessed prospectively over a 6-month period in all cases of premature rupture of the fetal membranes or suspected premature labour. Statistical analysis of results showed that CRP at a level of 1.32 mg/dl is a sensitive marker of infective morbidity in mother and neonate. Furthermore, there was a significant association between raised CRP levels and low-birth-weight babies, suggesting that intra-uterine infection is a major cause of prematurity in the study population.  相似文献   
The second documented case of renal aspergilloma due to Aspergillusflavus is presented. The merits of the medical therapy thatfailed are discussed. Pathological examination showed a nidusof aspergillus around suture material persisting from a pyelolithotomyoperation 2 years before in India. We argue that this was thereason for the failure of the medical therapy. This is the firstcase of its kind reported.  相似文献   
A study of intravenous (i.v.) cannula usage for medical emergencies admitted to hospitals in the Newham Health District was undertaken during two defined periods (24 and 35 days). Almost half the cannulas inserted (47%) were not flushed following an initial bolus injection of heparinized saline. The duration that cannulas remained in a vein ranged from 24 hours to 8 days (median 2 days) and inflammation around the cannula site was related to the length of time since insertion but unrelated to whether the cannula was flushed regularly or to the type of fluid used. Our findings indicate a substantial wastage of i.v. cannulas due to difficulties with insertion and suggest that isotonic saline, without heparin, is effective in maintaining cannula patency for 48 hours. It is concluded that these findings are not unique to the Newham Health District and worthwhile financial savings should be achieved throughout the NHS if clinicians reconsider the indications and use of i.v. cannulas for their patients.  相似文献   
Effects of iontophoretically applied dopamine and its receptor antagonists on physiologically identified retinal ganglion cells were studied in the optically intact eye of pentobarbitone anaesthetised kittens (7-9 weeks of age) and the results were compared with the effects obtained from adult cats (18-22 weeks of age). In both the adult and the kitten, dopamine had an inhibitory effect on visually evoked and spontaneous activity of the retinal ganglion cells, irrespective of cell type. However, unlike in the adult, the effects of dopamine in kittens were variable and not dependent on retinal eccentricity. In adult cells, only L-sulpiride (a potent D2 receptor antagonist) reduced the inhibitory effect of exogenous dopamine, whereas in kitten cells, both alpha-flupenthixol (a potent D1 receptor antagonist) and L-sulpiride did so. When applied alone, neither alpha-flupenthixol nor affected the activity of ganglion cells in adults, but in kittens both antagonists produced an excitatory effect in some cells. Physiologically active dopaminergic innervation seemed, therefore, to be present on the immature ganglion cells, but was subsequently 'eliminated' during the course of postnatal development. Furthermore, in immature cells, both D1 and D2 type receptors are present but only D2 receptors remain in adult. Therefore, there is a mismatch between dopamine receptors and dopamine in the adult retina and this mismatch may be the consequence of a developmental event.  相似文献   
Two hundred and thirty pregnancies were studied in 196 diabetic women. Seven women with babies found to have major malformations had a higher median first trimester haemoglobin A1 (12.9%) than the median HbA1 (10.8%) in those with normal babies (p = 0.06). No relationship was found between the occurrence of minor malformations and first trimester maternal haemoglobin A1. Two of the seven congenital malformations were diagnosed antenatally at a time when therapeutic abortion could be offered. Expert antenatal ultrasound scanning should be offered to all pregnant diabetic women as poor glycaemic control at the time of conception and organogenesis, as evidenced by raised first trimester HbA1, predisposes to congenital malformation.  相似文献   
Various cases are presented demonstrating the role of computed tomography (CT) in the assessment of serosal and bowel wall pathology. Reference is made to the morphology of the lesions. Illustrative examples of tumors, secondary malignant dissemination, irradiation injury to the gut, and intramural gas associated with ulcerative colitis, are all illustrated.  相似文献   
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