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The sentinel node (SN) concept was originally proposed by several pioneers in the middle of the last century. After Donald Morton and his colleagues demonstrated the clinical significance of the SN concept in melanoma, it attracted vast attention in surgical oncology. At recent international conferences, a number of new approaches in this field for various solid tumors have been reported. Now, there are several possible applications with different technological aspects, such as individualized surgical management of solid tumors, multidisciplinary treatments, and novel therapeutic approaches. This article provides an overview of the future potential of SN technology.  相似文献   


While the mortality of esophageal surgery has decreased due to technological advancements, there is still a complication rate of about 30%. One of the main complications is the anastomotic leakage associated with a significant rate of morbidity and mortality. To close the leakage the efficacy of self-expanding stents (SES) has been shown in different studies. However, the high rate of stent migration limits the use of commercial available stents. In our case we were faced with the problem that the diameter of all available stents was too small to attach tightly to the mucosal wall of the esophagogastric anastomosis.  相似文献   


Many studies have found socioeconomic differentials in cancer survival. Previous studies have generally demonstrated poorer cancer survival with decreasing socioeconomic status but mostly used only ecological measures of status and analytical methods estimating simple survival. This study investigate socio-economic differentials in cancer survival using four indicators of socioeconomic status; three individual and one ecological. It uses a relative survival method which gives a measure of excess mortality due to cancer.  相似文献   
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