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McMahon  Ted 《JAMA》2004,292(13):1529
One hundred three consecutive patients referred for treatment of chronic pelvic pain underwent MMPI testing, and 60 had diagnostic laparoscopy. A physical cause for the pain was found in 45 (75%) of the 60. However, three fourths (34) of patients with an organic cause for the pain also had evidence of psychopathology on the MMPI. Reassurance and education as to the role of stress in causing or exacerbating pain complaints appeared helpful. Most patients improve without major surgery.  相似文献   
Pseudopregnant, pregnant, and ovariectomized rabbits were utilized to study hormonal mediation of uterine epithelial surface negativity and glycocalyx morphology, and to seek local effects of blastocysts at sites of implantation. A loss of surface negativity [polycationic ferritin (PCF) binding] by day 6 of pregnancy or pseudopregnancy was noted, accompanied by alterations in epithelial glycocalyx. Uteri from estrous animals, or ovariectomized animals receiving oil or estradiol injections, bound PCF and exhibited a “globular” glycocalyx. Uteri from day 6 pseudopregnant or pregnant animals, or ovariectomized animals receiving progesterone injections, did not bind PCF or exhibit a globular glycocalyx. Both PCF binding and the globular character of the epithelial glycocalyx were sensitive to neuraminidase and trypsin treatment, suggesting sialoglycoprotein contribution to surface negativity. Implanting blastocysts had no detectable local effect on surface negativity, but did induce local reduction of epithelial glycocalyx at sites of implantation. Results of this study suggest that uterine epithelial glycocalyx alterations during the preimplantation period reflect a general response to prosgesterone stimulation, primarily qualtitative in nature, related to the acquisition of receptivity to ovo-implantation.  相似文献   
Spaced training is generally more effective than massed training for learning and memory, but the molecular mechanisms underlying this trial spacing effect remain poorly characterized. One potential molecular basis for the trial spacing effect is the differential modulation, by distinct temporal patterns of neuronal activity, of protein synthesis-dependent processes that contribute to the expression of specific forms of synaptic plasticity in the mammalian brain. Long-term potentiation (LTP) is a type of synaptic modification that may be important for certain forms of memory storage in the mammalian brain. To explore the role of protein synthesis in the trial spacing effect, we assessed the protein synthesis dependence of hippocampal LTP induced by 100-Hz tetraburst stimulation delivered to mouse hippocampal slices in either a temporally massed (20-s interburst interval) or spaced (5-min interburst interval) fashion. To extend our studies to the behavioral level, we trained mice in fear conditioning using either a massed or spaced training protocol and examined the sensitivity of long-term memory to protein synthesis inhibition. Larger LTP was induced by spaced stimulation in hippocampal slices. This improvement of synaptic potentiation following temporally spaced synaptic stimulation in slices was attenuated by bath application of an inhibitor of protein synthesis. Further, the maintenance of LTP induced by spaced synaptic stimulation was more sensitive to disruption by anisomycin than the maintenance of LTP elicited following massed stimulation. Temporally spaced behavioral training improved long-term memory for contextual but not for cued fear conditioning, and this enhancement of memory for contextual fear was also protein synthesis dependent. Our data reveal that altering the temporal spacing of synaptic stimulation and behavioral training improved hippocampal LTP and enhanced contextual long-term memory. From a broad perspective, these results suggest that the recruitment of protein synthesis-dependent processes important for long-term memory and for long-lasting forms of LTP can be modulated by the temporal profiles of behavioral training and synaptic stimulation.  相似文献   
Summary Two patients presenting with malignant meningitis resulting from small-cell carcinoma of the lung and with lymphoblastic leukemia, respectively, were treated by intrathecal administration of etoposide. In both cases, this treatment was well tolerated and produced relief of the central nervous system symptoms. Pharmacokinetic data showed that cerebrospinal fluid drug levels of up to 5.2 g/ml were achieved, which were considerably higher than those obtained after i.v. administration of high-dose etoposide.  相似文献   
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