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A case of papilliferous keratoameloblastoma is reported which is only the second ever documented. The patient was a 76-yr-old black woman with a large expansile multilocular radiolucency of the body, angle and ramus of the mandible. Histologically the lesion consisted of sheets of cystic follicles filled with necrotic debris and sometimes parakeratin. The vast majority of the follicles were lined by a papilliferous epithelium consisting of large rounded cells with centrally placed nuclei. True papillary projections with cores of connective tissue were also present. The remainder of the follicles were lined by a thin parakeratinising stratified squamous epithelium. Histological features characteristic of ameloblastoma were absent. Final classification of these lesions will have to await the reporting of further cases.  相似文献   
Free choline and ATP contents were measured in Mongolian gerbil hippocampal slices (tissue) and incubation media (media) during exposure to 30 min of aglycemia, high potassium, anoxia, or ischemia. Changes in choline levels reflected the degree of energy reduction, lower ATP levels being associated with high choline (4-fold increase during exposure to high potassium and anoxia, and 11-fold increase during ischemia). Media (extracellular) choline was particularly affected and increased about twofold during relatively mild energy depletion (e.g., aglycemia), but tissue choline content was less sensitive to energy reduction. A plot of choline vs. ATP levels indicated a nonlinear correlation, and the sharp increase in choline occurred when ATP values fell to about 2.5 nmol/mg of protein. Inhibition of acetylcholine sterase by 10 microM physostigmine during ischemia did not prevent an increase in choline contents but rather enhanced them, indicating that acetylcholine hydrolysis was not the source of free choline. Formation of free choline was Ca2+ independent. These findings suggest the involvement of phospholipase D and phosphatidylcholine hydrolysis in free choline formation during energy stress. The extent of choline formation may be an indicator of the degree of membranal damage, which in turn reflects damage to the metabolic machinery of the cell.  相似文献   
Thirty-five members of a family affected with von Hippel-Lindau's disease (VHL) were examined and lesions were found in nine of them. Four of the lesions were located in the central nervous system; two cerebellar, one spinal, one cerebral. Eye lesions were present in eight of the nine patients and complications developed in seven; six unilateral and one bilateral blindness. Both mortality and morbidity were found to be higher than in other series. This is attributed to insufficient screening of the patients with familial VHL, the late diagnosis was established only after the onset of complications. The importance of screening tests in VHL risk patients is emphasized.  相似文献   
Endothelial cell seeding may improve the patency of synthetic vascular grafts provided that platelet reactivity of nonendothelialized sites is not increased. We have investigated if surface-adsorbed monoclonal antibodies directed against endothelial cell membrane proteins and against extracellular matrix proteins promote the adhesion and proliferation of cultured human endothelial cells, without causing platelet deposition at non-endothelialized sites. Adhesion of endothelial cells onto polyethylene coated with monoclonal antibodies directed against endothelial cell-specific membrane antigens, integrin receptors and glycoprotein CD31 was equal to or higher than adhesion onto fibronectin-coated polyethylene. Endothelial cells did not proliferate on these surface-adsorbed antibodies. However, pre-coating of polyethylene with mixtures of endothelial cell-specific monoclonal antibodies and monoclonal antibodies directed against fibronectin or von Willebrand factor, resulted in relatively high adhesion and optimal proliferation. Platelet reactivity of the polyethylene surface was found to significantly increase after adsorption of fibronectin, endothelial cell-specific monoclonal antibody or its Fc fragments. In contrast, adsorption of F(ab')2 fragments of endothelial cell-specific monoclonal antibody did not promote platelet deposition. Therefore, it is concluded that coating of vascular graft materials with mixtures of F(ab')2 fragments of monoclonal antibodies specifically directed against endothelial cells and against extracellular matrix proteins may be an effective way to both promote the growth of seeded endothelial cells and limit platelet-graft interaction.  相似文献   
Bronchoalveolar lavage fluid neutrophils were studied by the cytologic methods in 58 patients with chronic bronchitis, 63 ones with bronchiectasis, and 8 normal controls. The study included cytospectrophotometry of myeloperoxidase and alkaline phosphatase activity and estimation of active oxygen-producing cells in the NBT test. Neutrophilic functional activity was different in the patients with chronic bronchitis and bronchiectasis. Neutrophilic myeloperoxidase and alkaline phosphatase activities were lower in the patients with chronic bronchitis than in those with bronchiectasis, whereas the counts of cells active in the NBT test were low in both patient populations.  相似文献   
This article describes the outcomes of a study involving family members of communication-impaired long-term care residents in a collaborative nursing/speech language pathology intervention designed to increase the residents' communication ability. Family members provided memorabilia and artifacts or produced audio or video tapes, for use in conjunction with a speech therapy enhancement program (STEP). Findings revealed that, despite a minimal improvement in speech ability, there was a dramatic increase in family members' satisfaction.  相似文献   
A 43-year-old woman suffered a blast-type injury to the head and neck. She subsequently developed bilateral internal carotid artery occlusion and bilateral anterior cerebral artery infarction not demonstrated by magnetic resonance imaging scan 24 hours after the explosion, but confirmed by a second scan 8 days after the explosion. In patients with blast-type injury to the head and neck who develop coma with a nonfocal neurological exam, the possibility of bilateral carotid artery occlusion and bilateral ischemic infarction should be considered.  相似文献   
There is increasing evidence from human and experimental studies that the most important factor governing the outcome in head injury is the severity of diffuse axonal injuries. The authors have experienced 18 cases of severe diffuse axonal injury which showed post-traumatic coma for more than 24 hours and CT findings resembling those of shearing injuries of the cerebral white matter such as have been presented by Zimmerman et al. (1978). The consciousness levels on admission were 6 or less on the Glasgow Coma Scale and all cases were shown clinically to have primary brain stem injury. The main type of head trauma resulted from road traffic accidents (83%). Skull fractures were found in only 5 cases (28%). These findings suggested that acceleration/deceleration injury produce in the patients severe diffuse axonal injury. Initial ICP was below 20 mmHg in 11 cases out of 13 (85%). Parenchymal small hemorrhagic lesions of initial CT were basal ganglia (7 cases), corpus callosum (4 cases), pons (4 cases), midbrain (3 cases) and thalamus (2 cases). Extraparenchymal hemorrhagic lesions included intraventricular hemorrhage (6 cases) and subarachnoid hemorrhage (6 cases). Two autopsied cases of severe diffuse axonal injury (acute case and chronic case) showed remarkable congestion and edema in the deep part of the frontal white matter. Microscopic examination revealed marked axonal degeneration including axonal retraction ball in the corpus callosum, in the internal capsule and in the white matter of the brain stem. Glasgow Outcome Scale of the 18 patients at 3 months after the trauma made us concerned that no patients indicated good recovery or even only moderate disability.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
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