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Studies were performed to evaluate the effect of unilateral nephrectomy on glycerol-induced acute renal failure in the rat. Normal rats were subjected to either sham uninephrectomy (n = 43) or right uninephrectomy (n = 53). The functional compensation of the remaining kidney was followed after 1 and 2 weeks. Fourteen days after the operation, acute renal failure was induced by injection of 50% glycerol solution to both groups. Uninephrectomised rats developed a lesser degree of renal failure compared to sham-operated rats. Forty-eight hours after glycerol injection, PCr of uninephrectomised rats was 260 +/- 22 mumol/l compared with 338 +/- 26 in sham-operated rats (P less than 0.0125) and CCr in uninephrectomised rats was greater (0.10 +/- 0.01 ml/min vs 0.07 +/- 0.01; P less than 0.025) in sham rats. Uninephrectomised rats had significantly greater recovery of CCr compared to sham rats at 24 h (20.1% +/- 2.3 vs 13.1% +/- 2.2, P less than 0.025) and at 48 h (32.1% +/- 3.3 vs 19.2% +/- 3.3, P less than 0.005) after glycerol injection. FENa was significantly less in uninephrectomised rats: 0.96 +/- 0.16% vs 2.25 +/- 0.05% (P less than 0.025) in sham rats 24 h post glycerol. Urinary excretion of K+ was greater in rats following uninephrectomy compared to sham rats both after 24 h and 48 h post glycerol (P less than 0.01), accompanied by lower plasma potassium (P less than 0.05). A correlation coefficient (r) of 0.793 was observed between urinary potassium excretion rate and percentage recovery of CCr.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
The renal and hemodynamic effects of dopamine were measured during the immediate postoperative period in six infants following repair of congenital cardiac defects. Dopamine was infused at rates of 5, 10, and 15 micrograms/kg/min. Cardiac index (CI) increased significantly at a dopamine infusion rate of 15 micrograms/kg/min. The glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and urine output increased at dopamine infusion rates of 5 and 10 micrograms/kg/min and returned to baseline at 15 micrograms/kg/min. No significant changes occurred in right atrial pressure (RAP), left atrial pressure (LAP), systemic artery pressure, systemic vascular resistance (SVR), or pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR). Heart rate (HR) increased slightly at a dopamine infusion rate of 15 micrograms/kg/min. Pulmonary artery pressure (PAP) increased significantly in only one patient. These data demonstrate that infants require high doses of dopamine to produce the hemodynamic effects seen in adults and that these higher doses may be used without adverse renal effects.  相似文献   
Estramustine phosphate disodium (Estracyt) was used in the treatment of 38 patients with prostatic carcinoma for at least 1 year. Of these patients 37 patients were treated with Estracyt as primary treatment and 1 patient had been treated with another antiandrogenic therapy before the Estracyt treatment. Estracyt was given orally in a dose of 560 mg/day in divided oral doses. The clinical evaluation was done for the change of PAP, the relapse rate, the survival rate and the side effect. Among 22 cases which had shown abnormally high PAP values before the treatment started, the values decreased or normalized in 21 cases (95.5%) in the first year of administration of Estracyt. In 6 cases, however, the values increased again in the second year or later. Relapse was observed in 10 (26.3%) out of 38 cases. Relapse rate was 2.6%, 51.7%, and 51.7%, at the first, third, and fifth year, respectively. Survival rate was 97.4% at the first year, 88.5% at the third year, and 68.8% at the fifth year for the follow-up study. Side effects were observed in 14 (36.8%) out of 38 cases. The main side effect was gynecomastia. Gastro-intestinal disturbance and edema were also observed. However, there were only 2 cases (5.2%) in which administration of Estracyt had to be discontinued.  相似文献   
Laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC) using electrocoagulation was successfully performed in 56 out of 58 selected patients. Cholangiography was performed in 53 patients. Six patients had common duct stones; five were unsuspected preoperatively. After the gallbladder was removed, three patients underwent open common duct exploration. In another five cases, anatomical anomalies were discovered. Cholangiography performed via the cystic duct before any structures are divided can prevent the most serious complication--common duct injury. Cholangiography should be attempted on all patients undergoing LC.  相似文献   
It is well known that primary hyperparathyroidism is often associated with peptic ulcer. The purpose of this study is to confirm the relationship between the gastrin-levels before and after parathyroidectomy in fourteen patients with primary hyperparathyroidism, and to determine the localization of gastrin in the surgically resected parathyroid tumor. The results obtained were as follows: 1) Three patients had peptic ulcer (gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer), the incidence being 21%. 2) The basal serum gastrin levels were 123.0% +/- 68.1 pg/ml before operation and decreased to 90.2 +/- 44.5 pg/ml after operation. In the 3 patients with slightly elevated gastrin levels, the mean level before operation was 209.1 +/- 61.2 pg/ml. The gastrin level decreased to 116.4 +/- 62.0 pg/ml after operation. 3) Gastrin immunoreactivity was detected in 10 out of 14 tumors and its localization was at the periphery of tumor cells. From these results, we conclude that extragastric gastrin secretion from parathyroid tumors may be one of the cause of peptic ulcer in patients with primary hyperparathyroidism.  相似文献   
Early changes in the morphology of the gastric mucosa after the skin had been burned were studied using a standardised model in rats. A full thickness burn was inflicted by exposing about 20% of the total body surface area to hot water (99 degrees C) for 10 s. Intragastric acidity was kept at pH 1.0 or pH 7.4 in six experimental groups of eight rats. Rats were subjected to burns with the stomach irrigated at pH 1.0 or pH 7.4. Parallel groups received fluid replacement with a solution of human albumin, and two uninjured groups served as controls. Lesions of the gastric mucosa were measured by planimetry of photographs, and light microscopy was used for histological examination. At an intragastric pH of 1.0, the burned rats developed mucosal erosions covering an average of 13% of the total glandular mucosa; the remaining groups had only minimal mucosal lesions. Erosions of the gastric mucosa after the skin had been burned could be prevented in two ways--either by establishing an alkaline (pH 7.4) milieu in the gastric lumen, or by replacing sufficient fluid to maintain aortic blood pressure at the pre-experiment level. Fluid replacement prevented mucosal erosions even if the intragastric pH was kept at 1.0. Thus both luminal acidity and local tissue blood flow are possible mechanisms for gastric epithelial damage following burns of the skin.  相似文献   
The gentamicin-containing collagen sponge is a new product intended for local application in bone and soft-tissue infections. The release of gentamicin from the collagen sponges was compared in vitro to that from polymethyl-methacrylate (PMMA) beads. A static and kinetic experimental design was used. In the static model, pieces of collagen sponge or PMMA beads were added to 20 mL of distilled water, and during the following hours the gentamicin concentrations in the water were repeatedly measured. This simple model was extended to the kinetic model as the released gentamicin was removed from the water exponentially by means of an infusion-withdrawal pump. The gentamicin was released from the carrier substances with increasing half lives. During the first 4 hours, the half life increased from 0.2 to 1.5 hours for the collagen sponge and from 3 to 78 hours for the PMMA beads. After 1.5 hours, 95 percent of the gentamicin was released from the sponges, whereas only 8 percent was released from the beads.  相似文献   
Using high resolution ultrasonography (US), diagnostic accuracy of thrombi in each venous segment of lower limbs and qualitative evaluation of thrombi in deep vein thrombosis (DVT) were investigated. The subjects were 106 lower limbs in 81 patients. The thrombi in common femoral vein (CFV), were diagnosed by compression technique and, were qualitatively analysed by echogenicity and consistency. Venography was performed in 18 limbs and histologic tests of thrombi were made in 6 limbs. The total accuracy of US was 100% for diagnosis of DVT, but was 83% for diagnosis of its extent. The total accuracy of US in each segment was greater than 90%, but the sensitivity of iliac veins was less than 90%. The thrombi in CFV were divided into 3 types and 8 sub-types. Type A was homogenous, type B was heterogenous, and type C was contracted echo. The types of us were consistent with results of histologic tests. We concluded that high resolution US is available for screening test for diagnosis of DVT and that qualitative evaluation of thrombi by US is a useful clinical test for selection of more adequate treatments.  相似文献   
Effects of sevoflurane at various anesthetic levels on renal sympathetic nerve activity (RSNA), blood pressure and heart rate were studied in rats. Changes of these parameters produced reflexly by noxious cutaneous stimulation and effects of baroreceptor on them were also studied. Under the resting condition by increasing inspired sevoflurane concentration decreased blood pressure and heart rate dose-dependently, whereas, RSNA was unchanged. But, without the baroreceptor function, RSNA decreased and the change paralleled with changes of blood pressure and heart rate. When noxious stimulation was applied on a hindpaw by pinching, blood pressure, heart rate and RSNA all increased at sevoflurane 2.1%. The responses of these parameters were attenuated at 3.1% and almost disappeared at 4.2% of sevoflurane. However, without the baroreceptor function, RSNA increased even at 3.2 and 4.2% as at 2.1% of sevoflurane. It is suggested that under sevoflurane anesthesia, baroreceptor system has strong influences on RSNA even under sevoflurane 4.2% (2MAC).  相似文献   
Nonocclusive mesenteric ischemia (NOMI) is a disorder with an extremely high mortality. Salvage of affected patients requires early recognition and aggressive intervention to prevent intestinal gangrene. Dialysis patients represent a group at particularly high risk for this condition. Clinicians should develop a high index of suspicion for NOMI in dialysis patients to lessen the risk of death. A high interventional posture must be maintained due to the notoriously unreliable signs and symptoms of this disorder.  相似文献   
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