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Computed tomography (CT) is currently the imaging modality of choice for assessing the morphology of the adrenal glands in adult patients. Much useful information can be gained using CT in disease processes which primarily involve one or both of the adrenal glands, such as adenomas, as well as in entities which secondarily affect the adrenals, such as pituitary or metastatic disease. The size and configuration of the glands can be readily determined, and masses may be detected. We discuss CT of normal and abnormal adrenal glands with sonographic (US) and pathological correlation, when available. Entities which may mimic adrenal abnormalities are emphasized. Relative advantages of US over CT in the pediatric patient are discussed.  相似文献   
The Dundee Memory Clinic was established in 1991. This paper reviews the diagnosis of the first 150 attenders and compares the findings with those of other memory clinics.  相似文献   
Fibroblasts incorporated within collagen gels induce a cell-mediated contraction of the gel to form a three-dimensional, tissue-like structure by a mechanism thought to mimic wound contraction in vivo . In this study a gel contraction model was used to investigate the ability of fibroblasts derived from adult gingiva, adult skin and fetal skin to organise a collagen matrix. In addition the effects of interleukin-1β (IL-1β) on the contraction process was also investigated. Over the concentration range 5-50 U/ml, IL-1β induced a statistically significant inhibition of gel contraction in all fibroblast cell types ( P <0.05), although fetal fibroblasts appeared least responsive and gingival fibroblasts most responsive to the inhibitory effects of this cytokine. Comparison of gel contraction by the different fibroblast strains indicated that fetal and gingival fibroblasts shared similar contraction kinetics. For the adult skin fibroblasts, three of five strains studied showed significantly diminished levels of gel contraction compared to fetal and gingival cells. This apparent difference in fibroblast phenotype may, at least in part, explain the fetal-like wound healing pattern seen in the oral mucosa.  相似文献   
The diagnosis of acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM) is frequently missed or delayed with consequent delay in instituting therapy in the crucial phase of the illness. The role of MRI in the diagnosis of ADEM is well established, however, the value of its early utilization of treatment on the outcome of patients has not been adequately stressed. Three patients with ADEM are described. Delay in the diagnosis of the first was associated with severe sequelae, while in the other two early diagnosis and institution of corticosteroid therapy which was facilitated by MRI, was associated with a better outcome. MRI should be carried out early once the diagosis of ADEM is entertained.  相似文献   
The value of ultrasound in the diagnosis of a large rapidly growing thyroid mass was assessed in a study of 42 patients with a large (> 3 cm) rapidly growing (< two months) solitary mass. Haemorrhage into a thyroid nodule was present in 31 patients and thyroid malignancy in 11. Ultrasound of haemorrhage into a thyroid nodule revealed a large cystic mass in all 31 patients containing internal debris (22), septations (three), or a combination of both (six). The malignant causes of a large rapidly growing mass were lymphoma (two), anaplastic carcinoma (four) and metastasis (five). Ultrasound of these thyroid malignancies revealed a mass with a smooth, well-defined margin and strikingly low homogeneous echogenicity in all cases. Patients with thyroid metastases had evidence of widespread metastatic disease elsewhere. Lymphoma was differentiated from anaplastic carcinoma on fine-needle aspiration cytology or surgical biopsy. Ultrasound was of value in differentiating between a benign haemorrhagic nodule and a malignant tumour. The various malignant tumours had similar appearances, however, and could not be distinguished on ultrasound.  相似文献   
Summary GM1- and GM2-gangliosides were isolated from brain and radio-labelled. The labelled moieties were localized by hydrolysis with lysosomal enzymes, followed by thin-layer chromatography of the products. High-resolution loading tests with labelled gangliosides were developed and found to differentiate infantile and juvenile forms of GM1- and GM2-gangliosidoses as well as the identification of B, O and AB types of GM2-gangliosidosis.  相似文献   
Adverse ocular effects associated with niacin therapy.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
In a retrospective survey of patients taking medication for hyperlipidaemia, those taking niacin (nicotinic acid) were more likely (p < 0.05) to report sicca syndromes, blurred vision, eyelid oedema, and macular oedema compared with those who never took niacin. Additionally, 7% of those taking niacin discontinued the drug owing to adverse ocular side effects, while none of the other lipid lowering agents were found to cause these side effects (p = 0.016). Data from spontaneous reporting systems support a possible association of decreased vision, cystoid macular oedema, sicca-like symptoms, discoloration of the eyelids with or without periorbital or eyelid oedema, proptosis, loss of eyebrow or eyelashes, and superficial punctate keratitis with the use of niacin in high doses. Decreased vision may be marked, and if the drug is not discontinued, may progress to cystoid macular oedema. All ocular side effects listed above are reversible if the association with niacin is recognised and the drug is discontinued; both the incidence and severity of the ocular side effects seem to be dose dependent.  相似文献   
In 41 patients with recurrent sustained ventricular tachycardia and/or ventricular fibrillation an integrated pacemaker-defibrillator-system (PCD, Medtronic, model 7216 A or 7217 B) was implanted. In 21 out of 24 (88%) patients a new transvenous implantation technique in combination with a subcutaneous patch electrode was used. The implanted devices comprise antibradycardiac pacemaker functions, two different forms of antitachycardiac pacemaker functions (ramp and burst pacing), and internal cardioversion or defibrillation capabilities. During a mean follow-up of 8 months 147 episodes of ventricular tachycardia were detected, 131 of them were terminated successfully by antitachycardiac pacing; in 13 episodes internal cardioversion was applied to revert ventricular tachycardia. Twenty-seven episodes of ventricular fibrillation or rapid ventricular tachycardia (greater than 200/min) were detected and successfully terminated by internal defibrillation. In six patients with intermittent rapid atrial fibrillation, change of antiarrhythmic therapy was required to avoid activation of the device. The new integrated pacemaker-defibrillator systems improve therapy in patients with life-threatening tachyarrhythmias by reducing the number of internal cardioversions/defibrillations; the non-thoracotomy approach reduces the post operative risk.  相似文献   
Of 431 patients with gastric cancer observed in our institution, 23 (5.3%) had early gastric cancer (EGC). Macroscopic presentation, histology, depth of invasion, and lymph node involvement were evaluated in all the cases. All patients underwent surgery and an intensive follow-up was performed. Five of the 23 patients progressed, and the risk factors were examined. Histology seemed to be the main prognostic factor in our study, since intestinal type of EGC was associated to a significantly better prognosis. Total gastrectomy is indicated in the proximal localization of EGC, and should perhaps be performed also in cases presenting undifferentiated histology.  相似文献   
Two-color flow cytometry was carried out to determine the correlation between cell-mediated immunity and the levels of proteinuria in 30 patients with membranous nephropathy. Lymphocyte subpopulations were measured by two-color flow cytometry using various monoclonal antibodies of the Leu series. Clinically, the patients were divided into four stages as follows: 1. untreated nephrotic stage, 2. prednisolone (PSL) treated nephrotic stage, 3. persistent proteinuric stage (incomplete remission, ICR) and 4. complete remission (CR). Two-color flow cytometry showed a significant decrease in Leu 2a+15+ (suppressor T) cells and relative increase in Leu 3a+8+ (suppressor inducer T) cells in the untreated nephrotic stage. The mean Leu 3a+8-/Leu 2a+15+ (helper/suppressor) cell ratio was normalized in the persistent proteinuric stage or complete remission after treatment with PSL. Patients with membranous nephropathy showed a significant elevation of Leu 2a+DR+ cells after treatment with PSL. The abnormalities of suppressor T cells and suppressor inducer T cells in the peripheral blood appear to reflect the levels of proteinuria in patients with membranous nephropathy. It was concluded that PSL might stimulate Leu 2a positive cells and then increase the number of Leu 2a+15+ cells in the peripheral blood of patients with membranous nephropathy.  相似文献   
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