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T-cell clones are valuable tools for investigating T-cell specificity in infectious, autoimmune and malignant diseases. T cells specific for clinically-relevant autoantigens are difficult to clone using traditional methods. Here we describe an efficient method for cloning human autoantigen-specific CD4+ T cells pre-labelled with CFSE. Proliferating, antigen-responsive CD4+ cells were identified flow cytometrically by their reduction in CFSE staining and single cells were sorted into separate wells. The conditions (cytokines, mitogens and tissue culture plates) for raising T-cell clones were optimised. Media supplemented with IL-2+IL-4 supported growth of the largest number of antigen-specific clones. Three mitogens, PHA, anti-CD3 and anti-CD3+anti-CD28, each stimulated the growth of similar numbers of antigen-specific clones. Cloning efficiency was similar in flat- and round-bottom plates. Based on these findings, IL-2+IL-4, anti-CD3 and round-bottom plates were used to clone FACS-sorted autoantigen-specific CFSE-labelled CD4+ T cells. Sixty proinsulin- and 47 glutamic acid decarboxylase-specific clones were obtained from six and two donors, respectively. In conclusion, the CFSE-based method is ideal for cloning rare, autoantigen-specific, human CD4+ T cells.  相似文献   
We reported that antigenic preparations from Yersinia enterocolitica stimulate murine T cells in a manner consistent with that of superantigens. As a consequence we examined whether Y. enterocolitica antigenic preparations stimulate human T-cell cultures. Human T cells, enriched from peripheral blood lymphocytes, were stimulated to proliferate in the presence of Y. Enterocolitica cytoplasmic and membrane preparations. This activity has also been shown to be sensitive to protease treatment, indicating the presence of a protein, and when separated by ion-exchange chromatography a single peak of activity is resolved. Furthermore, this proliferation was inhibited, in a dose-dependent manner, by the presence of antibodies directed against MHC class II antigens, indicating a requirement for these molecules. When these cells were stained with a panel of Vβ-specific antibodies to determine if there was an enrichment of a particular Vβ-bearing T-cell subset after stimulation, results indicate a significant enrichment of T cells bearing Vβ3, Vβl2, Vβl4, and Vβl7 over controls. Taken together, these data are consistent with a Y. enterocolitica product acting as a superantigen for human T cells.  相似文献   
Hearts from rats treated with interleukin-1 (IL-1) intraperitoneally developed a rapid (6 h after IL-1), transient increase in neutrophils, tissue hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), and oxidized glutathione (GSSG) levels, and a subsequent (36 h after IL-1) increase in myocardial glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) activity and tolerance to ischemia-reperfusion. In the present investigation, we found that rats treated similarly with IL-1 had increased numbers of neutrophils in their kidneys, which were comparable to myocardial neutrophil increases, but did not develop increased renal tissue H2O2 or GSSG levels acutely (6 h after IL-1) or increased G6PD activity or resistance to ischemia-reperfusion injury later (36 h after IL-1). Our findings indicate that IL-1 treatment increased neutrophil accumulation in rat kidneys but did not increase oxidative stress, antioxidant enzyme activity, or resistance to ischemia-reperfusion injury. We conclude that organ-to-organ differences exist with respect to IL-1-induced tolerance.  相似文献   
A soluble genus-specific chlamydial antigen has been isolated from the supernatants of cultures infected with Chlamydia trachomatis and from other sources. The antigen is a glycolipid that is secreted during the infective cycle. This exoglycolipid can be hydrolysed and fractionated into polysaccharide and lipid components. Both fractions retain antigenic activity. An immunodominant antigenic determinant of the lipid component contains fatty acids of C17 and C18:1. The polysaccharide immunodominant epitope gives rise to gulose when derivatives are formed. The secretion of the antigen into the media supernatant, the presence of gulose and the observed molecular weight are consistent with properties of alginate secreted by Gram-negative bacteria. Chemical analyses and SDS-PAGE indicate that the exoglycolipid is markedly different from LPS.  相似文献   
The avian ciliary ganglion contains two populations of parasympathetic cells, termed the ciliary and choroid neurons. We have estimated the quantal contents of nicotinic excitatory postsynaptic potentials in both populations of neurons by several methods. The singly innervated ciliary neurons have quantal contents of 15–30. In contrast, the multiply innervated choroid cells have quantal contents of 4–7. Quantal conductance was also determined, using a parallel conductance model which takes into account the capacitance of the cell membrane. This analysis indicates that in both populations of neurons one quantum activates approximately 100 postsynaptic receptors.

It is concluded that in autonomie ganglia singly innervated cells demonstrate a larger quantal content, consistent with a higher safety factor for neurotransmission, while quantal content in multiply innervated cells is generally much lower, allowing for considerable summation of presynaptic inputs. Further, in autonomic neurons many fewer postsynaptic receptors are activated by a single quantum than is the case at the neuromuscular junction.  相似文献   

A cross-sectional survey in individuals affected with the lysosomal storage disease Mucopolysaccharidosis VI (MPS VI) was conducted to establish demographics, urinary glycosaminoglycan (GAG) levels, and clinical progression of the disease. The survey evaluated 121 bona fide MPS VI-affected individuals over the age of 4 years from 15 countries across the Americas, Europe, and Australasia representing greater than 10% of the estimated world prevalence of the disease. A medical history, complete physical exam, urinary GAG determination, and assessment of several clinical measures related to physical endurance, pulmonary function, joint range of motion, strength, and quality of life were completed for each participant. Although a wide variation in clinical presentation was observed, several general findings were obtained reflecting progression of the disease. Impaired physical endurance, as measured by the distance achieved in a 6-min walk, could be demonstrated across all age groups of MPS VI-affected individuals. High urinary GAG values (>200 mug/mg creatinine) were associated with an accelerated clinical course comprised of age-adjusted short stature and low body weight, impaired endurance, compromised pulmonary function, and reduced joint range of motion. An unexpected result was the predominance of urinary GAG values <100 mug/mg creatinine for those participants over the age of 20 years. Pending the collection of longitudinal data, these results suggest that urinary GAG levels predict clinical morbidity, and longer-term survival is associated with urinary GAG levels below a threshold of 100 mug/mg creatinine.  相似文献   
When subject to a transmural pressure gradient resistance arteries develop a spontaneous, intrinsically initiated contraction which varies according to the pressure stimulus and occurs in the absence of vasoconstrictor agonists. Such pressure-dependent active changes in vascular tone are indicative of the vascular myogenic response and contribute to autoregulation and the setting of total peripheral resistance and hence blood pressure regulation. The myogenic behaviour of blood vessels provides the background tone upon which other vasomotor influences act. Hypertension is associated with a raised vascular resistance and in this article the evidence for increased myogenic activity contributing to the raised vascular resistance is reviewed. Although there are some cases that provide evidence for exaggerated myogenic responsiveness in resistance arteries taken from hypertensive animals it is not possible to conclude that enhanced myogenic contractile responses within normal pressure ranges contribute to the raised total peripheral resistance. However, the myogenic tone of the resistance arteries of the various vascular beds is subject to differing modulatory influences in hypertensive animals and their normotensive controls which may contribute to the aetiology of hypertension.  相似文献   
Adult male sexual behavior in mammals requires the neuronal organizing effects of gonadal steroids during a sensitive perinatal period. During development, estradiol differentiates the rat preoptic area (POA), an essential brain region in the male copulatory circuit. Here we report that increases in prostaglandin-E(2) (PGE(2)), resulting from changes in cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) regulation induced by perinatal exposure to estradiol, are necessary and sufficient to organize the crucial neural substrate that mediates male sexual behavior. Briefly preventing prostaglandin synthesis in newborn males with the COX inhibitor indomethacin permanently downregulates markers of dendritic spines in the POA and severely impairs male sexual behavior. Developmental exposure to the COX inhibitor aspirin results in mild impairment of sexual behavior. Conversely, administration of PGE(2) to newborn females masculinizes the POA and leads to male sex behavior in adults, thereby highlighting the pathway of steroid-independent brain masculinization. Our findings show that PGE(2) functions as a downstream effector of estradiol to permanently masculinize the brain.  相似文献   
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