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We report a rare case in which mucous glands, similar to pyloric or Brunner's glands, developed in the residual jejunum (46 cm in length) long after wide resection of the small intestine. The mucous glands were observed in the mucosal and submucosal layers near the duodenum, and the mucin showed a positive reaction by paradoxical concanavalin A staining and immunoreactivity for HIK-1083, which were histochemically the same as those in the pyloric/Brunner's glands. This type of metaplasia in the small intestine without ulceration has not been described in the literature so far. It was speculated that these glands developed as a defense response or adaptation against relatively excessive acid due to the short small intestine.  相似文献   
C Aoyama  S J Qualman  M Regan  H Shimada 《Cancer》1990,65(2):255-264
Histopathologic features of 18 cases of composite ganglioneuroblastoma (CGNB) were studied with immunohistochemical staining techniques using antibodies against S-100 protein (S-100), ferritin (FER), and leukocytic common antigen (LCA). Cases of CGNB were divided on the basis of the morphologic features of neuroblastic elements into three prognostic subgroups: "Type A Intermixed," having individual microscopic nests of neuroblasts (N = 4, 100% survival); "Type B Intermixed," having microscopic aggregates of multiple neuroblastic nests (N = 6, 67% survival); and "Nodular," having grossly visible nodule(s) of neuroblastic proliferation (N = 8, 0% survival). Survival rates are significantly different for the prognostic subgroups (P less than 0.025). Each prognostic subgroup demonstrated an immunohistochemically distinct pattern of stromal cell composition in the neuroblastic elements: Type A Intermixed had numerous S-100 cells and no FER cells, Type B Intermixed contained many S-100 cells and a moderate number of FER cells, and Nodular had few S-100 cells with many FER cells. The S-100 and FER scores, determined by counting the positive cells through a line sampling method, differed significantly between these prognostic subgroups. Lymphocytic aggregations in tumor tissue evaluated by volumetric assessment with LCA staining, on the other hand, showed no contribution in predicting the outcome of the patients. There was also an inverse relationship between S-100 and FER score, suggesting a relationship between the relative predominance of these stromal cell types, tumor histopathologic features, and the biologic behavior of CGNB.  相似文献   
The pathophysiology of altitude-related disorders in untrained trekkers has not been clarified. In the present study, the effects of workload on cardiovascular parameters and regional cerebral oxygenation were studied in untrained trekkers at altitudes of 2700 m and 3700 m above sea level. We studied 6 males and 4 females at each altitude, and their average ages were 31.3+/-7.1 y at 2700 m and 31.2+/-6.8 y at 3700 m, respectively. The resting values of heart rate and mean blood pressure were not significantly different at 2700 m and 3700 m than at sea level. However, increases in these values after exercise were more prominent at high altitudes (heart rate increase = 51.6% at 2700 m and 70.4% at 3700 m; mean blood pressure increase: 19.0% at 2700 m and 17.2% at 3700 m). In addition, post-exercise blood lactate concentration was significantly higher at 3700 m than at sea level or at 2700 m (i.e., 7.6 mM at 3700 m, 3.8 mM at 2700 m, and 4.17 mM at 0 m, respectively). Exercise induced an acute reduction in the arterial oxygen saturation value (SpO2) at 2700 m and 3700 m (i.e., 11.2% reduction at 2700 m and 9.4% at 3700 m), whereas no changes were observed at sea level. The resting values of regional oxygen saturation (rSO2)--measured by a near infra-red spectrophotometer at sea level, 2700 m, and 3700 m-were nearly identical. Exercise at sea level did not reduce this value. In contrast, we observed a decrease in rSO2 after subjects exercised at 2700 m and 3700 m (i.e., 26.9% at 2700 m and 48.1% at 3700 m, respectively). The rSO2 measured 2 min and 3 min after exercise at 3700 m was significantly higher than the preexercise value. From these observations, we concluded that alterations in cardiovascular parameters were apparent only after an exercise load occurred at approximately 3000 m altitude. Acute reduction in cerebral regional oxygen saturation might be a primary cause of headache and acute mountain sickness among unacclimatized trekkers.  相似文献   
We present two cases of hepatic angiomyolipoma in which the size and internal composition of the tumor changed during the course of follow-up study. The tissue elements composing the tumor are thought to grow or regress independently during the disease's clinical course. Radiologists should be aware that hepatic angiomyolipoma can change in size and internal composition during its natural course.  相似文献   
RID=" ID=" <E5>Correspondence to:</E5> J. Yamamoto, M.D.  相似文献   
The objective of the present study was to determine the action duration of tulobuterol tape within a 24-hr period in conscious guinea pigs. The bronchoconstriction induced by histamine-inhalation was significantly inhibited by tulobuterol tape in comparison with its placebo tape 8 and 12 hr after binding, and the inhibitory rate was 50+/-11% and 35+/-13%, respectively. Twenty-four hours after binding, the inhibitory effect of tulobuterol tape gradually diminished, but the inhibitory rate was maintained at 30+/-14%. These results suggest that tulobuterol tape has a long lasting bronchodilatory action.  相似文献   
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