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Magnetic resonance (MR) imaging of the hip has been useful in the examination of patients for the presence of avascular necrosis (AVN). In the detection of AVN, MR imaging is more sensitive than computed tomography or nuclear scintigraphy. This study assessed the usefulness of MR imaging in the differentiation of AVN from other hip diseases. Twenty-two cases of non-AVN hip disease were matched with 23 biopsy-proved cases of AVN and ten normal controls. MR images were rated in a blinded manner by five experienced radiologists, and receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis was performed on the data. In the discrimination of AVN from other hip diseases or from normality, the A(z) value (the area under the ROC curve) was 98.6. With a specificity of 98%, MR imaging was 97% sensitive in the differentiation of AVN from normality, 85% sensitive in the differentiation of AVN from non-AVN disease, and 91% sensitive in the differentiation of AVN from both conditions. MR imaging may therefore help discriminate between AVN and other hip diseases.  相似文献   
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