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Osmolyte transport is a pivotal part of bacterial life, particularly in high salt environments. Several low and high affinity osmolyte transport systems have been identified in various bacterial species. A lot of research has centered on characterizing the osmolyte transport systems of Gram-negative bacteria, but less has been done to characterize the same transport systems in Gram-positive bacteria. This review will focus on the previous work that has been done to understand the osmolyte transport systems in the species Staphylococcus aureus and how these transporters may serve dual functions in allowing the bacteria to survive and grow in a variety of environments, including on the surface or within humans or other animals.  相似文献   
Borrelia burgdorferi expresses a conserved, species-specific 39-kDa protein (P39) that can stimulate antibodies during human infection. To confirm that anti-P39 antibodies are produced consistently in animals exposed to infectious spirochetes, white-footed mice, Peromyscus leucopus, and laboratory white mice, Mus musculus (strain BALB/c), were experimentally inoculated with either infectious or noninfectious B. burgdorferi and the antibody response to P39 was determined by immunoblot at 21 days postinoculation. All mice inoculated with approximately 10(7) infectious B. burgdorferi produced anti-P39 antibodies and were cultured positive for this spirochete. Mice inoculated with similar numbers of inactivated or viable noninfectious B. burgdorferi still producing P39 did not induce anti-P39 antibodies. By contrast, putative antiflagellin antibodies were detected in less than 18% of the infected animals, which supports the notion that antibody reactive with flagellin may not be reliable as a marker for B. burgdorferi exposure as was originally thought. Mice infected with B. burgdorferi following exposure to ticks (Ixodes dammini) produced anti-P39 antibodies no later than 7 days postinfection, indicating that P39 is an effective immunogen in natural infections. Notably, anti-P39 antibodies were the predominant B. burgdorferi reactive antibodies detected early in the infection. Our results indicate that anti-P39 antibodies are produced in response to an active infection and are therefore reliable markers for infection in experimentally and naturally inoculated animals.  相似文献   
In the present study, we show by adhesion assays and ultrastructural studies that platelets can bind to CD34+ cells from human blood and bone marrow and that this interaction interferes with the accurate detection of endogenously expressed platelet glycoproteins (GPs). The interaction between these cells was found to be reversible, dependent on divalent cations, and mediated by P-selectin. Enzymatic characterization showed the involvement of sialic acid residues, protein(s). The demonstration of mRNA for the P-selectin glycoprotein ligand 1 (PSGL-1) in the CD34+ cells by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis suggests that this molecule is present in these cells. Under conditions that prevent platelet adhesion, a small but distinct subpopulation of CD34+ cells diffusely expressed the platelet GPIIb/IIIa complex. These cells were visualized by immunochemical studies. Furthermore, synthesis of mRNA for GPIIb and GPIIIa by CD34+ cells was shown using PCR analysis. The semiquantitative PCR results show relatively higher amounts of GPIIb mRNA than of PF4 mRNA in CD34+CD41+ cells in comparison with this ratio in platelets. This finding is a strong indication that the PCR results are not caused by contaminating adhering platelets. MoAbs against GPIa GPIb alpha, GPV, P- selectin, and the alpha-chain of the vitronectin receptor did not react with CD34+ cells. The number of CD34+ cells expressing GPIIb/IIIa present in peripheral blood stem cell (PBSC) transplants was determined and was correlated with platelet recovery after intensive chemotherapy in 27 patients. The number of CD34+CD41+ cells correlated significantly better with the time of platelet recovery after PBSC transplantation (r = .83, P = .04) than did the total number of CD34+ cells (r = .55). Statistical analysis produced a threshold value for rapid platelet recovery of 0.34 x 10(6) CD34+CD41+ cells/kg. This study suggests that if performed in the presence of EDTA the flow cytometric measurement of GPIIb/IIIa on CD34+ cells provides the most accurate indication of the platelet reconstitutive capacity of the PBSC transplant.  相似文献   
Drobyski  WR; Ul-Haq  R; Majewski  D; Chitambar  CR 《Blood》1996,88(8):3056-3064
Gallium is a group IIIa metal that has efficacy in the therapy of malignant disorders such as lymphoma and urothelial tract tumors. Preclinical studies also indicate a role for gallium in autoimmune disorders, suggesting that gallium is able to modulate T-cell immune reactivity. The purpose of this study was to examine the in vitro and in vivo immunomodulatory action of gallium on T-cell function. Since gallium binds to transferrin in vivo, in vitro studies evaluated the effect of transferrin-gallium (Tf-Ga) on human T cells. Tf-Ga inhibited the mitogen-induced proliferative response of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) in a dose-dependent fashion. Alloantigen- induced proliferation was also potently suppressed when evaluated in a mixed lymphocyte culture assay. Tf-Ga affected a significant reduction in the density of IL-2 receptors on activated T cells and a slight reduction in the number of CD3+/CD25+ T cells in PHA-stimulated cultures. Neither secretion of interleukin-2 (IL-2) nor the induction of IL-2-stimulated lymphokine-activated killer activity, however, was inhibited by Tf-Ga. Tf-Ga produced significant upregulation of the transferrin receptor (CD71) in T cells as determined by flow cytometric analysis and northern blot assay, but did not affect the percentage of CD3+/ CD71+ T cells after mitogen stimulation. To assess the in vivo effects of gallium on alloreactive T cells, we evaluated the immunosuppressive effect of gallium in a murine model of graft-versus- host disease (GVHD). Administration of gallium significantly prolonged survival in mice undergoing severe GVHD, suggesting that gallium can ameliorate GVH reactivity. Collectively, these data demonstrate that, at clinically achievable concentrations, Tf-Ga potently inhibits T-cell activation and that this immunosuppressive property of gallium may be of adjunctive therapeutic value in the management of disorders characterized by the presence of autoreactive or alloreactive T-cell populations.  相似文献   
The vasa vasorum and angioplasty   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Interruption of flow in the vasa vasorum may lead to medial necrosis and aneurysm formation. The purpose of this study was to determine whether angioplasty produces significant alterations in the morphology or blood flow of the vasa vasorum of the dilated artery. The morphology of the canine vasa vasorum was studied before and after angioplasty; in a separate experiment vessel wall blood flow (VWBF) in canine carotid arteries was measured after angioplasty to determine whether physiologic regulation of the blood flow was disrupted by arterial dilation. No morphologic changes could be demonstrated in the vasa vasorum of the dilated artery; however, VWBF was increased by 1194 +/- 215% (mean +/- standard error, p less than 0.01) between 90 and 120 minutes after angioplasty. VWBF in the adjacent nondilated arterial segment was also increased (720 +/- 177% between 10-30 minutes, p less than 0.01) but returned toward normal after 60 minutes. Adenosine caused a "paradoxical" decrease in VWBF (p less than 0.05) of the dilated arterial segment while causing increased VWBF (p less than 0.05) in the thoracic aorta. Angioplasty appears to produce persistent hyperemia in the dilated arterial wall. A paradoxical response to adenosine suggests that vasa vasorum in the dilated arterial segment are maximally vasodilated. This may be due to mechanical disruption of vasomotor tone or to release of vasoactive substances.  相似文献   
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