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Insemination with donor spermatozoa is an integral part of infertility treatment. For the last 3 years in our unit, intrauterine insemination with donor spermatozoa (IUID) has been used in preference to vaginal insemination. In this retrospective study, patients were offered an initial course of five single intrauterine inseminations with cryopreserved donor spermatozoa and treatment was then reviewed. A total of 389 patients received 1465 inseminations. In all, 1119 cycles were monitored using luteinizing hormone serum analyses and 346 cycles using the urine home test kits. The clinical pregnancy rate per insemination for the cycles monitored by the serum assay was 18.0% (202/1119) compared with the urine cycles (13.7%, 46/346) (P <05). The pregnancy loss rate was not significantly different (14.4%, 29/202 and 21.7%, 10/46) (serum and urine cycles respectively). The viable clinical pregnancy rate was significantly higher (P <03) for the serum cycles than for the cycles using the urinary monitoring (15.5%, 173/1119 and 10.4%, 36/346 respectively). The cycles monitored by serum assay had a significantly higher cumulative viable clinical pregnancy rate (P <0001) of 70.2% after nine inseminations compared with the urine monitored cycles of 54.8%. The majority of patients opted for the serum cycles, with a minority self-selecting the urine cycles mainly for travelling convenience. The explanation for the significant differences between the viable clinical pregnancy rates per insemination and the cumulative viable clinical pregnancy rates may be due to the sensitivity of the urine home test kit or the patients' interpretation of the result.   相似文献   
An allergic reaction following intrauterine insemination   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Intrauterine insemination is a common procedure used for the treatment of different causes of infertility. Adverse reactions associated with this procedure are very rare and usually the procedure is well tolerated by the patient. We report a case of an allergic reaction after intrauterine insemination. The patient developed fever, difficulty breathing and wheezing in both lung fields. Although a low concentration of penicillin in the medium was used, it caused a significant allergic reaction. When intrauterine insemination was performed in subsequent cycles with an antibiotic-free medium, no allergic reaction occurred, and the procedure was well tolerated by the patient. A careful allergy history is essential in patients pursuing infertility treatment where antibiotics are utilized. Patients who are known to be allergic to penicillin should have semen prepared by an antibiotic-free medium.   相似文献   
Recombination of deltaRec to psiJalpha will delete the TCR delta gene, which is thought to play an important role in the bifurcation of the TCR alphabeta versus TCR gammadelta differentiation lineages. We recently detected a DNA-binding protein in human thymocytes, the so- called PJA-BP, which recognizes the psiJalpha gene segment and might be one of the factors involved in the regulation of preferential deltaRec- psiJalpha rearrangements. We now investigate PJA-BP expression and its correlation with TCR delta gene deletion in thymocytes. Our electrophoretic mobility shift assay experiments showed that the PJA-BP is evolutionary conserved in human, murine and simian thymocytes. Using a large series of human hematopoietic malignancies (n = 30), we conclude that PJA-BP expression is thymocyte specific and seems to be restricted to thymocytes committed to the TCR alphabeta lineage. Analysis of seven well-defined human thymocyte subpopulations showed that preferential deltaRec-psiJalpha rearrangements as well as PJA-BP expression can be detected from the immature CD34-/CD1+/CD3- /CD4+/CD8alpha+beta- thymocyte differentiation stage onwards. These experiments indicate that expression of PJA-BP in human thymocytes starts simultaneously with preferential deltaRec-psiJalpha rearrangements, which supports our hypothesis that PJA-BP is one of the factors involved in the preferential recombination of deltaRec to psiJalpha.   相似文献   
A double-blind modification of the intraesophageal acid perfusion challenge (Bernstein procedure) was performed in asthmatic subjects with and without gastroesophageal reflux, nonasthmatic subjects with reflux, and normal subjects. Conventional spirometric functions and total respiratory resistance (Rrs) were measured prior to and after the infusion. There were no changes in pulmonary functions except in the asthmatic subjects who had had a positive add challenge. The greatest changes occurred in Rrs, which increased significantly with reflux symptoms (p < 0.01) and decreased toward baseline (p < 0.05) when these symptoms were relieved with antacids. The response was even greater in asthmatic subjects who associated reflux symptoms with attacks of asthma. These results support previous findings that acid reflux symptoms could cause a bronchoconstrictive response in certain asthmatic patients.  相似文献   
Summary We have presented an unusual case of benign lymphoid hyperplasia, which manifested as a cecal deformity in a 15-year-old boy. The clinical manifestation may have been related to partial occlusion of the appendiceal orifice. In future cases of benign lymphoid hyperplasia, colonoscopy may be diagnostic, and if it is used for continuing observation, may avert unnecessary surgical procedures in children and young adults.  相似文献   
BackgroundIn patients with phenylketonuria, stability of blood phenylalanine and tyrosine concentrations might influence brain chemistry and therefore patient outcome. This study prospectively investigated the effects of tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4), as a chaperone of phenylalanine hydroxylase on diurnal and day-to-day variations of blood phenylalanine and tyrosine concentrations.MethodsBlood phenylalanine and tyrosine were measured in dried blood spots (DBS) four times daily for 2 days (fasting, before lunch, before dinner, evening) and once daily (fasting) for 6 days in a randomized cross-over design with a period with BH4 and a period without BH4. The sequence was randomized. Eleven proven BH4 responsive PKU patients participated, 5 of them used protein substitutes during BH4 treatment. Natural protein intake and protein substitute dosing was adjusted during the period without BH4 in order to keep DBS phenylalanine levels within target range. Patients filled out a 3-day food diary during both study periods. Variations of DBS phenylalanine and Tyr were expressed in standard deviations (SD) and coefficient of variation (CV).ResultsBH4 treatment did not significantly influence day-to-day phenylalanine and tyrosine variations nor diurnal phenylalanine variations, but decreased diurnal tyrosine variations (median SD 17.6 μmol/l, median CV 21.3%, p = 0.01) compared to diet only (median SD 34.2 μmol/l, median CV 43.2%). Consequently, during BH4 treatment diurnal phenylalanine/tyrosine ratio variation was smaller, while fasting tyrosine levels tended to be higher.ConclusionBH4 did not impact phenylalanine variation but decreased diurnal tyrosine and phenylalanine/tyrosine ratio variations, possibly explained by less use of protein substitute and increased tyrosine synthesis.  相似文献   
Congenital nephrogenic diabetes insipidus (NDI) is a rare disease caused most often by mutations in the vasopressin V2 receptor (AVPR2). We studied a family which included a female patient with NDI with symptoms dating from infancy. The patient responded to large doses of desmopressin (dDAVP) which decreased urine volume from 10 to 4 I/day. Neither the parents nor the three sisters were polyuric. The patient was found to be a compound heterozygote for two novel recessive point mutations in the aquaporin-2 (AQP2) gene: L22V in exon 1 and C181W in exon 3. Residue Cys181 in AQP2 is the site for inhibition of water permeation by mercurial compounds and is located near to the NPA motif conserved in all aquaporins. Osmotic water permeability (Pf) in Xenopus oocytes injected with cRNA encoding C181W-AQP2 was not increased over water control, while expression of L22V cRNA increased the Pf to approximately 60% of that for wild-type AQP2. Co-injection of the mutant cRNAs with the wild-type cRNA did not affect the function of the wild-type AQP2. Immunolocalization of AQP2-transfected CHO cells showed that the C181W mutant had an endoplasmic reticulum-like intracellular distribution, whereas L22V and wild-type AQP2 showed endosome and plasma membrane staining. Water permeability assays showed a high Pf in cells expressing wild-type and L22V AQP2. This study indicates that AQP2 mutations can confer partially responsive NDI.   相似文献   
Factors involved in the stability of trinucleotide repeats during transmission were studied in 139 families in which a full mutation, premutation or intermediate allele at either FRAXA or FRAXE was segregating. The transmission of alleles at FRAXA, FRAXE and four microsatellite loci were recorded for all individuals. Instability within the minimal and common ranges (0-40 repeats for FRAXA, 0-30 repeats for FRAXE) was extremely rare; only one example was observed, an increased in size at FRAXA from 29 to 39 repeats. Four FRAXA and three FRAXE alleles in the intermediate range (41-60) repeats for FRAXA, 31-60 for FRAXE) were unstably transmitted. Instability was more frequent for FRAXA intermediate alleles that had a tract of pure CGG greater than 37 although instability only occurred in two of 13 such transmissions: the changes observed were limited to only one or two repeats. Premutation FRAXA alleles over 100 repeats expanded to a full mutation during female transmission in 100% of cases, in agreement with other published series. There was no clear correlation between haplotype and probability of expansion of FRAXA premutations. Instability at FRAXA or FRAXE was more often observed in conjunction with a second instability at an independent locus suggesting genomic instability as a possible mechanism by which at least some FRAXA and FRAXE mutations arise.   相似文献   
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