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Pruritus and severe iron deficiency in polycythaemia vera   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Six patients diagnosed as having polycythaemia vera had severe pruritus that persisted despite adequate haematological control. Iron supplementation was given when iron deficiency was noted in all six patients. The pruritus began to improve two to 10 days after the start of treatment and had completely disappeared after two to three weeks. In three patients the iron treatment was stopped because of unacceptably high haemoglobin concentrations; the pruritus recurred. Since chronic iron treatment may result in increases in red cell mass indiscriminate use of iron in patients with polycythaemia vera and pruritus is not advocated. Nevertheless, in patients with severe symptoms and evidence of iron deficiency treatment with iron, continuing for two to three weeks after the symptoms have abated, may be beneficial.  相似文献   
We describe the clinical presentation and course of a patient with autoerythrocyte sensitization (Gardner-Diamond) syndrome, and review the literature for similar cases. A 37-yr-old female presented with recurrent episodes of painful ecchymotic bruising over the anterior aspect of both thighs. These episodes were precipitated by emotional stress. The diagnosis was confirmed by induction of similar lesions by intradermal injection of the patient's own washed red blood cells and hemoglobin. The lesions did not recur for 6 months after the cause of her emotional stress was relieved. Autoerythrocyte sensitization (Gardner-Diamond) syndrome should be considered in the differential diagnosis of purpura, especially in patients with psychiatric problems.  相似文献   
RATIONALE: The chromogranin A (CHGA) fragment pancreastatin (human CHGA250-301) impairs glucose metabolism, but the role of human pancreastatin in vivo remains unexplored. METHODS: We studied brachial arterial infusion of pancreastatin (CHGA273-301-amide at approximately 200 nm) on forearm metabolism of glucose, free fatty acids, and amino acids. Plasma pancreastatin was measured in obesity or type 2 diabetes. Systematic discovery of amino acid variation was performed, and the potency of one variant in the active carboxyl terminus (Gly297Ser) was tested. RESULTS: Pancreastatin decreased glucose uptake by approximately 48-50%; the lack of change in forearm plasma flow indicated a metabolic, rather than hemodynamic, mechanism. A control CHGA peptide (catestatin, CHGA352-372) did not affect glucose. Insulin increased glucose uptake, but pancreastatin did not antagonize this action. Pancreastatin increased spillover of free fatty acids by about 4.5- to 6.4-fold, but not spillover of amino acids. Insulin diminished spillover of both free fatty acids and amino acids, but these actions were not reversed by pancreastatin. Plasma pancreastatin was elevated approximately 3.7-fold in diabetes, but was unchanged during weight loss. Proteolytic cleavage sites for pancreastatin in vivo were documented by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization/time of flight mass spectrometry. Three pancreastatin variants were discovered: Arg253Trp, Ala256Gly, and Gly297Ser. The Gly297Ser variant had unexpectedly increased potency to inhibit glucose uptake. CONCLUSIONS: The dysglycemic peptide pancreastatin is specifically and potently active in humans on multiple facets of intermediary metabolism, although it did not antagonize insulin. Pancreastatin is elevated in diabetes, and the variant Gly297Ser had increased potency to inhibit glucose uptake. The importance of human pancreastatin in vivo as well as its natural variants is established.  相似文献   
Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is a major structural component of the nervous system, and depletion may lead to losses in neural function. Our objective was to demonstrate a deficit in spatial task performance in rats with low brain DHA due to a low n-3 fatty acid intake using a first-generational artificial rearing technique. Newborn rat pups were separated on d 2 and assigned to two artificial rearing groups or a dam-reared control group. Pups were hand fed artificial milk via custom-designed nursing bottles containing either 0.02% (n-3 Def) or 3.1% (n-3 Adq) of total fatty acids as LNA. At d 21, rats were weaned to either n-3 Def or n-3 Adq pelleted diets and several behavioral tasks were evaluated at 9 wk of age. Brain DHA was lower (58% and 61%, p < 0.001) in n-3 Def in comparison to n-3 Adq and dam-reared rats, respectively. At adulthood, the n-3 fatty acid-deficient rats had a significantly greater moving time than the dam-reared group (p < 0.05), but there were no differences among the three groups in the elevated plus maze test. The n-3 fatty acid deficient rats exhibited a longer escape latency (p < 0.05) and poorer memory retention in the Morris water maze compared with n-3 fatty acid adequate and dam-reared rats. We concluded that artificial rearing can be used to produce n-3 fatty acid deficiency in the first generation. This deficiency was associated with significantly reduced spatial learning. Adequate brain DHA levels are required for optimal spatial learning.  相似文献   
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