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Head injury in child abuse: evaluation with MR imaging   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
To evaluate the usefulness of magnetic resonance (MR) imaging in the diagnosis of head injury in child abuse, the authors compared the findings at head MR imaging and computed tomography (CT) in 19 abused children. Subdural hematomas (15 cases), cortical contusions (six cases), and shearing injuries (five cases) were demonstrated to particular advantage with MR imaging. CT remained superior in the detection of subarachnoid hemorrhage. MR imaging appears to be valuable in the assessment of patients with suspected intracranial injury due to child abuse.  相似文献   
A 6‐week‐old infant presenting with near‐drowning was medically paralysed and ventilated on admission. Status epilepticus was found on cerebral function monitoring, without which the diagnosis would have been missed or delayed for many hours. This case illustrates the value of cerebral function monitoring for patients in intensive care, where clinical signs of seizure activity are frequently masked by paralysis and sedation. Conclusion: Limited availability of electroencephalogram (EEG) and cerebral function monitoring (CFM) in paediatric intensive care may inadvertently delay diagnosis and appropriate treatments and so adversely affect outcomes. We propose that round‐the‐clock cerebral function and/or EEG monitoring should be available in all centres that provide paediatric intensive care.  相似文献   
Snipes  RG; Lam  KW; Dodd  RC; Gray  TK; Cohen  MS 《Blood》1986,67(3):729-734
Tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAcP) is used as a marker for osteoclasts, which are believed to be derived from phagocytic cells or phagocyte stem cell precursors. To further investigate the relationship between monocytic phagocytes and osteoclasts, acid phosphatase (AcP) activity was measured by three different techniques in human peripheral blood monocytes, monocyte-derived macrophages, and the U937 cell line. We found that cytochemistry and gel electrophoresis led to similar results, but that the colorimetric assay was inconsistent. Normal human peripheral monocytes expressed both tartrate-sensitive and -resistant AcP. In culture these cells formed polykaryons and expressed TRAcP activity that was further identified as an isoenzyme associated with bone tissue. In contrast, the U937 cells did not express TRAcP activity as measured by gel electrophoresis. Both U937 cells and monocytes possess material that interferes with interpretation of the colorimetric assay of AcP. The presence of TRAcP in monocyte-derived macrophages further supports the relationship between phagocytic cells and bone osteoclasts.  相似文献   
4-Hydroperoxycyclophosphamide (4-HC), a commonly used marrow-purging agent, is active against many tumors, but is also toxic to normal marrow progenitors. Amifostine (WR-2721) is a sulfhydryl compound with chemoprotectant activity. Preclinical studies using suspensions of bone marrow and breast cancer cells demonstrated that ex vivo treatment with amifostine followed by 4-HC resulted in protection of marrow progenitors, with no compromise in the antitumor effect of 4-HC. This fact stimulated the development of a clinical trial. Bone marrow was harvested from 15 poor-prognosis breast cancer patients and randomly assigned to ex vivo treatment with amifostine followed by 4-HC (amifostine + 4-HC), or treatment with 4-HC alone. High-dose chemotherapy was then administered followed by infusion of the purged autologous bone marrow support (ABMS). Leukocyte engraftment, defined as a white blood cell count > or = 1 x 10(9)/L, was achieved in an average of 26 days for patients whose marrow was purged with amifostine + 4-HC versus 36 days for patients whose marrow was purged with 4-HC alone (P = .032). The average number of platelet transfusions (12 v 29; P = .017) and days of antibiotic therapy (28 v 40; P = .012) were significantly less for patients whose marrow was exposed to amifostine + 4-HC, compared with 4-HC alone. Unpurged backup marrow fractions were infused into three patients whose marrow was purged with 4-HC alone, because of inadequate marrow recovery. None of the patients who received amifostine + 4-HC-purged marrow required a backup marrow fraction. Complete remissions were achieved in 83% of patients with measurable disease, with no difference between the two cohorts. Forty- three percent of patients remained alive and progression-free at a mean of 13 months posttransplant. There was no significant difference in the rate or pattern of relapse for patients whose marrow was purged with amifostine + 4-HC compared with those whose marrow was purged with 4-HC alone. Ex vivo treatment of marrow with amifostine significantly shortens the time to marrow recovery, thereby reducing the risk of myelosuppressive complications in breast cancer patients receiving high- dose chemotherapy and 4-HC-purged ABMS. Since supportive care requirements are also significantly decreased, amifostine may reduce the cost of such therapy.  相似文献   
本研究联合使用免疫组化和显微放射成像术,确定血液白蛋白和唾液源性的淀粉酶在白垩斑点病损中的分布及其与脱矿的关系。 材料和方法 临床拔除的牙以盐水清洗处理后,选12颗邻面有明显白垩斑点的牙浸入甲基丙烯酸盐中,通过病损将每个牙分为两半。一半打磨约100μm后作显微放射照像,另一半作对照。然后以30%磷酸蚀刻15s,去掉玷污层,再用Tnis-HCl缓冲  相似文献   
A cell line, designated RS4;11, was established from the bone marrow of a patient in relapse with an acute leukemia that was characterized by the t(4;11) chromosomal abnormality. The cell line and the patient's fresh leukemic cells both had the t(4;11)(q21;q23) and an isochromosome for the long arm of No. 7. Morphologically, all cells were lymphoid in appearance. Ultrastructurally and cytochemically, approximately 30% of the cells possessed myeloid features. The cells were strongly positive for terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase. They were HLA-DR positive and expressed surface antigens characteristic for B lineage cells, including those detected by anti-B4, BA-1, BA-2, and PI153/3. Immunoglobulin gene analysis revealed rearrangements of the heavy chain and kappa chain genes. The cells lacked the common acute lymphoblastic leukemia antigen and antigenic markers characteristic of T lineage cells. The cells reacted with the myeloid antibody 1G10 but not with other myeloid monoclonal antibodies. Treatment with 12-O-tetradecanoyl- phorbol-13-acetate induced a monocyte-like phenotype demonstrated by cytochemical, functional, immunologic, and electron microscopic studies. The expression of markers of both early lymphoid and early myeloid cells represents an unusual phenotype and suggests that RS4;11 represents a cell with dual lineage capabilities. To our knowledge, RS4;11 is the first cell line established from t(4;11)-associated acute leukemia.  相似文献   
Cytogenetic studies of 68 patients who developed secondary leukemia (SL)/dysmyelopoietic syndrome (DMS) after extensive chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy as well as patients who developed SL/DMS without such treatment showed that those patients who received radiation alone or with chemotherapy had more extensive numerical and structural abnormalities than those who received only chemotherapy. In terms of the specific chromosomal abnormalities, there are no differences between the various treatment groups. Hypodiploidy is the most common form of aneuploidy in these patients, with the most common numerical abnormality being the loss of chromosome 7. The most common structural abnormalities involved chromosomes 3 and 5. When compared with patients with de novo leukemia and DMS, the chromosomal abnormalities in these patients are more complex and extensive. Serial studies revealed that cytogenetic abnormalities do not precede the development of hematologic changes by significant time periods.  相似文献   
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