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AimRandom glucose is widely used in routine clinical practice. We investigated whether this non-standardized glycemic measure is useful for individual diabetes prediction.MethodsThe Study of Health in Pomerania (SHIP), a population-based cohort study in north-east Germany, included 3107 diabetes-free persons aged 31–81 years at baseline in 1997–2001. 2475 persons participated at 5-year follow-up and gave self-reports of incident diabetes. For the total sample and for subjects aged ≥50 years, statistical properties of prediction models with and without random glucose were compared.ResultsA basic model (including age, sex, diabetes of parents, hypertension and waist circumference) and a comprehensive model (additionally including various lifestyle variables and blood parameters, but not HbA1c) performed statistically significantly better after adding random glucose (e.g., the area under the receiver-operating curve (AROC) increased from 0.824 to 0.856 after adding random glucose to the comprehensive model in the total sample). Likewise, adding random glucose to prediction models which included HbA1c led to significant improvements of predictive ability (e.g., for subjects ≥50 years, AROC increased from 0.824 to 0.849 after adding random glucose to the comprehensive model + HbA1c).ConclusionsRandom glucose is useful for individual diabetes prediction, and improves prediction models including HbA1c.  相似文献   
Heterologous expression of the functional amyloid beta (Aβ) antibody β1 in the central nervous system was engineered to maximize antibody exposure in the brain and assess the effects on Aβ production and accumulation in these conditions. A single open reading frame encoding the heavy and light chains of β1 linked by the mouth and foot virus peptide 2A was expressed in brain neurons of transgenic mice. Two of the resulting BIN66 transgenic lines were crossed with APP23 mice, which develop severe central amyloidosis. Brain concentrations at steady-state 5 times greater than those found after peripheral β1 administration were obtained. Similar brain and plasma β1 concentrations indicated robust antibody efflux from the brain. In preplaque mice, β1 formed a complex with Aβ that caused a modest Aβ increase in brain and plasma. At 11 months of age, β1 expression reduced amyloid by 97% compared with age-matched APP23 mice. Interference of β1 with β-secretase cleavage of amyloid precursor protein was relatively small. Our data suggest that severely impaired amyloid formation was primarily mediated by a complex of β1 with soluble Aβ, which might have prevented Aβ aggregation or favored transport out of the brain.  相似文献   
Background: Autoimmune thyroid disease (AIT) is more common in females than in males. Furthermore, it is well documented that the risk of thyroid autoimmunity increases during pregnancy and in the postpartum period. The objective of the present study was to analyse the association between parity and AIT by using ultrasound and serological data.

Methods: The study population included 2156 women, aged 20–79 years. Serum thyroperoxidase antibodies (anti-TPO) and thyrotropin levels were measured and thyroid ultrasonography was performed. AIT was defined according to the combined presence of a hypoechogenic thyroid pattern and positive anti-TPO levels (>200 IU/ml). Odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) were calculated.

Results: The analyses revealed an association between parity and AIT. Women with at least one pregnancy had increased odds for AIT (OR 4.6 [95%-CI 1.4–15.1], p < 0.05) compared to women who have never been pregnant. Similar results were observed using hypoechogenic thyroid pattern (OR 1.7 [95%-CI 1.0–2.9], p < 0.05) and positive anti-TPO levels (OR 1.8 [95%-CI 1.0–3.3], p = 0.05) as separate dependent variables or using number of births as alternate independent variable.

Conclusion: In this female population we found an association between parity and AIT and conclude that parity appears to be a potential risk factor for AIT.  相似文献   
The transforming growth factor-beta family member activin is a potent regulator of skin morphogenesis and repair. Transgenic mice overexpressing activin in keratinocytes display epidermal hyper-thickening and dermal fibrosis in normal skin and enhanced granulation tissue formation after wounding. Mice overexpressing the secreted activin antagonist follistatin, however, have the opposite wound-healing phenotype. To determine whether activin affects skin morphogenesis and repair via activation of keratinocytes and/or stromal cells, we generated transgenic mice expressing a dominant-negative activin receptor IB mutant (dnActRIB) in keratinocytes. The architecture of adult skin was unaltered in these mice, but delays were observed in postnatal pelage hair follicle morphogenesis and in the first catagen-telogen transformation of hair follicles. Although dnActRIB-transgenic mice showed slightly delayed wound re-epithelialization after skin injury, the strong inhibition of granulation tissue formation seen in follistatin-transgenic mice was not observed. Therefore, although endogenous activin appeared to affect skin morphogenesis and repair predominantly via stromal cells, overexpressed activin strongly affected the epidermis. The epidermal phenotype of activin-overexpressing mice was partially rescued by breeding these animals with dnActRIB-transgenic mice. These results demonstrate that activin affects both stromal cells and keratinocytes in normal and wounded skin and that the effect on keratinocytes is dose-dependent in vivo.  相似文献   
AIMS: This study evaluates feasibility, safety, and efficacy of magnetic remote-controlled accessory pathway (AP) ablation. METHODS AND RESULTS: The novel magnetic navigation system (MNS) (Niobe, Stereotaxis) creates a steerable magnetic field (0.08 T) controlling the distal magnetic tip of an ablation catheter. In conjunction with a catheter advancer system (Cardiodrive, Stereotaxis) remote catheter ablation is enabled. Conventional electrophysiology study identified AP conduction in 59 patients (37 males, 36+/-14 years, 60 APs). First generation 1-magnet tip (1-M) (group I, n=18), second generation bipolar 3-magnet tip (3-M) (group II, n=27), and third generation quadripolar 3-magnet tip catheters (3-M quad.) (group III, n=14) were used for magnetic remote-controlled ablation. Successful AP ablation was achieved in 67% (group I), 85% (group II), and 92% (group III). A significant decrease of median [IQR: Q1-Q3] fluoroscopy time and dosage was observed: 21.2 [12.1-33.8] min, 1110 [395-3234] microGym2 (group I); 6.5 [4.4-15.4] min, 290 [129-489] microGym2 (group II), and 4.9 [3.4-8.0] min, 129 [74-270] microGym2 (group III). Mean procedure time (217+/-67 min; 182+/-68 min, and 172+/-90 min) significantly decreased in group III. Median number [Q1-Q3] of radiofrequency current applications in groups I, II, and III was 4 [2-9], 4 [2-6], and 2 [2-4], respectively. No complications occurred. CONCLUSION: Remote AP ablation is safe and feasible using the novel MNS. Introduction of the 3-magnet quadripolar ablation catheter significantly improved the efficacy of the procedure.  相似文献   
Cardiac Ca(2+)/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII) in heart has been implicated in Ca(2+) current (I(Ca)) facilitation, enhanced sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) Ca(2+) release and frequency-dependent acceleration of relaxation (FDAR) via enhanced SR Ca(2+) uptake. However, questions remain about how CaMKII may work in these three processes. Here we tested the role of CaMKII in these processes using transgenic mice (SR-AIP) that express four concatenated repeats of the CaMKII inhibitory peptide AIP selectively in the SR membrane. Wild type mice (WT) and mice expressing AIP exclusively in the nucleus (NLS-AIP) served as controls. Increasing stimulation frequency produced typical FDAR in WT and NLS-AIP, but FDAR was markedly inhibited in SR-AIP. Quantitative analysis of cytosolic Ca(2+) removal during [Ca(2+)](i) decline revealed that FDAR is due to an increased apparent V(max) of SERCA. CaMKII-dependent RyR phosphorylation at Ser2815 and SR Ca(2+) leak was both decreased in SR-AIP vs. WT. This decrease in SR Ca(2+) leak may partly balance the reduced SERCA activity leading to relatively unaltered SR-Ca(2+) load in SR-AIP vs. WT myocytes. Surprisingly, CaMKII regulation of the L-type Ca(2+) channel (I(Ca) facilitation and recovery from inactivation) was abolished by the SR-targeted CaMKII inhibition in SR-AIP mice. Inhibition of CaMKII effects on I(Ca) and RyR function by the SR-localized AIP places physical constraints on the localization of these proteins at the junctional microdomain. Thus SR-targeted CaMKII inhibition can directly inhibit the activation of SR Ca(2+) uptake, SR Ca(2+) release and I(Ca) by CaMKII, effects which have all been implicated in triggered arrhythmias.  相似文献   
Little is known about genetic changes in squamous differentiation of non-schistosomiasis-associated bladder cancer. Therefore, we investigated pure squamous cell carcinomas (SqCC), squamous parts of mixed urothelial carcinomas with squamous differentiation (MIX) and mere urothelial cancers (UC) for structural genetic differences. Tissue microarray slides (n = 29 SqCC, n = 35 MIX and n = 23 UC) were analyzed by ZytoLight SPEC p16/CEN3/7/17 Quadruple Color Probe fluorescence-in-situ-hybridization (FISH) and DNA was investigated by comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) (n = 35 SqCCs, n = 40 MIX and n = 36 UC). By FISH the mean number of polysomic cells was lowest in SqCC (CEN3 P = 0.0498, CEN17 P = 0.0009). A slight tendency of lower copy numbers of chromosomes 3, 7 and 17 and higher numbers of the p16-locus in SqCC (P = 0.45) indicated less aneuploid tumor cells in SqCC compared to MIX and UC. In CGH SqCC showed the lowest mean number of aberrations per tumor (SqCC 5.37 changes, MIX 6.75 and UC 7.64; P = 0.1754). Significant differences between the three groups were found for loss of chromosome 3p (P = 0.004), 6q (P = 0.028), 11p (P = 0.024) and gains of 5p (P = 0.020). Loss of 3p was more frequent in SqCC (51.4%) than in MIX (37.5%) or UC (13.9%). To conclude, SqCCs show less polysomy and genetic alterations than MIX and UC. Loss of 3p is more frequent in SqCC but there are no absolute specific alterations for each tumor group. Squamous parts of mixed tumors show similar alterations than UC and should be considered as further development of UC, while pure SqCC seem to be a separate tumor group.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to analyse patients with ankylosing spondylitis (AS) during the course of infliximab therapy. The molecular effects were evaluated using lymphocytes and sera that were isolated before therapy began, then again after 2 and 12 weeks from 17 AS patients and compared to those of 24 healthy control individuals. All 17 AS patients responded to treatment with infliximab as assessed using BASDAI. Elevated serum levels of IL-6, CRP and cortisol were reduced to normal levels by the 12 weeks time point. The level of DNA-binding p65 was decreased during the course of infliximab therapy whereas the level of DNA-binding p50 remained elevated until the 12 weeks time point. Taken together, Infliximab is an effective treatment for AS and results in decreased levels of the inflammation markers IL-6 and CRP, and of endogenous cortisol concentration. Unequal alterations in the levels of activated NF-κB subunits p50 and p65 might provide insights into the mechanisms of NF-κB action and anti-TNF-α therapy in AS.  相似文献   
To date, efforts to switch the cofactor specificity of oxidoreductases from nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) to nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH) have been made on a case-by-case basis with varying degrees of success. Here we present a straightforward recipe for altering the cofactor specificity of a class of NADPH-dependent oxidoreductases, the ketol-acid reductoisomerases (KARIs). Combining previous results for an engineered NADH-dependent variant of Escherichia coli KARI with available KARI crystal structures and a comprehensive KARI-sequence alignment, we identified key cofactor specificity determinants and used this information to construct five KARIs with reversed cofactor preference. Additional directed evolution generated two enzymes having NADH-dependent catalytic efficiencies that are greater than the wild-type enzymes with NADPH. High-resolution structures of a wild-type/variant pair reveal the molecular basis of the cofactor switch.  相似文献   
The Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein is an essential cytoskeleton regulator found in cells of the hematopoietic lineage and controls the motility of leukocytes. The impact of WAS gene deficiency on the mobilization of hematopoietic progenitor/stem cells in circulation has remained unexplored but information would be pertinent in the context of autologous gene therapy of Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome. The response to granulocyte-colony stimulating factor mobilization was investigated in a murine WAS knock-out model of the disease, by measuring hematologic parameters, circulation and engraftment of hematopoietic progenitor/stem cells. In the steady-state, adult WAS knock-out mice have B-cell lymphopenia, marked neutrophilia, increased counts of circulating hematopoietic progenitor cells and splenomegaly, presumably caused by the retention of hematopoietic progenitor cells due to high levels of splenic CXCL12. In spite of these anomalies, the administration of granulocyte-colony-stimulating factor mobilizes progenitor/stem cells in WAS knock-out mice to the same level and with the same kinetics as in wild-type control mice. Mobilized peripheral blood cells from WAS knock-out mice can be transduced and are able to engraft into lethally-irradiated hosts reconstituting multiple lineages of cells and providing more effective radio-protection than mobilized cells from wild-type control mice. Surprisingly, the homing and the peripheral blood recovery of B lymphocytes was influenced by the background of the host. Thus, in the absence of Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein, effective mobilization is achieved but partial correction may occur as a result of an abnormal hematopoietic environment.  相似文献   
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