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CAM2038, FluidCrystal injection depot, is an extended release formulation of buprenorphine given subcutaneously every 1 week (Q1W) or every 4 weeks (Q4W). The purpose of this research was to predict the magnitude of drug-drug interaction (DDI) after coadministration of a strong CYP3A4 inducer or inhibitor using physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) modeling. A PBPK model was developed for CAM2038 based on the previously published buprenorphine PBPK model after intravenous and sublingual administration and the PK profiles after subcutaneous administration of CAM2038 from 2 phase I clinical trials. The strong CYP3A4 inhibitor ketoconazole was predicted to increase the buprenorphine exposure by 35% for the Q1W formulation and 34% for Q4W formulation, respectively. Also, the strong CYP3A4 inducer rifampin was predicted to decrease the buprenorphine exposure by 26% for both the Q1W and Q4W formulations. The results provided insight into the potential DDI effect for CAM2038 and suggested a lack of clinically meaningful DDI when CAM2038 is coadministered with CYP3A4 inhibitor or inducer. Therefore, no dose adjustment is required when CAM2038 is coadministered with CYP3A4 perpetrators.  相似文献   
In this study, we investigated analytical challenges associated with the formulation of 2 anti-HIV broadly neutralizing antibodies (bnAbs), 3BNC117 and PGT121, both separately at 100 mg/mL and together at 50 mg/mL each. The bnAb formulations were characterized for relative solubility and conformational stability followed by accelerated and real-time stability studies. Although the bnAbs were stable during 4°C storage, incubation at 40°C differentiated their stability profiles. Specific concentration-dependent aggregation rates at 30°C and 40°C were measured by size exclusion chromatography for the individual bnAbs with the mixture showing intermediate behavior. Interestingly, although the relative ratio of the 2 bnAbs remained constant at 4°C, the ratio of 3BNC117 to PGT121 increased in the dimer that formed during storage at 40°C. A mass spectrometry-based multiattribute method, identified and quantified differences in modifications of the Fab regions for each bnAb within the mixture including clipping, oxidation, deamidation, and isomerization sites. Each bnAb showed slight differences in the levels and sites of lysine residue glycations. Together, these data demonstrate the ability to differentiate degradation products from individual antibodies within the bnAb mixture, and that degradation rates are influenced not only by the individual bnAb concentrations but also by the mixture concentration.  相似文献   
Nodular basal cell carcinoma is a deep skin lesion and one of the most common cancers. Conventional photodynamic therapy is limited to treatment of superficial skin lesions. The parenteral administration of near-IR preformed photosensitizers suffers from poor selectivity and may result in prolonged skin photosensitivity. Microneedles (MNs) can provide localized drug delivery to skin lesions. Intradermal delivery of the preformed near-IR photosensitizer; 5,10,15,20-tetrakis(2,6-difluoro-3-N-methylsulfamoylphenyl bacteriochlorin (Redaporfin?) using dissolving MN was successful in vitro and in vivo. MN demonstrated complete dissolution 30 min after skin application and showed sufficient mechanical strength to penetrate the skin to a depth of 450 μm. In vitro deposition studies illustrated that the drug was delivered and detected down to 5 mm in skin. In vivo biodistribution studies in athymic nude mice Crl:NU(NCr)-Foxn1nu showed both fast initial release and localized drug delivery. The MN-treated mice showed a progressive decrease in the fluorescence intensity at the application site over the 7-day experiment period, with the highest and lowest fluorescence intensities measured being 9.2 × 1010 ± 2.5 × 1010 and 3.8 × 109 ± 1.6 × 109 p/s, respectively. By day 7, there was some migration of fluorescence away from the site of initial MN application. However, the majority of the body surfaces showed fluorescence levels that were comparable to those seen in the negative control group. This work suggests utility for polymeric MN arrays in minimally invasive intradermal delivery to enhance photodynamic therapy of deep skin lesions.  相似文献   
We have used hydrogen exchange–mass spectrometry to characterize local backbone flexibility of 4 well-defined IgG1-Fc glycoforms expressed and purified from Pichia pastoris, 2 of which were prepared using subsequent in vitro enzymatic treatments. Progressively decreasing the size of the N-linked N297 oligosaccharide from high mannose (Man8-Man12), to Man5, to GlcNAc, to nonglycosylated N297Q resulted in progressive increases in backbone flexibility. Comparison of these results with recently published physicochemical stability and Fcγ receptor binding data with the same set of glycoproteins provide improved insights into correlations between glycan structure and these pharmaceutical properties. Flexibility significantly increased upon glycan truncation in 2 potential aggregation-prone regions. In addition, a correlation was established between increased local backbone flexibility and increased deamidation at asparagine 315. Interestingly, the opposite trend was observed for oxidation of tryptophan 277 where faster oxidation correlated with decreased local backbone flexibility. Finally, a trend of increasing C'E glycopeptide loop flexibility with decreasing glycan size was observed that correlates with their FcγRIIIa receptor binding properties. These well-defined IgG1-Fc glycoforms serve as a useful model system to identify physicochemical stability and local backbone flexibility data sets potentially discriminating between various IgG glycoforms for potential applicability to future comparability or biosimilarity assessments.  相似文献   


Postmenstrual and/or gestational age-corrected age (CA) is required to apply child growth standards to children born preterm (< 37 weeks gestational age). Yet, CA is rarely used in epidemiologic studies in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), which may bias population estimates of childhood undernutrition. To evaluate the effect of accounting for GA in the application of growth standards, we used GA-specific standards at birth (INTERGROWTH-21st newborn size standards) in conjunction with CA for preterm-born children in the application of World Health Organization Child Growth Standards postnatally (referred to as ‘CA’ strategy) versus postnatal age for all children, to estimate mean length-for-age (LAZ) and weight-for-age (WAZ) z scores at 0, 3, 12, 24, and 48-months of age in the 2004 Pelotas (Brazil) Birth Cohort.


At birth (n = 4066), mean LAZ was higher and the prevalence of stunting (LAZ < ?2) was lower using CA versus postnatal age (mean ± SD): ? 0.36 ± 1.19 versus ? 0.67 ± 1.32; and 8.3 versus 11.6%, respectively. Odds ratio (OR) and population attributable risk (PAR) of stunting due to preterm birth were attenuated and changed inferences using CA versus postnatal age at birth [OR, 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.32 (95% CI 0.95, 1.82) vs 14.7 (95% CI 11.7, 18.4); PAR 3.1 vs 42.9%]; differences in inferences persisted at 3-months. At 12, 24, and 48-months, preterm birth was associated with stunting, but ORs/PARs remained attenuated using CA compared to postnatal age. Findings were similar for weight-for-age z scores.


Population-based epidemiologic studies in LMICs in which GA is unused or unavailable may overestimate the prevalence of early childhood undernutrition and inflate the fraction of undernutrition attributable to preterm birth.
We demonstrate the coating of tablets using an injection molding (IM) process that has advantage of being solvent free and can provide precision coat features. The selected core tablets comprising 10% w/w griseofulvin were prepared by an integrated hot melt extrusion-injection molding (HME-IM) process. Coating trials were conducted on a vertical injection mold machine. Polyethylene glycol and polyethylene oxide based hot melt extruded coat compositions were used. Tablet coating process feasibility was successfully demonstrated using different coating mold designs (with both overlapping and non-overlapping coatings at the weld) and coat thicknesses of 150 and 300?μm. The resultant coated tablets had acceptable appearance, seal at the weld, and immediate drug release profile (with an acceptable lag time). Since IM is a continuous process, this study opens opportunities to develop HME-IM continuous processes for transforming powder to coated tablets.  相似文献   
The spread of antimicrobial resistance challenges the empirical treatment of urinary tract infections (UTIs). Among others, nitrofurantoin is recommended for first-line treatment, but acceptance among clinicians is limited due to chronic nitrofurantoin-induced lung toxicity and insufficient coverage of Enterobacteriaceae other than Escherichia coli. Nitroxoline appears to be an alternative to nitrofurantoin owing to its favourable safety profile, however data on its current in vitro susceptibility are sparse. In this study, susceptibility to nitroxoline was tested against 3012 urinary clinical isolates (including multidrug-resistant bacteria and Candida spp.) by disk diffusion test and/or broth microdilution. At least 91% of all Gram-negatives (n?=?2000), Gram-positives (n?=?403) and yeasts (n?=?132) had inhibition zone diameters for nitroxoline ≥18?mm. Except for Pseudomonas aeruginosa, nitroxoline MIC90 values were ≤16?mg/L and were 2- to >16-fold lower compared with nitrofurantoin. In extended-spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL)-producing Enterobacteriaceae and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), MIC90 values of nitroxoline were two-fold higher compared with non-ESBL-producing enterobacteria and methicillin-susceptible S. aureus (MSSA). The in vitro efficacies of nitroxoline and nitrofurantoin against ATCC strains of E. coli, Enterococcus faecalis and Proteus mirabilis were compared by time–kill curves in Mueller–Hinton broth and artificial urine. Nitroxoline was non-inferior against E. coli, P. mirabilis and E. faecalis in artificial urine. In conclusion, nitroxoline showed a broad antimicrobial spectrum, with inhibition zone diameters and MICs of nitroxoline well below the EUCAST breakpoint for E. coli for most organisms, and thus may also be a target for therapy of uncomplicated UTIs.  相似文献   
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