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In contrast with cross-sectional designs used in previous studies, this exploratory study compared survey data from 127 matched pairs of clinical pharmacists and physicians working together. Physicians' perceptions of the importance of clinical pharmacy activities for patient care and the competence of pharmacists performing the activities were examined for their influence on prescribing behavior in an institutional setting. Data from a national survey showed that physicians rated pharmacists higher regarding recommendations based on drug use evaluations (p = 0.004) and competency to provide all clinical pharmacy services. Scores for pharmacokinetics ratings were similar between pharmacists and physicians (p = 0.168). Pharmacists rated the importance of recommendations based on cost-effectiveness higher than physicians (p = 0.012). Overall, physicians' perceptions of activity importance for patient care and pharmacist competency appear to dictate pharmacists' influence on physician prescribing behavior (R = 0.723).  相似文献   
To investigate the role of cell-mediated immunity (CMI) in glomerulonephritis (GN), we identified the infiltrating immune cells both within the glomerulus and in the interstitium. Frozen sections from 103 patients with various forms of GN: 10 with minor glomerular abnormality (MGA) as control, 10 with minimal change nephrotic syndrome (MCNS), 10 with membranous nephropathy (MN), 9 with focal glomerulosclerosis (FGS), 30 with IgA nephropathy (IgAN), 22 with acute post streptococcal glomerulonephritis (APSGN), and 2 with rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis (RPGN) were examined using monoclonal antibodies (MoAb) by indirect immunoalkaline-phosphatase labelling. In most glomerulonephritis, monocyte/M phi and helper/inducer T cells were predominantly infiltrating in the interstitium, but intraglomerular infiltration was rare, except for APSGN. This interstitial infiltration increased proportionally to the level of serum creatinine, and was most prominent in RPGN. Apparently different distribution was seen in APSGN, that is, prominent increase in total number of intra-glomerular monocyte/M phi infiltration with slightly increased T cells. The change was correlated with time after onset; namely the more leucocytic infiltration was observed when the tissue was taken earlier. These data suggest that in APSGN, monocyte/M phi accumulate in glomeruli via cell mediated immunity in addition to humoral immune mechanism resulting in glomerular hypercellularity, whereas in most chronic glomerulonephritis interstitial leucocyte infiltration, particularly helper T cells and monocyte/M phi may play an important role in the progression of glomerulonephritis.  相似文献   
A mouse monoclonal antibody (MAb 6B9, isotype IgM) was raised against autopsy tissue samples from the central nervous system (CNS) of multiple sclerosis (MS) patients. By immunofluorescence microscopy, MAb 6B9 intensely stains most or all cells in fetal rats. However, MAb 6B9 differentially stains various cell types in adult rats. Neurons, ependymal cells, and adrenal chromaffin cells are stained intensely, whereas astrocytes and oligodendrocytes are not stained. The 6B9-reactive antigen (6B9 antigen) is sensitive to periodic acid, but insensitive to treatment with protease, RNase, or hyaluronidase. Results from immunofluorescence microscopy on semithin sections and cultured neuroblastoma cells indicate that 6B9 antigen is intracellular. This is supported by immunoelectron microscopy, where labeling for 6B9 antigen appears in the cytoplasm distinct from any identifiable organelle. Further studies on 6B9 antigen should reveal its chemical nature as well as the significance of developmental changes in its distribution.  相似文献   
The effect of lysozyme-inactivation on L(+)-lactic acid (LA) production in dental plaque suspensions was evaluated. From 10 children 24-h plaque was collected and lysozyme activity inhibited by addition of goat antiserum to human lysozyme. Acid production was stimulated by addition of glucose. The results showed significantly increased LA levels (50-150%) in lysozyme-inactivated plaque suspensions from 8 of the subjects compared to untreated controls. The increase in acid production activity was not related to plaque lysozyme levels. The findings indicate that the presence of lysozyme may be limiting on acid production in the early dental plaque.  相似文献   
Multicentricity of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is considered, especially in patients with liver cirrhosis. This paper describes an operative case of a male patient with probable multicentric development of HCC in precirrhotic fibrosis. The main tumors inside the capsule were completely necrotic due to transarterial embolization (TAE). Histologic examination disclosed discrete tiny nodules of HCC that were not detected grossly. They showed highly differentiated trabecular arrangements: Edmondson I. A scirrhous type was noted in the center of the tumors. At the borders of the tumors the carcinoma cells exhibited replacing growth patterns and it was thought that they developed multicentrically. Partial resection must be performed as extensively as possible in a case such as the present one.  相似文献   
S Yamada 《Journal of UOEH》1988,10(2):211-218
Physical activity and nutrition are the most important factors in preserving and/or improving health conditions. The relationship between exercise and nutrition is focused on two different directions: one is the direction toward health promoting, the other is for performance of a long heavy muscular work. For preserving and/or promoting health conditions, energy balance between intake and expenditure must be taken into account. The amount of glycogen stored in muscles is the essential factor to promote a long distance performance of working muscles. Topics that influence the energy balance and glycogen loading used by endurance athletes to improve performance are reviewed.  相似文献   
To determine the potential effect of screening on referral patterns, an adult population sample (4,404 men, 5,164 women, 20-69 years of age) was systematically recruited and screened for hypercholesterolemia and then analyzed by different cholesterol referral recommendations. Using levels suggested by the Lipid Research Clinics Coronary Primary Prevention Trial (greater than or equal to 265 mg/dL), 7.3% of men and 5.8% of women would be referred for follow-up. With the suggested recommendations of the National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP), (greater than or equal to 200 mg/dL), 49.2% of men and 40.2% of women would be referred. The use of age-related definitions of the NIH Consensus Conference on Lipid Lowering results in 28.0% referrals in men and 21.8% in women. From this population, hypercholesterolemia subjects (greater than or equal to 265 mg/dL at screening; n = 624) were invited for a second cholesterol determination (58% returned), which found 36% below the 265 mg/dL level. Population screening for cholesterol is likely to produce large numbers of patients for follow-up, with the actual numbers strongly dependent on cutoff levels and age-sex distributions. Referral and follow-up of these patients may place a significant load on an unprepared health care community.  相似文献   
Ticks of the Ornithodoros moubata complex were collected from domestic pig sties and dwelling houses, and from a warthog habitat, and tested for the presence of African swine fever (ASF) virus. Collections were made in 9 of the 24 districts of Malawi, these being primarily the districts in which O. moubata is most numerous. ASF virus was isolated from ticks collected in both domestic pig sties and houses in certain villages in Mchinji district where ASF outbreaks had recently occurred. Mchinji district is in the centre of a large ASF enzootic area which stretches into other districts of Malawi and also into Zambia and Mozambique. The high titre of virus in some of the ticks demonstrates that O. moubata can act as a virus reservoir and potential vector of disease in the field situation in Malawi.  相似文献   
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