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BackgroundLong-term cardiovascular health effects of marijuana are understudied. Future cardiovascular disease is often indicated by subclinical atherosclerosis for which carotid intima-media thickness is an established parameter.MethodsUsing the data from the Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults (CARDIA) study, a cohort of 5115 Black and white women and men at Year 20 visit, we studied the association between carotid intima-media thickness in midlife and lifetime exposure to marijuana (1 marijuana year = 365 days of use) and tobacco smoking (1 pack-year = 20 cigarettes/day for 365 days). We measured carotid intima-media thickness by ultrasound and defined high carotid intima-media thickness at the threshold of the 75th percentile of all examined participants. We fit logistic regression models stratified by tobacco smoking exposure, adjusting for demographics, cardiovascular risk factors, and other drug exposures.ResultsData was complete for 3257 participants; 2722 (84%) reported ever marijuana use; 374 (11%) were current users; 1539 (47%) reported ever tobacco smoking; 610 (19%) were current smokers. Multivariable adjusted models showed no association between cumulative marijuana exposure and high carotid intima-media thickness in never or ever tobacco smokers, odds ratio (OR) 0.87 (95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.63-1.21) at 1 marijuana-year among never smokers and OR 1.11 (95% CI: 0.85-1.45) among ever tobacco smokers. Cumulative exposure to tobacco was strongly associated with high carotid intima-media thickness, OR 1.88 (95%CI: 1.20-2.94) for 20 pack-years of exposure.ConclusionsThis study adds to the growing body of evidence that there might be no association between the average population level of marijuana use and subclinical atherosclerosis.  相似文献   


Chest compression quality is a determinant of survival from out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA). ERC 2005 guidelines recommend the use of technical devices to support rescuers giving compressions. This prospective randomized study reviewed influence of different feedback configurations on survival and compression quality.

Materials and methods

312 patients suffering an OHCA were randomly allocated to two different feedback configurations. In the limited feedback group a metronome and visual feedback was used. In the extended feedback group voice prompts were added. A training program was completed prior to implementation, performance debriefing was conducted throughout the study.


Survival did not differ between the extended and limited feedback groups (47.8% vs 43.9%, p = 0.49). Average compression depth (mean ± SD: 4.74 ± 0.86 cm vs 4.84 ± 0.93 cm, p = 0.31) was similar in both groups. There were no differences in compression rate (103 ± 7 vs 102 ± 5 min(−1), p = 0.74) or hands-off fraction (16.16% ± 0.07 to 17.04% ± 0.07, p = 0.38). Bystander CPR, public arrest location, presenting rhythm and chest compression depth were predictors of short term survival (ROSC to ED).


Even limited CPR-feedback combined with training and ongoing debriefing leads to high chest compression quality. Bystander CPR, location, rhythm and chest compression depth are determinants of survival from out of hospital cardiac arrest. Addition of voice prompts does neither modify CPR quality nor outcome in OHCA. CC depth significantly influences survival and therefore more focus should be put on correct delivery. Further studies are needed to examine the best configuration of feedback to improve CPR quality and survival.


ClinicalTrials.gov (NCT00449969), http://www.clinicalTrials.gov.  相似文献   
Chorionic gonadotropin (CG) is an essential signal in establishment and maintenance of pregnancy in humans and higher primates. A G-to-A transition in exon 3 of human CGbeta gene 5, changing the naturally occurring valine residue to methionine in codon 79 (Val(79)Met) has been reported at carrier frequency 4.2% in a random population from the Midwest of the United States. The biological activity of the variant hCG was similar to that of wild-type (WT) hCG. However, the Val(79)Met beta-subunit displayed impaired ability to assemble with alpha-subunit, and the amount of hCG alpha/beta heterodimers formed and secreted by transfected cells was seriously impaired in the previous study. Because of these functional implications we found it important to study the occurrence of the Val(79)Met hCGbeta variant in other populations. By using a PCR-RFLP method, a search for the Val(79)Met hCGbeta variant was carried out on a total of 580 DNA samples from five European populations (Finland, Denmark, Greece, Germany and the UK). The results demonstrated an absence of the polymorphism in these populations. Hence, the naturally occurring variant (Val(79)Met) of the hCGbeta gene 5, found previously at high frequency in the US, is clearly less common, or absent, in the European populations studied.  相似文献   
Advanced glycation end products (AGEs), the final products of nonenzymatic glycation and oxidation of proteins, are found in the plasma and accumulate in the tissues during aging and at an accelerated rate in diabetes. A novel integral membrane protein, termed receptor for AGE (RAGE), forms a central part of the cell surface binding site for AGEs. Using monospecific, polyclonal antibody raised to human recombinant and bovine RAGE, immunostaining of bovine tissues showed RAGE in the vasculature, endothelium, and smooth muscle cells and in mononuclear cells in the tissues. Consistent with these data, RAGE antigen and mRNA were identified in cultured bovine endothelium, vascular smooth muscle, and monocyte-derived macrophages. RAGE antigen was also visualized in bovine cardiac myocytes as well as in cultures of neonatal rat cardiac myocytes and in neural tissue where motor neurons, peripheral nerves, and a population of cortical neurons were positive. In situ hybridization confirmed the presence of RAGE mRNA in the tissues, and studies with rat PC12 pheochromocytes indicated that they provide a neuronal-related cell culture model for examining RAGE expression. Pathological studies of human atherosclerotic plaques showed infiltration of RAGE-expressing cells in the expanded intima. These results indicate that RAGE is present in multiple tissues and suggest the potential relevance of AGE-RAGE interactions for modulating properties of the vasculature as well as neural and cardiac function, prominent areas of involvement in diabetes and in the normal aging process.  相似文献   
The influence of systolic hypertension (SH) on the natural history of chronic aortic regurgitation (AR) and the clinical effect of antihypertensive medication on patients who have hypertension and AR are incompletely defined. Therefore, we reviewed the clinical course of 80 unoperated patients who were entered prospectively into an assessment of natural history of AR and its predictors and were asymptomatic with normal left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) at rest at study entry; 30 of 80 patients had SH (systolic blood pressure >140 mm Hg); 20 of 80 patients (16 had SH) used antihypertensive drugs for the long term (not mandated by protocol). During an average 7.2-year event-free follow-up, 24 patients developed symptoms alone (n = 14), subnormal LVEF with or without symptoms (n = 8), or died suddenly (n = 2). SH tripled the average annual risk of cardiac events (8.47% vs 2.85%, p = 0.004). The effect of systolic blood pressure was independent of age, gender, diastolic blood pressure, LV diastolic dimension, fractional shortening, and LVEF at rest (p = 0.004 to <0.008). However, positive prognostic interactions existed between systolic blood pressure and pulse pressure (p <0.001), LVEF during exercise (p <0.001), change in LVEF from rest to exercise (p <0.001), and the contractility index (p <0.02). Among patients who had SH, antihypertensive therapy predicted increased event risk (average annual risk 15.46% vs 3.98%, p <0.02) and remained predictive when analysis was adjusted for potentially confounding subgroup variations at study entry (p <0.03, all models). In conclusion, SH portends poor clinical outcome in chronic severe AR. As a group, antihypertensive drugs do not mitigate outcome, although the effect of individual drugs is uncertain and at least some may be deleterious. The theoretically based practice of giving antihypertensive drugs to patients who have AR requires reexamination.  相似文献   
The aim of the study was to evaluate exhaled nitric oxide levels (F(ENO)) in asthmatics and to establish the possible correlation of these measurements with clinical symptoms, disease severity, anti-inflammatory treatment and spirometric indices. The measurement of exhaled NO was performed using NO analyser model 280i, Sievers Instruments, Inc., USA. This measurement was based on the gas phase chemiluminescence reaction between NO and ozone. The investigations were performed on the group of 85 asthmatic patients (34 with chronic mild asthma, 31 with chronic moderate asthma, 20 with chronic severe asthma). F(ENO) level in healthy, non-smoking volunteers (46 persons--control group) was mean 12.9 +/- 4.6 ppB and it was statistically significant lower than in all groups of asthmatics. The highest F(ENO) levels were observed in patients with severe asthma (74 +/- 72 ppB). Statistically significant lower levels of ENO were obtained in patients with moderate (42 +/- 31 ppB) and mild asthma (49 +/- 43 ppB). In all groups of asthmatic patients higher levels of F(ENO) were observed in subjects with allergic asthma. In patients with mild and moderate asthma ENO levels were negatively correlated with the used dosage of inhaled steroids. Similar dependences were not noticed in patients with severe asthma. The measurement of exhaled nitric oxide levels provides a rapid, reproducible, non-invasive and reliable test, which is very useful in diagnosis and treatment monitoring in asthmatic patients.  相似文献   
Long-term cultures of human embryonic stem (hES) cells require a feeder layer for maintaining cells in an undifferentiated state and increasing karyotype stability. In routine hES cell culture, mouse embryonic fibroblast (MEF) feeders and animal component-containing media (FBS or serum replacement) are commonly used. However, the use of animal materials increases the risk of transmitting pathogens to hES cells and therefore is not optimal for use in cultures intended for human transplantation. There are other limitations with conventional feeder cells, such as MEFs, which have a short lifespan and can only be propagated five to six passages before senescing. Several groups have investigated maintaining existing hES cell lines and deriving new hES cell lines on human feeder layers. However, almost all of these human source feeder cells employed in previous studies were derived and cultured in animal component conditions. Even though one group previously reported the derivation and culture of human foreskin fibroblasts (HFFs) in human serum-containing medium, this medium is not optimal because HFFs routinely undergo senescence after 10 passages when cultured in human serum. In this study we have developed a completely animal-free method to derive HFFs from primary tissues. We demonstrate that animal-free (AF) HFFs do not enter senescence within 55 passages when cultured in animal-free conditions. This methodology offers alternative and completely animal-free conditions for hES cell culture, thus maintaining hES cell morphology, pluripotency, karyotype stability, and expression of pluripotency markers. Moreover, no difference in hES cell maintenance was observed when they were cultured on AF-HFFs of different passage number or independent derivations.  相似文献   
Aneurysms of the sinus of Valsalva are extremely rare. Ruptured aneurysms of the sinus of Valsalva are frequently associated with other congenital defects, particularly with ventricular septal defect, aortic valve regurgitation, and bicuspid aortic valve. We describe the case of a 26-year-old man who had a ruptured aneurysm of the right coronary sinus, a ventricular septal defect, and an anomalous origin of the right coronary artery. Successful surgical correction of the aneurysm and ventricular septal defect was performed with patch repair and aortic valve replacement. A review of the English-language medical literature revealed only 1 other case of a sinus of Valsalva aneurysm associated with a ventricular septal defect and an anomalous coronary artery. Previously published reports of the coexistence of a single coronary artery with a sinus of Valsalva aneurysm or with a ventricular septal defect, and their management, are discussed herein.  相似文献   
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