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The Gingko biloba extract is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation due to the lack of information about its effects on these reproductive phases. Previous studies have shown that G. biloba extract contains components with estrogenic and antiestrogenic activities, thus nursing dams treated with the extract of this plant could show reduction in milk production, resulting in malnutrition and poor development of pups. This work analyzes the postnatal development of pups, whose mothers were treated with G. biloba extract during the lactation period. Nursing Wistar rats received 3.5 mg/kg/day of G. biloba aqueous extract, corresponding to the highest human dose. Clinical signs of maternal toxicity were evaluated. The growth rate, viability, survival during treatment and lactation indices of the pups were calculated. The physical, motor and sensorial development of the pups was also evaluated. No maternal signs of toxicity were observed. As there were no biological differences between control and G. biloba treated pups, it is possible to assume that, in this experimental design, the administration of G. biloba aqueous extract to nursing rats during the lactation period seems to be devoid of toxic effect to mothers and to the physical, motor and sensory development of the pups.  相似文献   
This study sought to clarify personality characteristics of supporters of the Women's Liberation Movement (WLM) with specific emphasis on the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA). Three matched groups of 50 female college students, which were comprised of supporters, opponents, or those who voiced no opinion on the ERA, were administered the Rokeach Dogmatism Scale and the Rotter I-E Scale. The three groups did not differ significantly on either measure. Participants of all groups were shown to be somewhat externally controlled and to demonstrate personality traits that were not characteristically dogmatic. The disparity of these results with those reported by other researchers was attributed to the matched demographic factors that determined S selection and assignment.  相似文献   
The proportion of women who patronized traditional birth attendants (TBAs) or modern health care practitioners (MHCPs) was compared, including reasons for their choices. A comparative design was adopted to study 300 respondents selected through a multistage systematic random sampling technique. The instrument for data collection was a validated 21-item structured questionnaire. We observed that 75 (25%) patronized and 80 (27%) preferred TBAs, and 206 (69%) patronized and 220 (75%) preferred MHCPs, while 19 (6%) patronized both. The view that TBAs prayed before conducting deliveries was supported by a majority 75 (94%) of the respondents who preferred them. Factors associated with preference for TBAs should be addressed.  相似文献   
Labor flow and travelers are important factors contributing to the spread of Dengue virus infection and chikungunya fever. Bali Province of Indonesia, a popular resort and tourist destination, has these factors and suffers from mosquito-borne infectious diseases. Using area study approach, a series of fieldwork was conducted in Bali to obtain up-to-date primary disease data, to learn more about public health measures, and to interview health officers, hotel personnel, and other resource persons. The national data including information on two other provinces were obtained for comparison. The health ministry reported 5,810 and 11,697 cases of dengue hemorrhagic fever in Bali in 2009 and 2010, respectively. Moreover, two densely populated tourist areas and one district have shown a particularly high incidence and sharp increases in 2010. Cases of chikungunya fever reported in Bali more than doubled in 2010 from the previous year. Our findings suggest that Bali can benefit from a significant reduction in vector populations and dissemination of disease preventive knowledge among both local residents and foreign visitors. This will require a concerted and trans-border approach, which may prove difficult in the province.  相似文献   
Introduction. Pain and its control have been studied extensively in the emergency department. Numerous studies indicate that inadequate treatment of pain is common, despite the availability of myriad analgesics. It has been suggested that oligoanesthesia is also a common practice in the prehospital setting. Objective. To assess the use of prehospital analgesia in patients with suspected extremity fracture. Methods. Emergency medical services (EMS) call reports were reviewed for all patients with suspected extremity fractures treated from June 1997 to July 1998 in a midwestern community with a population base of 223,000. Data collected included demographic information, mechanism of injury, medications given, and field treatment. Standing orders for administration of analgesia were available and permitted paramedics to give either morphine sulfate or nitrous oxide per protocol. Results. The EMS call reports were analyzed for 1,073 patients with suspected extremity fractures. The mean patient age was 47 years. Accidental injuries comprised 86.5% of those reviewed. Suspected leg fractures were most common (20%), followed by hips (18%), arms (11%), knees (10%), ankles (9%), shoulders (7.2%), hands (5.5%), and wrists (5.3%). Multiple trauma and assorted broken digits accounted for the remaining 14%. The most common mechanisms of injury were: fall (43%), motor vehicle collision (21%), and human assault (10%). Intravenous lines were placed in 9.4% of patients; 17% received ice packs; 16% received bandage/dressings; 25% received air splints; and 19% were fully immobilized. Analgesia was administered to 18 patients (1.8%): 16 patients received nitrous oxide and two received morphine. Conclusion. Administration of analgesics to prehospital patients with suspected fractures was rare. Prehospital identification and treatment of pain for patients with musculoskeletal trauma could be improved.  相似文献   
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