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Die Anaesthesiologie - In dieser Studie wurden die Studierenden der Generationen Y und Z des Studiengangs Humanmedizin an der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen...  相似文献   
The modified Lapidus bunionectomy is a useful and highly powerful procedure for correcting hallux abducto valgus. Traditionally reserved for “severe” deformities, this procedure has seen a recent resurgence in the podiatric community for its unique ability to achieve tri-planar correction of this challenging deformity. Although this procedure has been extensively studied in both biomechanical labs and the clinical arenas, no clear consensus has been achieved regarding optimal fixation for this thought-provoking procedure. The current study examined the differences in strength between commercially available 5-hole locking plates with interfragmentary compression vs a crossed-screw with a third “transfixation” screw construct in a controlled setting. Ten fresh-frozen cadaveric match pair limbs (20 total limbs) were used to complete this study. Ten limbs were randomly assigned to a 3-screw construct. The other 10 contralateral limbs were assigned to a commercially available 5-hole locking plate (5 stainless steel and 5 titanium alloy) with an interfragmentary lag screw construct. The first rays were then isolated and potted into a 4-point bending device. The specimens were loaded to failure in a servohydraulic load frame at a controlled rate. Failure was defined as catastrophic or 3 mm of plantar gapping at the arthrodesis site. The mean maximal load to failure was 310.9 ± 109.4 N for the 3-screw construct. The mean maximal load to failure for the locking plate constructs was 264.1 ± 100.9 N. This difference was not statistically significant (p = .328). These results suggest that a 3-screw construct for Lapidus arthrodesis is as strong as commercially available locking plate constructs.  相似文献   
Trauma recidivism   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Surgeons have long recognized that a proportion of hospitalized trauma patients present with a history of a previous admission for trauma, termed by the authors as "trauma recidivism." The incidence of trauma recidivism was addressed by a review of 150 consecutive admissions to a level I Trauma Center. This study identifies this subset of trauma patients, establishes their magnitude, and analyzes mechanisms of injury and hospital courses. The implications for those who care for trauma patients is discussed.  相似文献   
A retrospective evaluation of 68 Fallopian tube carcinomas (FTC) of a period of ten years (1980-1990) in stage I and II was performed. The aim of this study was to evaluate the prognostic impact of various factors. 68 cases were investigated for the prognostic influence of mitotic activity, degree of nuclear anaplasia and inflammatory reaction. Histological grading (p=0.08), and inflammatory reaction (p=0.003) showed to have a prognostic impact for survival in univariate analysis. Whereas, mitotic activity did not show any statistically significant influence. 47 (69%) tissue samples showed a positive inflammatory reaction which correlated with a significantly better outcome compared with tumors without this feature. However, this influence was proved in multivariate analysis for inflammatory reaction only (p=0.01). Although no data on the influence of the inflammatory reaction on prognosis in FTC has been published up to now, we can state that the determination of this factor can be useful for prognosis in this rare but highly aggressive tumor.  相似文献   
Single-channel measurements were performed with the aim of constructing a detailed molecular scheme for the reaction between -aminobutyric acid (GABA) and a chloride channel of crayfish deep extensor abdominal muscle (DEAM). GABA was applied in pulses to outside-out patches of muscle membrane, and, based on the dose-response of the peak currents and of their rise times, a linear model with five binding steps has been proposed. Evaluation of the single-channel kinetics indicated at least three open states. Two of them originate most probably from the fully liganded receptor state and are grouped in mixed bursts due to their different life times. The third one appears independently, outside the bursts, and originates from a lower liganded receptor state. Simulations of the dose-responses and the open time distributions with this model led to a set of rate constants which generated relatively optimal fits.  相似文献   
Helmuth LL  Mayr U  Daum I 《Neuropsychologia》2000,38(11):1443-1451
The serial reaction time (SRT) task has been frequently used to assess procedural learning of sequences. Patients with Parkinson's disease (PD) have been reported to show deficits on this task, but it is as yet unclear whether this impairment reflects a general sequencing deficit or a deficit in the sequencing of motor-output responses. In order to examine this issue, PD patients and controls were administered an SRT task which allowed the simultaneous and independent assessment of the procedural learning of spatial regularities and the learning of motor-response regularities. PD patients were unimpaired at learning a sequence of spatial locations, but showed a deficit at learning a stimulus-to-motor-response sequence. The results suggest that sequencing impairments in PD are not general, but specific to the type of sequential information inherent in a task.  相似文献   
PURPOSE: Intestinal non-Hodgkin's lymphomas are not well characterized. We therefore studied prospectively their clinical features and response to standardized therapy. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Fifty-six patients with primary intestinal lymphoma were included in a prospective, nonrandomized multicenter study. Lymphoma resection was recommended and staging was performed according to the Ann Arbor classification. Patients were scheduled to receive six cycles of cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine, and prednisolone (CHOP) chemotherapy, and at stages EIII to EIV, they received additional involved-field radiotherapy. Corticosteroids were used in patients who could not receive chemotherapy. RESULTS: Thirty-five patients had intestinal T-cell lymphoma (ITCL), 21 patients had intestinal B-cell lymphoma (IBCL; 18 diffuse large-cell lymphomas, two marginal-cell lymphomas, and one follicle-center lymphoma). Thirty-four patients at stages EI to EII (14 ITCL and 20 IBCL) and nine patients at stages EIII to EIV (all ITCL) received chemotherapy. No patient in stages EIII to EIV received radiotherapy, because death occurred in 12 of 14 patients. Two-year cumulative survival in patients with IBCL was 94% (95% CI, 82% to 100%) and higher than in patients with ITCL (28% [95% CI, 13% to 43%]; P <.0001), even when only stages EI to EII were considered (ITCL, 37.5% [95% CI, 16.5% to 58.5%]; P <.0001). IBCL patients compared with ITCL patients were at lower lymphoma stages (P <.01), had higher Karnofsky status (P <.005), had intestinal perforation less often (P <.05), required emergency operation less often (P <.05), received CHOP (P <.05) more often, and reached complete remission (P <.0005) more frequently. CONCLUSION: IBCL patients at stages EI and EII respond well to chemotherapy, but the prognosis and treatment of ITCL patients is unsatisfactory.  相似文献   
Sentinox (STX) is an acid-oxidizing solution containing hypochlorous acid in spray whose virucidal activity against SARS-CoV-2 has been demonstrated. In this paper, results of a randomized controlled trial (RCT) on the efficacy of STX in reducing viral load in mild COVID-19 patients (NCT04909996) and a complementary in vitro study on its activity against different respiratory viruses are reported. In the RCT, 57 patients were randomized (1:1:1) to receive STX three (STX-3) or five (STX-5) times/day plus standard therapy or standard therapy only (controls). Compared with controls, the log10 load reduction in groups STX-3 and STX-5 was 1.02 (p = 0.14) and 0.18 (p = 0.80), respectively. These results were likely driven by outliers with extreme baseline viral loads. When considering subjects with baseline cycle threshold values of 20–30, STX-3 showed a significant (p = 0.016) 2.01 log10 reduction. The proportion of subjects that turned negative by the end of treatment (day 5) was significantly higher in the STX-3 group than in controls, suggesting a shorter virus clearance time. STX was safe and well-tolerated. In the in vitro study, ≥99.9% reduction in titers against common respiratory viruses was observed. STX is a safe device with large virucidal spectrum and may reduce viral loads in mild COVID-19 patients.  相似文献   
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