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Radiographic studies of three cases of hypoplasia of the humeral trochlea were done. Several other anomalies were also detected, including a hypoplastic capitellum in case 2, a hyperplastic radial head in cases 2 and 3, and bulging of the loose joint capsule in case 3. Operations in cases 1 and 3, disclosed that ganglions and fibrous septa compressed the ulnar nerve. The cause of ulnar nerve palsy in patients with hypoplasia of the humeral trochlea is thought to be associated with the high incidence of ganglions in hypoplastic elbow joints. The ganglion may play a role.  相似文献   
Hypothermia and preservative perfusates have been used to decrease ischemic renal injury. This study was performed to identify the preservative function of perfusates independent of the effects of hypothermia. Rats underwent 45 minutes of renal ischemia. Rectal and renal parenchyma temperatures were monitored and maintained within 1° C of normal. Perfusates were University of Wisconsin solution (UW), Euro-Collins solution, normal saline solution, and Ringer's lactate solution. A nonperfused ischemic control and a nonischemic control group were also evaluated. Parameters evaluated included serum creatinine and blood urea nitrogen levels, renal ischemic injury grade, renal weight, and gross appearance of the injured kidney. Rats treated with UW solution were found to have a significantly lower creatinine, blood urea nitrogen, and injury grade than the other three perfused groups. The external gross appearance of the UW-treated kidneys was normal, whereas that of the other groups demonstrated moderate to severe injury. Although the mean right/left renal weight difference of the UW-treated group was lower than that of the other three groups, this was not statistically significant. Under normothermic conditions in rats, UW solution affords significant renal protection from ischemia. Euro-Collins, normal saline, and Ringer's lactate solutions display no significant protective effect.Presented at the Twentieth Annual Meeting of the Peripheral Vascular Surgery Society, New Orleans, La., June 10, 1995.  相似文献   
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SUMMARY Weber-Christian disease, a disease of unknown aetiology, is characterised by relapsing febrile episodes and systemic panniculitis. Glucocorticoid therapy is often useful during acute phases of the disease. This report describes a patient in whom hyperpyrexia did not respond to high-dose glucocorticoid treatment, yet did respond to a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID).  相似文献   
Despite improvements in supportive care, the mortality and morbidity of asthma remain constant. The risks and incidence of morbidity related to barotrauma remain high in patients that require mechanical ventilation. The authors present three alternative strategies including the inhalation of anaesthetic agents, helium/oxygen ventilation, and extracorporeal membrane oxygenation which may be beneficial when 'conventional therapies' fail in the intubated patient with status asthmaticus.  相似文献   
In the emergency department, photography requires an expedient, portable, adaptable, and relatively simple camera system to take advantage of fleeting opportunities for recording visually educational material. These prerequisites are different from those for traditional medical photography, for which relatively plentiful time and advanced equipment are routinely available. Medical photography departments provide an invaluable service, but are rarely convenient for immediate or spontaneous emergency. department photographs. Although no single system or technique is optimal in all these areas, the authors find certain components and approaches work well. They review photographic equipment, paying attention to speed, ease of use, and quality of output. They also review simple techniques such as film choice, lighting, close-up photography, standardization, copy work, and radiographs. Attention to these details can help the inexperienced photographer obtain a system and begin to enjoy the rewards of effective photography in the emergency department.  相似文献   
The case of a 3-day-old infant with Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome who required anesthetic care during closure of an abdominal wall defect is presented. Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome comprises a constellation of clinical features, including macroglossia, macrosomia, omphalocele, visceromegaly, mild microcephaly, facial nevus flammeus, horizontal earlobe creases, and renal medullary dysplasia. Due to the high rate of omphalocele in this syndrome, anesthetic care is frequently required during the neonatal period. Many of these infants (greater than 50%) are born prematurely. Therefore, their anesthetic care may be further complicated by associated diseases of prematurity, such as hyaline membrane disease. Additional anesthetic implications of this syndrome relate to the occurrence and management of hypoglycemia and polycythemia. Careful intraoperative management of glucose homeostasis is particularly important, since eventual neurologic outcome and intelligence will be normal provided prolonged neonatal hypoglycemia is avoided. Preoperative evaluation of the cardiac and genitourinary system, including echocardiography and renal ultrasound, are recommended because of the frequent occurrence of associated anomalies with omphalocele.  相似文献   
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