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AIM: To evaluate the data from a survey carried out in Italy regarding the endoscopic approach to acute pancreatitis in order to obtain a picture of what takes place after the release of an educational project on acute pancreatitis sponsored by the Italian Association for the Study of the Pancreas.METHODS: Of the 1 173 patients enrolled in our survey, the most frequent etiological category was biliary forms (69.3%) and most patients had mild pancreatitis (85.8%).RESULTS: 344/1 173 (29.3%) underwent endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP). The mean interval between the onset of symptoms and ERCP was 6.7 ± 5.0 d; only 89 examinations (25.9%) were performed within 72 h from the onset of symptoms. The main indications for ERCP were suspicion of common bile duct stones (90.3%), jaundice (44.5%), clinical worsening of acute pancreatitis (14.2%) and cholangitis (6.1%). Biliary and pancreatic ducts were visualized in 305 patients (88.7%) and in 93 patients (27.0%) respectively. The success rate in obtaining a cholangiogram was statistically higher (P = 0.003) in patients with mild acute pancreatitis (90.6%) than in patients with severe disease (72.2%). Biliary endoscopic sphincterotomy was performed in 295 of the 305 patients (96.7%) with no difference between mild and severe disease (P = 0.985). ERCP morbidity was 6.1% and mortality was 1.7%; the mortality was due to the complications of acute pancreatitis and not the endoscopic procedure.CONCLUSION: The results of this survey, as with those carried out in other countries, indicate a lack of compliance with the guidelines for the indications for interventional endoscopy.  相似文献   
The p16(INK4a) is a cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor that decelerates the cell cycle by inactivating the cyclin-dependent kinases involved in the phosphorylation of the retinoblastoma protein (RB). Expression of E6 and E7 oncogenes of high-risk (HR) human papillomavirus (HPV), affecting the RB-p16 pathway, leads to p16 upregulation. Although it is widely reported that p16 is overexpressed in a high percentage of preneoplastic lesions and in almost all carcinomas of the uterine cervix, protein upregulation and its correlation with HPV infection in low-grade lesions is still being debated. In this study, we investigated in parallel, p16 expression and HPV infection in 100 cervical biopsies (17 normal tissues, 54 CIN1, 10 CIN2, 11 CIN3, eight invasive squamous cancers). Results obtained demonstrated that none of the 17 normal cervical tissues, evaluated by immunohistochemistry, presented p16 positivity whereas, starting from CIN1 (31%) to CIN2 (90%), CIN3 (100%) and carcinomas (100%), a constant and significant increase of protein overexpression (P<0.0001) was observed. In addition, p16 overexpression consistently showed elevated sensitivity (84%) and specificity (98%) in detecting HR-HPV infection with a high positive predictive value (97%) and negative predictive value (86%). Of interest, 93% of the p16-positive CIN1 were also HR-HPV infected. Our findings confirmed that p16 overexpression is associated to high-grade precancerous lesions and cervical carcinomas, and further demonstrated that immunohistochemical evaluation of p16 may be a useful biomarker in identifying HR-HPV-infected low-grade lesions.  相似文献   
The molecular epidemiology of multidrug-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii was investigated in the medical-surgical intensive care unit (ICU) of a university hospital in Italy during two window periods in which two sequential A. baumannii epidemics occurred. Genotype analysis by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) of A. baumannii isolates from 131 patients identified nine distinct PFGE patterns. Of these, PFGE clones B and I predominated and occurred sequentially during the two epidemics. A. baumannii epidemic clones showed a multidrug-resistant antibiotype, being clone B resistant to all antimicrobials tested except the carbapenems and clone I resistant to all antimicrobials except ampicillin-sulbactam and gentamicin. Type 1 integrons of 2.5 and 2.2 kb were amplified from the chromosomal DNA of epidemic PFGE clones B and I, respectively, but not from the chromosomal DNA of the nonepidemic clones. Nucleotide analysis of clone B integron identified four gene cassettes: aacC1, which confers resistance to gentamicin; two open reading frames (ORFs) coding for unknown products; and aadA1a, which confers resistance to spectinomycin and streptomycin. The integron of clone I contained three gene cassettes: aacA4, which confers resistance to amikacin, netilmicin, and tobramycin; an unknown ORF; and bla(OXA-20), which codes for a class D beta-lactamase that confers resistance to amoxicillin, ticarcillin, oxacillin, and cloxacillin. Also, the bla(IMP) allele was amplified from chromosomal DNA of A. baumannii strains of PFGE type I. Class 1 integrons carrying antimicrobial resistance genes and bla(IMP) allele in A. baumannii epidemic strains correlated with the high use rates of broad-spectrum cephalosporins, carbapenems, and aminoglycosides in the ICU during the study period.  相似文献   
Antibiotic resistant pneumococci have been reported from all continents. Because of the importance of pneumococci in the aetiology of life-threatening diseases, the screening for penicillin resistance with oxacillin disc on all clinically significant isolates is suggested. However, discrepancy between the determination of penicillin resistance by oxacillin disc diffusion and the determination of penicillin minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) has been reported. On this basis we have examined seven strains of Streptococcus pneumoniae isolated from patients recovered for the exacerbation of chronic bronchitis which were oxacillin-resistant. The assay of penicillin MICs showed that three isolates were moderately resistant to this agent, while four isolates resulted sensitive to penicillin as well as to cefotaxime. These results suggest that a further evaluation of penicillin MIC should be performed on those strains of S. pneumoniae resulting oxacillin-resistant.  相似文献   
Mortality study of cancer risk among oil refinery workers   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The mortality experience of 1595 male workers employed in one of the largest Italian refineries in the period from 1949-1982 was examined. From the comparison with national and local death rates, increases in mortality owing to lung and kidney cancers, brain tumors, and leukemias emerged. No definite trends according to duration of exposure and years since first exposure were apparent. The increases regarding cancer of the lung, kidney and brain appeared to be associated with the early period of operations. Analysis by exposure category suggested an association of the increased mortality from leukemias with working in production (observed = 2; expected = 0.61). Kidney cancer mortality was elevated among maintenance workers (obs. = 2; exp. = 0.18). Small numbers prevented firmer conclusions. Workers in the moving department had a significantly increased mortality from all cancers (obs. = 22; exp. = 11.7), and lung cancer (obs. = 11; exp. = 3.6). Confounding by smoking could be excluded as sufficient explanation of the three-fold increase in lung cancer deaths. It was in moving that highest airborne levels of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons had been discovered in an independent environmental investigation.  相似文献   
There is little information about the serologic survey for control of hepatitis C by using third-generation assays among chronic haemodialysis (HD) patients, and no analysis of costs has been made to this end. A serologic survey for control of hepatitis C was performed in 190 HD patients attending a single dialysis unit, using second- and third-generation assays. Costs of both serologic surveys were calculated. Anti-HCV prevalence tested by third-generation assays increased from 25% (48/190) to 28% (53/190) compared to second-generation testing; 56% (9/16) of patients showing uncertain findings by second-generation tests gave unequivocal results by third-generation assays; median duration of HD treatment and raised amino transferase levels were positively associated (P=0.004 and P=0.012, respectively) with anti HCV detected by third-generation assays. The serologic survey for control of hepatitis C in HD patients at our centre was slightly more expensive by third-generation assays compared to second-generation testing (US&buck;18 866 vs US&buck; 17200 per year). In summary, the use of third-generation tests largely clarified the uncertain results of second-generation tests; new additional positive patients were detected by third-generation assays compared to second-generation testing. Third-generation assays showed the association of duration of HD treatment and raised aminotransferase levels with anti-HCV antibody, as previously found by first- and second-generation assays. To date, third generation screening and confirmatory assays seem extremely useful in the serologic survey for control of hepatitis C in HD centres without a considerable outlay.  相似文献   
Abstract. Extensive data demonstrate that polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN) are the predominant cell type involved in periodontal disease and that gingival crevicular fluid constituents are influenced by the inflamed gingiva. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the ability of gingival crevicular washing (GCW) (a dilution of gingival crevicular fluid) from periodontal sites in different clinical conditions of modulating the PMN membrane receptors involved in motility, adhesion and phagocytosis before and after periodontal treatment. 10 patients affected by adult periodontitis (AP) were selected. From each patient. 2 test sites (TS) were chosen on the basis of a probing depth > 5 mm and attachment loss, and 2 control sites (CS) with probing depth < 3 mm without attachment loss. Modifications of membrane receptor density of PMN from healthy donors incubated with GCW harvested from TS and CS was evaluated using fluorescent probes and flow cytometry. Compared to CS-GCW. TS-GCW before therapy increased the expression of the β2 integrin CD 11b and the chemotactic receptor for the oligopeptide N-formyl methionyl leucyl phenylalanine (FMLP-R) while it reduced the expression of L-selection. GCW collected from the same TS after the successful completion of periodontal treatment did not influence PMN receptors, indicating that the clinical improvement paralleled the disappearance of the PMN modulating capability contained in TS-GCW before therapy. In conclusion, the present data illustrate the relevant modifications occurring at PMN membrane in chronic adult periodontitis exerted by GCW obtained by a simple fluid collection technique. Thus, monitoring gingival crevicular fluid PMN activating capability may help disclose the presence of chronic periodontitis and may be useful in assessing successful treatment.  相似文献   
Parasympathetic and sympathetic controls on cardiovascular systems were studied during wakefulness and sleep in 8 diabetic patients (3 IDDM and 5 NIDDM), in order to detect the presence of autonomic dysfunction. In particular, cardiovascular assessment during sleep allowed to detect minimal autonomic abnormalities in the absence of a documented pathology during wakefulness.  相似文献   
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