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Spleen cells from BALB/c mice primed with keyhole limpet hemocyanin (KLH), were stimulated with heat-killed vaccine of rough Pneumococcus pneumoniae R36A (Pn) and/or phosphorylcholine (PC)-coupled KLH to induce an anti-PC response in vitro. The response to PC-KLH was found to be T-dependent while it is T-independent to Pn. The antibodies induced with either antigen had similar avidity and expressed the TEPC 15 idiotype exclusively; thus T cell involvement in the response to PC-KLH failed to alter these parameters of the anti-PC response. At the precursor cell level, Pn induced small clones with an average size of 10 plaque-forming cells (PFC), whereas PC-KLH gave rise to larger clones of 40-50 PFC. This difference in the proliferative potential of PC precursor B cells hinted at the possibility that Pn and PC-KLH were stimulating different precursors.This was corroborated by the observation that a) when Pn and PC-KLH were added to the same cultures a synergistic effect was seen, i.e. the number of plaques was greater than the sum of the responses induced by each antigen, and b) in microcultures, under conditions limiting B cells only, Pn plus PC-KLH induced a higher fraction of responding wells than either antigen on its own. We postulate that Pn and PC-KLH stimulate subpopulations of PC precursor cells which are T-independent and T-dependent, respectively.  相似文献   
Serological responses have been studied in respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infected children < 1 year of age attending the outpatient department of the Manhiça District Hospital (Mozambique). Molecular characterization of viral RNA in nasopharyngeal aspirates from the infected children indicated a high level of genetic uniformity among the infecting viruses, all of which belonged to a single genotype of RSV group A. A representative virus strain, Moz00, was isolated from one of the infants and was used, together with the group A strain A2 and the group B strain 8/60, as antigens in the quantification of infant antibody responses. In this study, 97.5% (39/40) and 96.4% (27/28) of infected children produced an antibody response against Moz00 detected by the membrane fluorescent antibody test (MFAT) and the neutralization test (NT), respectively. Seroconversion rates decreased when the A2 and 8/60 strains were used as antigen in MFAT (95.4% and 88.2%, respectively) or NT (81.8% and 54.5%, respectively), indicating that antibody responses had both group‐ and strain‐specific components. Antibodies in convalescent sera of infected children were compared with maternally derived antibodies detected in a group of children also < 1 year of age, but with no evidence of RSV infection. The convalescent sera exhibited reduced neutralizing capacity when the 8/60 strain was used as antigen (P = 0.028), suggesting that the infant antibody response lacks neutralizing capacity against strains of the heterologous virus group. Restricted cross‐reactivity and neutralizing capacity of antibodies generated by young children might be expected to induce only moderate protection in subsequent epidemics against genetically distant strains. J. Med. Virol. 69:579–587, 2003. © 2003 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
An inhibitor of the cytotoxic functions (ICF) mediated by human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)- or HLA-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes, natural killer and lymphokine-activated killer (LAK) cells is secreted by CD8+CD57? T lymphocytes, a subset expanded during infection with HIV and after bone marrow transplantation. We previously showed an apparent molecular mass of 20–30 kDa for this soluble glycosylated concanavalin A-binding inhibitor which is distinct from known cytokines. Here, we report a characterization of the mechanism of action of this CD8+CD57+ ICF. We show that the ICF-induced inhibition of LAK cell cytolytic activity is transient, with a spontaneous recovery of cytolytic potential after 18 h. When testing interactions of ICF with a large set of cytokines we found that the ICF-mediated inhibition of cytotoxic functions is antagonized by two cytokines: recombinant interleukin (rIL)-4 and recombinant interferon (rIFN)-γ. Finally, we show that ICF acts at the level of cytolytic effector cells, where it induces a significant increase of cyclic AMP (cAMP) level. In contrast, no modification of either cell surface antigen expression or of target/effector cell conjugate formation could be evidenced. Addition of rIL-4 and rIFN-γ reverses such an increase of cAMP levels and in parallel restores the cytolytic activity. Altogether, these data demonstrate that the glycoprotein ICF produced by CD8+CD57+ cells (1) inhibits cell-mediated cytotoxicity by sensitizing cytolytic effector cells to the cAMP pathway, and (2) is part of a cytokine network controlling cell-mediated cytotoxic functions.  相似文献   
Summary Aged-related spinal cord changes such as neuronal loss have been related to the degree of clinical severity of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS); morphological data on synapses are, however, wanting. Variations in synaptophysin (Sph) expression in aging and ALS were thus studied at the level of lower motor neurons in 40 controls with non-neurological diseases and 11 cases of ALS. Control sections of formalin fixed paraffin embedded cervical (C7/8), thoracic (T10) and lumbar spinal cord (L5) and C6, C7, C8 and L5 of ALS cases were stained with haematoxylin and eosin, luxol fast blue (LFB), and immunostained with a mouse monoclonal antibody against Sph. The neuropil of the anterior horn (AH) in all control cases demonstrated Sph positivity. A dot-like pattern of positivity of presynaptic terminals on soma of motor neurons and fine immunoreactivity along neuronal processes were observed. A significant reduction of Sph immunostaining was observed in the neuropil with increasing age and 3 different somatic patterns were seen: a-well preserved Sph reactivity around the soma and the proximal dendrites of histologically normal neurons; b-few chromatolytic neurons showing large numbers of dot-like presynaptic terminals around the cell body and in a fused pattern; c-intense, diffuse, and homogeneous reactivity of some neurons. Attenuation of Sph reactivity in the AH neuropil, to its complete loss, was observed in all ALS cases. In addition to patterns a-c, two additional microscopic findings were noted in ALS: d-chromatolytic neurons showing complete absence of Sph reactivity; e-absence of Sph reactivity around the soma and the proximal dendrites of histologically normal surviving neurons.Our findings demonstrate that there is a decrease in Sph immunostaining with aging, thus suggesting an alteration in dendritic networks of the AH with aging. Changes in the pattern of Sph immunoreactivity in cell bodies may represent synaptic plasticity and/or degeneration. Reinnervation may also be a possible mechanism as a response to neuronal loss in oldest control cases. Sph reactivity results may thus lend support to the presence of superimposed aging components in ALS cases which may give an insight into explaining the increasing severity of the disease which is encountered with advancing age.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Zusätzlich wurden physikalische und chemische Untersuchungen über den Einfluß von dynamischem Interferenzstrom (DIC) auf die Knochenheilung durchgeführt, nachdem bei 24 Schwarzkopfschafen eine Querosteotomie des Radius vorgenommen worden war. Nach instabiler Osteosynthese wurde die Osteotomiezone wiederholt mit DIC verschiedener mA—Stärken behandelt. (Methodische Einzelheiten sind in Teil I beschrieben). Die Behandlung mit dynamischem Interferenzstrom führte im behandelten Gewebe zu steigenden Temperaturen, die von den mA—Stärken abhängig waren. Weiterhin wurden Zusammenhänge zwischen DIC—mA—Intensität und dem Vorkommen von Hydroxyprolin, einer kollagenspezifischen Aminosäure, nachgewiesen, welches eine erhöhte Calcifizierungsaktivität zur Folge hatte. Messungen des Calcium— und Phosphorgehaltes im neugebildeten Knochengewebe wiesen bei den mit DIC behandelten Tieren vollständige Mineralisation zu einem viel früheren Zeitpunkt als bei den unbehandelten, nach gleichem Verfahren operierten Kontrolltieren auf. Ob DIC einen spezifischen Reiz auf die Knochenneubildung heilender Knochen ausübt, ist noch nicht vollständig geklärt.
Bone healing and Dynamic Interferential Current (DIC)
Summary In the course of supplementary physical and chemical investigations of the influence ofDynamicInterferential Current (DIC) on bone healing 24 black-head sheep were subjected to transversal osteotomy of the radius. After an instable osteosynthesis the site was exposed to repeated therapy with DIC of varying mA intensity. (Methodological details are described in part 1.) DIC therapy resulted in altering the temperatures in the treated tissue, dependent on the mA intensity. Further associations were verified between DIC intensity and the occurrence of hydroxyprolin, an amino acid specific collagen, which also reflected increased calcifying activity. Measurements of the calcium and phosphorus levels in the regenerated (newly forming) bone tissue documented full mineralization in the DIC-treated animals at a much earlier date than in the untreated controls that had undergone similar operations. Whether DIC specifically stimulates osteogenesis within healing bones is still unclear.
BACKGROUND: Boys and young men with hemophilia treated with factor infusions before 1985 had a substantial risk of acquiring the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. This study was designed to assess the effects of HIV and hemophilia per se on neurological function in a large cohort of subjects with hemophilia, and to investigate the relationships between neurological disease and death during follow-up. METHODS: Three hundred thirty-three boys and young men (207 HIV seropositive and 126 HIV seronegative) were evaluated longitudinally in a multicenter, multidisciplinary study. Neurological history and examination were conducted at baseline and annually for 4 years. The relationship between neurological variables, HIV serostatus, CD4+ cell counts, and vital status at the conclusion of the study was examined using logistic regression models. RESULTS: The risks of nonhemophilia-associated muscle atrophy, behavior change, and gait disturbance increased with time in immune compromised HIV-seropositive subjects compared with HIV seronegative or immunologically stable HIV-seropositive subjects. The risk of behavior change in immune compromised HIV-seropositive hemophiliacs, for example, rose to 60% by year 4 versus 10% to 17% for the other study groups. Forty-five subjects (13.5%), all of whom were HIV seropositive, died by year 4. Subjects who died had had increased risks of hyperreflexia, nonhemophilia-associated muscle atrophy, and behavior change. CONCLUSIONS: These results indicate that immune compromised, HIV-seropositive hemophiliacs have high rates of neurological abnormalities over time and that neurological abnormalities were common among subjects who later died. By contrast, immunologically stable HIV-seropositive subjects did not differ from the HIV-seronegative participants. Hemophilia per se was associated with progressive abnormalities of gait, coordination, and motor function.  相似文献   
Based on many clinical and preclinical findings the ‘vigilance regulation model of mania’ postulates that an unstable regulation of wakefulness is a pathogenetic factor in both mania and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and induces hyperactivity and sensation seeking as an autoregulatory attempt to stabilize wakefulness. Accordingly, stimulant medications with their vigilance stabilizing properties could have rapid antimanic effects similar to their beneficial effects in ADHD. The MEMAP study – a multi-center, double-blind, placebo-controlled and randomized clinical trial (RCT) – assessed the antimanic efficacy and safety of a 2.5-day treatment with methylphenidate (20–40 mg/day). Of 157 screened patients with acute mania, 42 were randomly assigned to receive 20–40 mg per day of methylphenidate in one or two applications, or placebo. The primary outcome was the change in Young Mania Rating Scale (YMRS) sum scores from baseline to day 2.5 in the methylphenidate group compared to the placebo group. A group sequential design was chosen to justify early RCT termination based on efficacy or futility at an interim analysis after inclusion of 40 patients. In the interim analysis, the change from baseline in the YMRS total score at day 2.5 was not significantly different between both groups (F(1,37)=0.23; p=0.64). Thus, futility was declared for methylphenidate and the RCT was stopped. In summary, although methylphenidate was well tolerated and safe in the full analysis set, it failed to show efficacy in the treatment of acute mania. Trial registration: clinicaltrials.gov (URL: http://www.clinicaltrials.gov; registration number: NCT01541605).  相似文献   
BACKGROUND/AIMS: The natural history of chronic hepatitis C (HCV) is not completely understood. This study was aimed to evaluate the long-term outcome of the disease over a prolonged period of time and to identify factors associated with progression. METHODS: One hundred and sixteen patients with non-cirrhotic chronic non-A, non-B hepatitis consecutively diagnosed at a tertiary hospital between 1971 and 1977 were followed until December 1998 or until death. Patients with significant alcohol intake were excluded from the study. Variables obtained at the time of diagnosis, including epidemiological, clinical, laboratory, and histological data were recorded to determine risk factors associated with the development of liver cirrhosis and hepatic decompensation. RESULTS: Based on complete follow-up data, the development of liver cirrhosis and hepatic decompensation was evaluated in 94 and 114 of the 116 patients, respectively. Thirty-seven (39.3%) of 94 patients developed liver cirrhosis; an aspartate aminotransferase (AST) value higher than 70 IU/L was associated with development of cirrhosis (odds ratio (OR) 4.22, 95% CI 1.3-13.8). Hepatic decompensation occurred in 12 (10.5%) of 114 patients, its cumulative probability being 2.8% at 10 years, 5.2% at 15 years and 19.8% at 20 years. The only factor independently associated to the development of hepatic decompensation was the presence of fibrosis (stage 2 or 3) in the initial liver biopsy (OR 4.1, IC 95% 1.22-13.9). Liver-related death occurred only in seven (6%) of 114 patients. In comparison with the 116 patients diagnosed in the 1970's, patients with chronic hepatitis C diagnosed in 1999 were younger, more often asymptomatic, had lower AST and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) values and had significantly lower grade and stage histological scores. CONCLUSIONS: In summary, chronic hepatitis C had a high rate of progression to liver cirrhosis over a prolonged follow-up. However, this might be related to the fact that two decades ago the diagnosis was made at a significantly more advanced stage of the disease. Patients at high risk of progression can be identified by biochemical and histological variables at the time of diagnosis.  相似文献   
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