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PURPOSE: To evaluate the accuracy of left ventricular volumetric and functional parameters from multi-slice computed tomography using automated analysis software, and to correlate results with those of invasive left ventriculography. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In 145 consecutive patients (mean age, 61 years+/-12) known or suspected to have coronary artery disease, a 16-channel multi-slice computed tomography (Philips Mx8000 IDT 16) was performed using a standard technique. Using short-axis secondary multi-slice computed tomography reformations, we determined end-diastolic and end-systolic left ventricular volumes and ejection fraction with a commercially available analysis software capable of automated contour detection. Conventional left ventriculography was performed according to standard techniques within the following 24 h. Bland-Altman analysis was performed to calculate the limits of agreement and systematic errors between multi-slice computed tomography and conventional left ventriculography. RESULTS: As determined by computer tomography, mean end-systolic (53+/-29 mL) left ventricular volumes had an acceptable correlation with conventional ventriculography (67+/-50 mL; r=0.74; p<0.001) and mean end-diastolic (119+/-33 mL) left ventricular volumes a poor correlation with conventional ventriculography measurements (154+/-69 mL; r=0.41). Left ventricular ejection fraction (57%+/-14 versus 55%+/-14 for conventional ventriculography; r=0.79) showed a very good correlation (p<0.001). Bland-Altman analysis showed acceptable limits of agreement (+/-9.2% for ejection fraction) without systematic errors. CONCLUSION: The use of a multi-slice computed tomography with an automatic calculation software has a good correlation with conventional ventriculography findings and could accurately assess left ventricular function, but should not be used for ventricular volumes, because of biased estimations.  相似文献   
PurposeTo determine the current use of brachytherapy, characteristics of the brachytherapy workforce, and barriers to development and maintenance of brachytherapy programs across Canada.Methods and MaterialsA survey was designed to inquire about the use of brachytherapy and was sent to all Canadian radiation oncologists.ResultsOf the 116 respondents, we identified 80 radiation oncologists from 33 of 41 responding centers who currently or in the past have practiced brachytherapy. Responses were received from 30% overall and 80% of provinces. Approximately 58% of the respondents treat in one site with brachytherapy, whereas 12% treat in three or more sites. Gynecologic (GYN) and genitourinary are the most commonly treated sites (49% of respondents). For all sites, there was a large range in the number of patients treated with brachytherapy by each radiation oncologist per year (i.e., cervix: 1–50). Approximately 49% of the respondents have discontinued practicing brachytherapy for a certain site, most commonly head and neck (28%), GYN (25%), and bronchus (24%). The most common reasons include reassignment or lack of a local program. The most common reasons why brachytherapy is not used for sites other than GYN and prostate include lack of infrastructure and insufficient training of radiation oncologists rather than insufficient patient numbers or lack of evidence for a benefit of brachytherapy.ConclusionsWithin its limitations, our study suggests a mismatch between demand and availability of brachytherapy programs across Canada. In light of finite resources, a rational approach to investment in brachytherapy is needed and this must be based on a formal audit of brachytherapy demand and use.  相似文献   


We hypothesized that a high-fat and low-carbohydrate (HFLC) diet before FDG-PET/CT could identify patients with active cardiac sarcoidosis (CS).


Fifty-eight sarcoidosis patients with a suspicion of CS consumed a HFLC diet before FDG-PET/CT. Clinical, electrical, and other imaging investigations were compared to PET results.


Using Japanese Ministry of Health and Welfare (JMHW) criteria as a gold standard, 21% (12/58) of patients had a CS. Sensitivity and specificity of PET (visual analysis) were 83% (10/12) and 78% (36/46), respectively, with a very good interobserver agreement (k = 0.86). 70% (7/10) of the patients with a positive PET and negative JMHW criteria exhibited abnormalities suggestive of CS either on MR (n = 3) or SPECT (n = 4). Comparison with the presence of delayed enhancement on magnetic resonance imaging helped to classify patients with active (PET positive) or non-active CS (PET negative). In addition, when MR and PET were both negative, none of the patients met the JMHW criteria. PET response under treatment was concordant with clinical evolution in 11/13 patients.


FDG-PET/CT after HFLC diet is a sensitive tool for the diagnosis of active CS. Combined use of PET and MR is promising for the detection and characterization of CS lesions.  相似文献   


To validate a new index, the surface–length index (SLI) based on area change in a short-axis view and length reduction in the horizontal long-axis view, which is used to quickly (<1 min) detect right ventricles with an abnormal ejection fraction (EF) during a cardiac MRI examination. SLI can be used to avoid a complete delineation of the endocardial contours of normal right ventricles.


Sixty patients (group A) were retrospectively included to calibrate the SLI formula by optimisation of the area under the ROC curves and SLI thresholds were chosen to obtain 100 % sensitivity. Another 340 patients (group B) were prospectively recruited to test SLI’s capacity to detect right ventricles (RVs) with an abnormal EF (<0.5).


The appropriate threshold to obtain 100 % sensitivity in group A was 0.58. In group B, with the 0.58 threshold, SLI yielded a sensitivity of 100 % and specificity of 51 %. SLI would have saved 35 % of the RV studies in our population, without inducing any diagnostic error. SLI and EF correlation was good (r 2?=?0.64).


SLI combines two simple RV measures, and brings significant improvement in post-processing efficiency by preselecting RVs that require a complete study.

Key Points

? Assessment of right ventricle ejection fraction (RVEF) with cine-MRI is time consuming. ? Therefore, RVEF is not always assessed during cardiac MRI. ? Surfacelength index (SLI) allows rapid detection of abnormal RVEF during cardiac MRI. ? SLI saves one third of the operator time. ? Every cardiac MRI could include RVEF assessment by means of SLI.  相似文献   
TeleDiab-2 was a 13-month randomized controlled trial evaluating the efficacy and safety of two telemonitoring systems to optimize basal insulin (BI) initiation in subjects with inadequately controlled type 2 diabetes (HbA1c, 7.5%-10%). A total of 191 participants (mean age 58.7 years, mean HbA1c 8.9%) were randomized into three groups: group 1(G1, standard care, n = 63), group 2 (G2, interactive voice response system, n = 64) and group 3 (G3, Diabeo-BI app software, n = 64). The two telemonitoring systems proposed daily adjustments of BI doses, in order to facilitate the achievement of fasting blood glucose (FBG) values targeted at ~100 mg/dL. At 4 months follow-up, HbA1c reduction was significantly higher in the telemonitoring groups (G2: −1.44% and G3: −1.48% vs. G1: −0.92%; P < 0.002). Moreover, target FBG was reached by twice as many patients in the telemonitoring groups as in the control group, and insulin doses were also titrated to higher levels. No severe hypoglycaemia was observed in the telemonitoring groups and mild hypoglycaemia frequency was similar in all groups. In conclusion, both telemonitoring systems improved glycaemic control to a similar extent, without increasing hypoglycaemic episodes.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Quantitative assessment of multiple sexual partnerships and concurrency may help to elucidate the large observed differences in the prevalence of AIDS among population subgroups and countries. GOAL: The goals of the study were (1) to develop a global scale of dynamic patterns of sexual partnerships, including concurrency with new partners and stable concurrency; (2) to apply this scale to three Caribbean regions characterized by different cumulative rates of incidence of AIDS; and (3) to compare the concurrency rates given by this scale with those of other published methods. STUDY DESIGN: We defined an individual scale based on 6 patterns of sexual behavior over the previous 12-month period, by using a simple algorithm to combine 7 variables. We then applied this scale to cross-sectional data collected from men living in three French Caribbean regions: Guadeloupe, Martinique, and Guyana. RESULTS: We found that all adults of all age classes in the three regions studied frequently had multiple (>2) and concurrent partnerships. The patterns of sexual behavior in the three regions were consistent with the respective cumulative incidence rates of AIDS, and a lower rate of concurrency with new partners and a higher rate of stable partnership concurrency were noted in Martinique, especially among 45- to 59-year-olds. The rate of concurrent partnerships was found to depend on the criteria used to define them and on the observation period (a given moment, or a defined period). Our definition gave a higher rate of concurrency than previously published indicators. CONCLUSION: The proposed scale can be applied to easy-to-collect data in cross-sectional population surveys and takes into account a wide variety of behaviors, including different types of concurrency.  相似文献   
Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) may reduce atherosclerosis among postmenopausal women, partly by reducing vascular endothelium damage. We have tested this hypothesis by evaluating the association of HRT with firstly, carotid intima media thickness (IMT) and plaques, and secondly, with endothelial cell damage, indicated by soluble thrombomodulin (sTM). Then, we tested the association between the two markers of atherosclerosis and the levels of sTM. Among 747 postmenopausal women included into the EVA study, we compared 154 HRT users (including 80% transdermal treatment) with 593 never users. Carotid IMT and plaques were measured with B-mode ultrasonography and sTM with ELISA. At least one plaque was detected among 13.6% of HRT users and 27.3% of never users. After adjustment for confounding factors, the odds ratio for the presence of plaque was 0.45 (95% confidence interval, 0.25-0.78, P=0.005) in HRT users in comparison with nonusers. HRT users had a slightly lower crude mean IMT than nonusers, but the difference was not significant. sTM was positively associated with mean IMT (P for trend=0.001) but not with plaques. Finally, estrogen users had a lower sTM level than nonusers (difference 0.14 ng/ml, P=0.03). As HRT was associated with sTM and plaques, but not with IMT, while sTM was only associated with IMT, our hypothesis was not confirmed. This suggests that the possible beneficial effects of HRT on atherosclerosis may not go through the endothelial cell damage assessed by plasma thrombomodulin.  相似文献   
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