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Summary We evaluated the efficacy and tolerability of lobaplatin, a new platinum compound, given at the dose of 50 mg/m2 by i.v. bolus every 4 weeks, in 49 patients with advanced and/or metastatic squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck (SCCHN). One complete and 2 partial responses were observed in 43 eligible patients for an overall response rate of 7% (95% confidence interval: 1–19%). The duration of responses was 11, 16 and 32 weeks. Toxicities of WHO grade 3 were hematologic: thrombocytopenia in 26%, granulocytopenia in 12% and anemia in 12% of patients. There was no therapy-related death. Nausea/vomiting, diarrhoea and paresthesia were mild and rare. In conclusion, lobaplatin was well tolerated, but its efficacy in advanced SCCHN at the presented dose and schedule, was marginal.  相似文献   
Treatment of posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) injuries has received renewed attention over the past few years. This article reviews the anatomy, natural history, and pathophysiology of posterior cruciate ligament injuries. Also described are the physical examination and proper imaging modalities used to diagnose the injury. Appropriate operative and nonoperative management methods are discussed.  相似文献   
Neuroprotective drugs such as Ginkgo biloba extract (EGb 761) could prevent the ischemia-induced impairment of the Na,K-ATPase activity. In this study, Na,K-ATPase activity and expression, contents in fatty acids and malondialdehyde, an index of lipoperoxidation, were compared in the ipsilateral (ischemic) and the contralateral (unlesioned) cortices after 1 h of unilateral focal cortices cerebral ischemia in the mouse. EGb 761 (110 mg/kg) was administered daily to half of the animals for 10 days before ischemia. Ischemia significantly reduced Na,K-ATPase activity by about 40% and increased malondialdehyde content; EGb 761 pretreatment abolished these effects. The free radical scavenger properties of EGb 761 are a potential mechanism by which Na,K-ATPase injury and lipoperoxidation are prevented.  相似文献   


To test the hypothesis that a physiological compensatory mechanism maintains respiratory gas exchange during normovolaemic haemodilution.


Pulmonary gas exchange capacity was evaluated in seven healthy subjects by measuring the lung diffusion of carbon monoxide (DLCO). During the measurement, various breath-holding times, inspiratory volumes, and sitting or supine positions, were randomly selected in an attempt to alter pulmonary capillary perfusion. KCO was calculated as the percentage of theoretical values of the ratio of DLCO by alveolar volume and normalized by sex, age, and height. Normovolaemic haemodilution (NH) was performed by bleeding an average blood volume of 1 L with simultaneous Dextran 60 replacement to obtain an haematocrit below 35%.


After NH, haemoblogin concentration [Hb] decreased from 14.94 ± 0.96 to 12.5 ± 0.98 g · dl?1 (P < 0.001). KCO decreased (P < 0.02) but remained closely correlated to [Hb] at every lung volume (< 0.02). Breathholding time and body position had no effect.


Moderate NH impairs pulmonary gas exchange capacity in awake, resting healthy subjects. There is no evidence of any compensatory mechanism since the KCO vs [Hb] relationship is unchanged.  相似文献   
Background: For a long time, surgeons hesitated to extract more than 2.5 liters of adipose tissue from a patient. Through the years, liposuction has advanced, now allowing megaliposculptures to be performed so that more than 10 liters can be extracted without posing any greater risk to the patient than a conventional esthetic liposculpture. Methods: This article traces the progressive evolution of the technique, discussing complications and the concept of megaliposculpturing. Results: The syringe-assisted extraction of large quantities of adipose tissue without transfusion, hypovolemic shock, or any major complication opens new horizons in the symptomatic treatment of certain types of osteoarthritis of the lower extremities and the potential complications of obesity. Conclusions: Large quantities of adipose tissue may safely, quickly and efficiently be extracted. Numerous investigations in various pathological domains can now begin after this first step (megalipotherapy). Therapeutic megalipoextraction can be done either as a preliminary indication or as a treatment of the residual adiposities that occur after bariatric operations.  相似文献   
The stimulant effects of oxolinic acid were investigated in rats and mice. This drug, given orally, consistantly induced, in doses ranging from 16 to 256 mg·kg-1, locomotor stimulation and stereotyped behavior.These effects were antagonized by pimozide (1 mg·kg-1), -methyltyrosine (64 mg·kg-1) or reserpine (4 mg·kg-1, 24 h before testing) pretreatment, suggesting a facilitatory role of oxolinic acid on catecholaminergic processes.Diazepam (4–16 mg·kg-1) reduced the stimulant effects induced by oxolinic acid but not those induced by amphetamine; oxolinic acid (8 mg·kg-1) markedly reduced the antipunishment effect elicited in rats by diazepam (2 mg·kg-1). Since benzodiazepines have been reported to enhance GABA functioning, these data suggest that oxolinic acid may impair GABA transmission. However, neither muscimol (0.5–1 mg·kg-1) or -acetylenic-GABA (16–64 mg·kg-1) selectively reduced the stimulant effects elicited by oxolinic acid. Therefore, the possible facilitation exerted by this drug on catecholaminergic systems may not derive from the release of an inhibitory GABAergic control.  相似文献   
PURPOSE: Although there is wide recognition of the usefulness of improving physicians' communication skills, no studies have yet assessed the efficacy of post-training consolidation workshops. This study aims to assess the efficacy of six 3-hour consolidation workshops conducted after a 2.5-day basic training program. METHODS: Physicians, after attending the basic training program, were randomly assigned to consolidation workshops or to a waiting list. Training efficacy was assessed through simulated and actual patient interviews that were audiotaped at baseline and after consolidation workshops for the consolidation-workshop group, and approximately 5 months after the end of basic training for the waiting-list group. Communication skills were assessed according to the Cancer Research Campaign Workshop Evaluation Manual. Patients' perceptions of communication skills improvement were assessed using a 14-item questionnaire. RESULTS: Sixty-three physicians completed the training program. Communication skills improved significantly more in the consolidation-workshop group compared with the waiting-list group. In simulated interviews, group-by-time repeated measures analysis of variance showed a significant increase in open and open directive questions (P =.014) and utterances alerting patients to reality (P =.049), as well as a significant decrease in premature reassurance (P =.042). In actual patient interviews, results revealed a significant increase in acknowledgements (P =.022) and empathic statements (P =.009), in educated guesses (P =.041), and in negotiations (P =.008). Patients interacting with physicians who benefited from consolidation workshops reported higher scores concerning their physicians' understanding of their disease (P =.004). CONCLUSION: Consolidation workshops further improve a communication skills training program's efficacy and facilitate the transfer of acquired skills to clinical practice.  相似文献   
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