The growth of bioscience knowledge over the last two decades has increased the potential benefits of scientifically based patient care by contributing to the theory of clinical care. However, there is little evidence that knowledge, derived from the human biosciences is being fully incorporated into nursing theory and practice.Nursing has developed its own unique professional body of knowledge, heavily influenced by behavioural science. If nursing theory leans towards behavioural science, but practice is devoted to problems of biological disturbance, nursing may be facing a widening theory-practice gap, greater than other professions. The theory-practice gap in nursing may be widened by the exclusion of bioscience from nursing theory. Nurses' relative disinterest in the natural sciences can be attributed both to sociological reasons and to problems stemming from the symbol-object dichotomy that recur in the teaching of natural sciences. Reflection on practice and examination of education method are suggested as strategies for re-introducing bioscience into nursing theory and practice. A challenge facing nurse educators is the integration of biological science into the nurses' conceptual ecologies. For, if nursing fails to make bioscience its own, much of the clinical welfare of patients will become a medical monopoly. 相似文献
BACKGROUND: Circumferential pulmonary vein ablation (CPVA) is an effective treatment for atrial fibrillation (AF). Accurate left atrial (LA) mapping is essential for creating lesions at the LA-pulmonary vein (PV) junction, avoiding PV stenosis. OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to establish whether endocardial impedance varies within the LA and PVs and whether it is a useful tool for mapping and ablation. METHODS: Pilot Phase: Three-dimensional LA maps were created using CARTO. Impedance (Z) was measured using a radiofrequency generator at multiple points in the LA, PV ostia (PVO), and deep PVs in 79 patients undergoing their first AF ablation (group 1) and 29 patients undergoing repeat CPVA (group 2). Prospective Phase: In an additional 20 patients, using pilot phase data, one operator defined catheter tip location as either LA or PVO based on CARTO and fluoroscopy. A second operator blinded to CARTO simultaneously did the same based on impedance at 15 +/- 4 points per patient. RESULTS: Group 1: Z(LA) was 99.4 +/- 9.0 omega. Z(PVO) was higher (109.2 +/- 8.5 omega), rising further as the catheter advanced into deep PV (137 omega +/- 18). Z(PVO) differed from Z(LA) by 9 +/- 4 omega. Group 2 had a lower Z(LA) and Z(PVO) compared with group 1 (P <.05). Impedance monitoring differentiated between LA and PVO, with 91% specificity and sensitivity, 96% positive predictive value, and 81% negative predictive value. At 3-month follow-up, no patients had evidence of PV stenosis on magnetic resonance imaging. CONCLUSION: Impedance mapping reliably identifies the LA-PV transitional zone, facilitating AF ablation, and its use is associated with a low incidence of PV stenosis. 相似文献
Right ventricular pacing may lead to heart failure (HF). Upgrades from pacemakers to cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) were excluded from most randomized, controlled trials. We sought to determine the long‐term outcomes of upgrading from pacemakers to CRT with (CRT‐D) or without (CRT‐P) defibrillation in patients with no history of sustained ventricular arrhythmias.
2 Methods and results
In this observational study, clinical events were quantified in relation to the type of implant (de novo or upgrade) and device type at upgrade (CRT‐P or CRT‐D). Patients underwent CRT implantation (n = 1,545; 1,314 [85%] de novo implants and 231 [15%] upgrades) over a median of 4.6 years [interquartile range: 2.4–7.0]. In analyses of crude event rates, upgrades had a higher total mortality (adjusted hazard ratio [aHR]: 1.33; 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.10–1.61), a higher total mortality or HF hospitalization (aHR: 1.26; 95% CI 1.05–1.51), but similar mortality or hospitalization for major adverse cardiac events (MACEs, aHR: 1.15; 95% CI 0.96–1.38). No group differences emerged in any of these endpoints after propensity score matching. After inverse probability weighting in upgrades, total mortality (HR: 0.55; 95% CI 0.36–0.73), total mortality or HF hospitalization (HR: 0.56; 95% CI 0.34–0.79), and total mortality or hospitalization for MACEs (HR: 0.61; 95% CI 0.40–0.82) were lower after CRT‐D than after CRT‐P.
3 Conclusion
Upgrading from pacemakers to CRT was associated with a similar long‐term risk of mortality and morbidity to de novo CRT. After upgrade, CRT‐D was associated with a lower mortality than CRT‐P. 相似文献
The newly recognized class of 5-hydroxytryptamine receptors (5HT3) may be involved in the induction of nausea, since their pharmacological antagonists are effective against emesis induced by chemotherapy. 5HT3 receptors are present on enteric neurons, and 5HT3 blockers may produce mild constipation; we thus hypothesized that 5HT3 receptors would modulate colonic motility. To determine if GR 38032F, a selective 5HT3 antagonist known to have antiemetic effects, influences colonic transit in health, a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled crossover study was performed. Using a radiopaque marker technique, colonic transit was quantified in 39 healthy volunteers (19 men, 20 nonpregnant women) 18–70 years of age. On a standard 25-g fiber diet, 16 mg of GR 38032F was given orally thrice daily. Gastrointestinal peptides (peptide YY, human pancreatic polypeptide, neurotensin, motilin, gastrin-cholecystokinin, substance P) were also measured in plasma fasting and postprandially. Mean total colonic transit time on placebo was 27.8 hr, while on GR 38032F it was 39.1 hr (P<0.0005). Transit times through the left colon (P<0.0005) and rectosigmoid (P<0.05) were prolonged by the drug, but right colonic transit was not significantly altered. Transit times did not correlate with age or gender, but subjects with shorter transit times were significantly more affected than were those with longer transit times. The peak release of peptide YY was minimally decreased following GR 38032F (P<0.01), but the peak and integrated postprandial responses of human pancreatic polypeptide, neurotensin, motilin, gastrin-cholecystokinin, and substance P were not significantly altered by the drug. We conclude that 5HT3 receptors may be involved in the regulation of colonic transit in healthy man.Supported in part by a grant from Glaxo Group Research, Ltd., and the Mayo Digestive Disease Center (grant DK34988, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland).Presented, in part, at the American Motility Socicty in October 1988, and published as an abstract inGastroenterology 95:891, 1988. 相似文献
Eleven patients with acquired prolongation of the Q-Tc interval and recurrent ventricular tachyarrhythmias were studied. Five patients required 5 to 44 direct current shocks to correct prolonged ventricular tachyarrhythmias, and five were given at least two antiarrhythmic agents in an attempt to control the arrhythmias. In 4 of the 11 patients, when thioridazine, diuretic drugs and antiarrhythmic agents were withdrawn and hypokalemia or hypocalcemia corrected, ventricular tachyarrhythmias did not recur. The Q-Tc interval normalized in 2 to 3 days. Ventricular tachyarrhythmias were recurrent in the remaining seven patients, despite withdrawal of the drugs that caused the Q-Tc prolongation, attempted correction of hypokalemia when present and the administration of antiarrhythmic agents to four of the seven. All antiarrhythmic agents were then withdrawn in this group.
Immediately on the establishment of overdrive ventricular or atrioventricular sequential pacing in these patients, ventricular tachyarrhythmias were abolished. No breakthrough ventricular tachyarrhythmias occurred during temporary pacing. Temporary pacing was required for an average of 10 days and the Q-Tc interval normalized an average of 5 days from the onset of pacing. Three patients required a permanent pacemaker, one because of chronic complete heart block, one because of the sick sinus syndrome, and one because of frequent ventricular ectopic complexes complicating ischemic heart disease. All 11 patients survived their period of hospitalization. 相似文献
Over a seven-year period, 138 patients with portal hypertension presented on 223 occasions with endoscopically proven acute variceal hemorrhage. Hemorrhage ceased spontaneously on 92 occasions (41%). On 126 occasions (57%) passage of the four-lumen modification of the Sengstaken-Blakemore tube was required, and hemorrhage was successfully controlled in 98%. Intubation was refused on five occasions (2%). Hemorrhage recurred during these 223 admissions on 47 occasions (21%); on 11 occasions a second rebleed occurred and on two occasions, a third. Tamponade was required during all of these rebleeds and arrest of hemorrhage was achieved in 87%. Hemorrhage in patients with poorer modified Child's grade was less likely to cease with intubation. The overall rate of control in the 186 episodes of hemorrhage requiring tamponade was 94%. There were 28 complications attributed to the use of tamponade in 186 episodes of hemorrhage (15%). On 12 occasions these complications proved fatal (6.4%). In four further patients failure of tamponade to control hemorrhage was fatal. 相似文献
The purpose of this study was to assess whether consideration of age and body weight measurements improved discrimination between normal subjects and duodenal ulcer subjects using the maximal acid output test. Seventy-seven male volunteers were the normal group, and 155 patients with surgically proven duodenal ulcers were the ulcer group. We found that the ratio of maximal acid output to actual weight gave the best discrimination between the two groups. Using this ratio, there were 45 hypersecretors in the ulcer group, and only 1 false-positive among the normal subjects. A graphic method is described which employs the ratio of acid to weight and can correctly classify two-thirds of the ulcer group. The disadvantage of this method, however, is that one-third of the control group in our series were misclassified as hypersecretors; therefore, the clinician must consider history and barium meal findings as well as this evaluation of the subject.Deceased. 相似文献