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Investigated personality variables related to compulsive eating (episodic bouts of uncontrolled, excessive eating) in college women. Based on scores on the Compulsive Eating Scale, two groups were selected from a large sample of college women (mean age = 19) and classified high (N = 23) or low (N = 23) with regard to compulsive eating. Participants were administered the Sixteen Personality Factor Test, Social Desirability Scale, Locus of Control Scale, and Bem Sex Role Inventory. Results showed a number of significant differences between high and low groups. On the 16PF, high Ss showed higher inner tension, greater suspiciousness, and less emotional stability (ps <0.001). High Ss were more external in locus of control (p <0.02) and showed a greater need for approval (p <0.025). Sex role data showed a higher Masculine self-ideal (p <0.001) for the high group. There appear to be meaningful differences in personality variables that are related to compulsive eating, Results are discussed in terms of current theories of compulsive eating.  相似文献   
The management of venous leg ulcers can pose quite a challenge to patients and health care providers. This condition can significantly impact quality of life and impose a huge financial burden on the patient and health care system. This review article will discuss the importance of early recognition of high-risk patients, with evaluation and initiation of appropriate multimodality treatment, which must be done in a timely and efficient manner.  相似文献   
Summary: Purpose: The present study was conducted to determine the rate of sudden unexplained death in epilepsy (SUDEP) in a well-defined cohort of patients included in the lamotrigine (LTG) clinical development database.
Methods: A panel of scientists experienced in the area of SUDEP was assembled and provided with case summaries on all deaths (n = 45) reported during the initial clinical development of LTG. The panel developed a set of criteria for classifying cases as SUDEP (definite or highly probable), possible SUDEP, or non-SUDEP. This classification algorithm was then applied to the LTG cases, and SUDEP rates were calculated using patient-years of exposure as the denominator.
Results: At the time of the study, 4,700 patients (5,747 patient-years of exposure) were included in the worldwide LTG clinical trials database. In this cohort, 45 deaths were reported. Eighteen were judged by the panel to be SUDEP, 6 were defined as possible SUDEP, 20 were judged to be due to other causes (non-SUDEP), and 1 lacked sufficient data from which to make a classification. The overall SUDEP rate (definite/highly probable SUDEP and possible SUDEP combined) was calculated to be 3.5 in 1,000 patient-years of exposure to LTG.
Conclusions: The rate of SUDEP in this cohort of patients was comparable to the rate that would be expected in young adults with severe epilepsy (the subgroup of patients believed to be at highest risk of SUDEP). The data suggest that the rate of SUDEP in the LTG clinical development program is a function of the clinical trial population and is unrelated to drug treatment.  相似文献   
The spatial organization of olfactory nerve projections   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The spatial organization of olfactory nerve projections was examined in the rat. The pathway was traced by orthograde transport of HRP following nasal lavage and by retrograde transport of HRP following injections into the olfactory bulb. The results indicated that there was a broad relationship between the epithelium and the olfactory bulb. Specific regions of the olfactory bulb received input from a large region of the epithelium. However, there was evidence that olfactory nerve terminations were not uniformly dense across their terminal fields. The results suggest that there may be finer sorting of olfactory nerves based on functional specificity.  相似文献   
Pyroglutamyl diazomethyl ketone and N-benzyloxycarbonyl prolyl prolinal, specific inhibitors of pyroglutamyl peptidase I and prolyl endopeptidase respectively, were used to study the possible role of these enzymes in the regulation of thyrotropin releasing hormone turnover. In vitro thyrotropin releasing hormone release by male rat hypothalamic slices was studied. Combined in vitro treatment with 10(-5)M of both inhibitors totally inhibited both enzymatic activities. The treatment did not affect basal or 56 mM K+ induced thyrotropin releasing hormone release or thyrotropin releasing hormone levels in slices. Repeated combined intraperitoneal injections of the two inhibitors for up to 12 hours produced a 70%-95% reduction in mouse brain pyroglutamyl peptidase I specific activity and a 65%-85% reduction in prolyl endopeptidase specific activity. Thyrotropin releasing hormone levels were unaffected by this treatment in all regions tested. The data suggest that these two enzymes are not involved in the intra- or extracellular control of thyrotropin releasing hormone levels in brain or hypophysis.  相似文献   
Examined the effectiveness of specific psychoeducational tutoring methods on achievement in reading, self-esteem, auding, and verbal language. Ss (N = 132) were youths and adults reading below fifth level who volunteered to participate in an adult tutorial project. After the assessment of entry level achievement, Ss received psychoeducational tutoring. Comparison of pre- with posttest scores indicated that Ss made significant improvement in reading, self-esteem, auding, and verbal language. Pretest scores were related most strongly to posttest scores. Initial verbal language scores were related significantly to posttest reading and auding scores. The study also tested the adequacy of a developmental reading model for adult illiterates. Auding and verbal language scores exceeded reading scores, as theorized. Further research is needed to determine whether gains in achievement continue and whether low intellectual levels or specific language disabilities are contributing to the low levels of reading, auding, and verbal language.  相似文献   
Reported results of a study that compared two projective techniques for a group of 19 transsexuals who were seeking sex reassignment surgery. The Draw-A-Person Test (DAP), widely used in clinical settings, was contrasted to the Animal and Opposite Drawing Technique (AODT), which is a relatively new and little-examined variation of the DAP. Discussion focuses on the use of both measures as predictors of those transsexuals to be recommended for surgery. Use of the AODT as an effective measure in the assessment of transsexualism is investigated.  相似文献   
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