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A PTH gene has been isolated from the fish Fugu rubripes. The encoded protein of 80 amino acid has the lowest homology with any of the PTH family members. Fugu PTH(1-34) had 5-fold lower potency than human PTH(1-34) in a mammalian cell system. INTRODUCTION: Parathyroid hormone (PTH) is the major hypercalcemic hormone in higher vertebrates. Fish lack parathyroid glands, but there have numerous attempts to identify and isolate PTH from fish. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was performed with primers based on preliminary data from the Joint Genome Institute database. PCR amplification was performed on genomic DNA isolated from Fugu rubripes. PCR products were purified and DNA was sequenced. All sequence was confirmed from more than one independently amplified PCR product. Multiple sequence alignments were carried out, and the percentage of identities and similarities were calculated. An unrooted phylogenetic tree, using all the known PTH and PTH-related protein (PTHrP) amino acid sequences, was determined. Synthetic peptides were tested in a biological assay that measured cyclic adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate formation in UMR106.1 cells. Rabbit polyclonal antisera specific for N-terminal human PTHrP and one rabbit polyclonal antiserum specific for N terminus hPTH were used to test the cross-reactivity with fPTH(1-34) in immunoblots.  相似文献   
It has recently been suggested in the ‘Health of the Nation’that specific accident prevention activities should be undertakenby general practitioners. This study reports the findings froma survey of general practitioners in Nottinghamshire assessingknowledge, attitudes and current practices in accident prevention.The findings suggest that more than two-thirds of respondinggeneral practitioners are aware of the extent of childhood mortalityfrom accidental injuries and of the risk factors for accidentalinjury. Knowledge scores were higher for women, those aged 44years and under, those on the child health surveillance list,those with experience of hospital or community paediatrics,and those with postgraduate qualifications in paediatrics. Morethan 50% of general practitioners hold positive views towardsthe activities suggested in the ‘Health of the Nation’and more than 40% are already carrying out such activities.Positive attitudes are more commonly held in women and thoseon the child health surveillance list. There was a significantcorrelation between knowledge score and attitude score. Forall accident prevention activities covered in the questionnaire,fewer practitioners undertook an activity than held a positiveattitude towards that activity. Accident prevention work iscurrently more likely to be undertaken by general practitionerson an opportunistic basis than on a systematic population basis.If general practitioner intervention is demonstrated to be effective,a shift towards a population approach may be more successfulin reducing injury rates.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: Background: Hands‐and‐knees positioning during labor has been recommended on the theory that gravity and buoyancy may promote fetal head rotation to the anterior position and reduce persistent back pain. A Cochrane review found insufficient evidence to support the effectiveness of this intervention during labor. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of maternal hands‐and‐knees positioning on fetal head rotation from occipitoposterior to occipitoanterior position, persistent back pain, and other perinatal outcomes. Methods: Thirteen labor units in university‐affiliated hospitals participated in this multicenter randomized, controlled trial. Study participants were 147 women laboring with a fetus at ≥37 weeks’ gestation and confirmed by ultrasound to be in occipitoposterior position. Seventy women were randomized to the intervention group (hands‐and‐knees positioning for at least 30 minutes over a 1‐hour period during labor) and 77 to the control group (no hands‐and‐knees positioning). The primary outcome was occipitoanterior position determined by ultrasound following the 1‐hour study period and the secondary outcome was persistent back pain. Other outcomes included operative delivery, fetal head position at delivery, perineal trauma, Apgar scores, length of labor, and women's views with respect to positioning. Results: Women randomized to the intervention group had significant reductions in persistent back pain. Eleven women (16%) allocated to use hands‐and‐knees positioning had fetal heads in occipitoanterior position following the 1‐hour study period compared with 5 (7%) in the control group (relative risk 2.4; 95% CI 0.88–6.62; number needed to treat 11). Trends toward benefit for the intervention group were seen for several other outcomes, including operative delivery, fetal head position at delivery, 1‐minute Apgar scores, and time to delivery. Conclusions: Maternal hands‐and‐knees positioning during labor with a fetus in occipitoposterior position reduces persistent back pain and is acceptable to laboring women. Given this evidence, hands‐and‐knees positioning should be offered to women laboring with a fetus in occipitoposterior position in the first stage of labor to reduce persistent back pain. Although this study demonstrates trends toward improved birth outcomes, further trials are needed to determine if hands‐and‐knees positioning promotes fetal head rotation to occipitoanterior and reduces operative delivery. (BIRTH 32:4 December 2005)  相似文献   
Specific receptors for bombesin/gastrin releasing peptide (GRP) on the androgen-independent human prostate cancer cell lines PC-3 and DU-145 were characterized. No specific binding of 125I-[Tyr4]-bombesin to the androgen-dependent human prostate cancer cell line LNCaP was detectable. The binding of 125I-[Tyr4]-bombesin to PC-3 and DU-145 cells was found to be time- and temperature-dependent, saturable, and reversible. Scatchard analysis revealed a single class of binding sites with high affinity (Kd 9.8 × 10?11 M for PC-3, and 9.1 × 10-11 M for DU-145 cells at 25°C) and with a binding capacity of 44,000 binding sites/cell and 19,000 binding sites/cell, respectively. Bound 125I-[Tyr4]-bombesin was rapidly internalized by PC-3 cells. The nonhydrolyzable GTP analog GTP-gamma-S caused a dose-dependent inhibition of 125I-[Tyr4]-bombesin binding to PC-3 and DU-145 cells, indicating that a G-protein (guanine nucleotide-binding protein) couples the bombesin receptor to intracellular effector systems. Bombesin and GRP(14-27) inhibited the binding of 125I-[Tyr4]-bombesin to both cell lines in a dose-dependent manner with inhibition constants (Ki of 0.5 nM and 0.4 nM, respectively. Both cell lines express the bombesin/GRP preferring bombesin receptor subtype, since, in displacement studies, neuromedin B was more than 200 times less potent than bombesin and GRP(14-27) in inhibiting the binding of 125I-[Tyr4]-bombesin. Two synthetic bombesin/GRP antagonists, RC-3095 and RC-3110, powerfully inhibited the specific binding of 125I-[Tyr4]-bombesin with Ki 0.92 nM and 0.26 nM on PC-3 cells, and 3.3 nM and 0.89 nM on DU-145 cells, respectively. These findings indicate that the PC-3 and DU-145 human prostate cancer cell lines possess specific high-affinity receptors for bombesin/GRP, and are suitable models for the evaluation of the antineoplastic activity of new bombesin/GRP antagonists in the treatment of androgen-independent prostate cancer. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Synaptogenesis in the Prefrontal Cortex of Rhesus Monkeys   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:5  
Since the turn of the century, the prefrontal association areasof the cerebral cortex have been thought to be among the lastregions of the cortical mantle to develop. We have examinedthe course of synaptogenesis in the macaque prefrontal cortexby quantitative electron microscopic analysis in 25 rhesus monkeysranging in age from embryonic day 47 (E47) to 20 years of age.A series of overlapping electron micrographs spanning the wholecortical thickness in each animal provided data on the number,the proportion, and the density of synapses per unit area (NA)and per unit volume (NV) of neuropil. The tempo and kinetics of synapse formation in prefrontal cortexclosely resemble those described for sensory and motor areas,particularly during the stages of synapse acquisition and overproduction(Rakic et al., 1986). In young embryos, we describe a precorticalphase (E47-E78), when synapses are found only above and below,but not within, the cortical plate. Following that, there isan early cortical phase, from E78 to E104, during which synapsesaccumulate within the cortical plate, initially exclusivelyon dendritic shafts. The next rapid phase of synaptogenesisbegins at 2 months before birth and ends approximately at 2months after birth, culminating with a mean density of 750 millionsynapses per cubic micrometer. This accumulation is largelyaccounted for by a selective increase in axospine synapses inthe supragranular layers. The period of explosive synaptic densityis followed by a protracted plateau stage that lasts from 2months to 3 years of age when synaptic density remains relativelyconstant. The final period of decline, from 3 years throughover 20 years of age, is marked by a slight but statisticallysignificant decline in synaptic density. Concurrent recruitment of synapses with that of sensory andmotor areas supports the concept that the initial establishmentof cortical circuitry is governed by general mechanisms commonto all areas, independent of their specific functional domain.The finding that synaptic density is relatively stable fromearly adolescence through puberty (the plateau period) is indicativeof the importance, in primates, of a consistent and high synapticdensity during the formative years when learning experiencesare most intense.  相似文献   
A case is presented in which a woman diagnosed with a longstanding history of idiopathic intracranial hypertension reported improvement of frontal headaches, photophobia, transient blindness, enlarged blind spots, and tinnitus after smoking marijuana. All these symptoms and signs were associated with increased intracranial pressure (220-425 mm of water). Treatment with dronabinol at a dose of 10 mg twice a day, then reduced to 5 mg twice a day, relieved all of her symptoms. Previously noted papilledema and enlargement of blind spots also resolved, and this, in the absence of psychoactive effect or weight gain.  相似文献   
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