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Racial concordance has been identified as a potential strategy to improve the perinatal health of Black women and birthing people by mitigating implicit bias and improving mutual trust, healthy communication, and satisfaction. In a recent article published in BIRTH: Issues in Perinatal Care, Bogdan-Lovis et al. surveyed 200 Black women to determine whether they possessed a race and gender practitioner preference for their birth practitioner and examined whether race and gender concordance was associated with greater birth satisfaction and perceived respect, trust, practitioner competence, empathy, and use of inclusive communication. In this commentary, written by a group of Black midwives, we respond to the study and offer a vision for race-concordant care that encompasses cultural safety provided in a community-based setting.  相似文献   
A substantial proportion of adults and children in the United States use complementary and alternative health practices, including homeopathy. Many homeopathic therapies are readily available over the counter, and many individuals access and self-administer these therapies with little or no guidance from health care practitioners. In addition, patients and health care providers are often confused by terminologies associated with complementary practices and may be unable to distinguish homeopathy from naturopathy, herbalism, holistic medicine, Ayurveda, traditional Chinese medicine, or other forms of health care. Compared with European and Asian countries, education in the United States about complementary and alternative health practices is not typically found within traditional nursing, midwifery, or medical education curricula. Given this lack of education and the broad acceptance and popularity of homeopathy, it is necessary for health care practitioners to improve their knowledge regarding similarities and differences among therapies so they can fully inform and make appropriate recommendations to patients. The intent of this article is therefore to examine the state of existing science of homeopathy, distinguish it from other complementary methods, and provide midwives and women's health care providers with an introduction to common homeopathic therapies that may be recommended and safely used by persons seeking midwifery care. This review also presents the evidence base, pharmacology, manufacturing, and regulation of homeopathic therapies. We also consider controversies and misunderstandings regarding safety and efficacy of homeopathic remedies relevant to women and birthing persons. Examples of practical applications of homeopathic therapies for use in midwifery practice are introduced. Implications for practice and sample guidelines are included.  相似文献   
Glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) plays a critical role in neurodevelopment and survival of midbrain dopaminergic and spinal motor neurons in vitro and in vivo. The biological actions of GDNF are mediated by a two-receptor complex consisting of a glycosylphosphatidylinositol-linked cell surface molecule, the GDNF family receptor alpha 1 (GFR alpha 1), and receptor protein tyrosine kinase Ret. Although structural analysis of GDNF has been extensively examined, less is known about the structural basis of GFR alpha 1 function. In this study, based on evolutionary trace method and relative solvent accessibility prediction of residues, a set of trace residues that are solvent-accessible was selected for site-directed mutagenesis. A series of GFR alpha 1 mutations was made, and PC12 cell lines stably expressing different GFR alpha 1 mutants were generated. According to the survival and differentiation responses of these stable PC12 cells upon GDNF stimulation and the GDNF- GFR alpha 1-Ret interaction assay, residues 152NN153, Arg259, and 316SNS318 in the GFR alpha 1 central region were found to be critical for GFR alpha 1 binding to GDNF and eliciting downstream signal transduction. The single mutation R259A in the GFR alpha 1 molecule simultaneously lost its binding ability to GDNF and Ret. However N152A/N153A or S316A/N317A/ S318A mutation in the GFR alpha 1 molecule still retained the ability to bind with Ret. These findings suggest that distinct structural elements in GFR alpha 1 may be involved in binding to GDNF and Ret.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a practice magnetic resonance unit, in preparing children to undergo magnetic resonance procedures without general anaesthesia (GA) or sedation. The records of children who attended the practice MRI between February 2002 and April 2004 were retrospectively reviewed. Each record was assessed as to whether the child had passed or failed the practice MRI intervention. Those children who were considered to have passed and were proceeded to a clinical non‐GA MRI had the report of the clinical scan reviewed. If the scan had been reported as non‐diagnostic because of movement artefact it was classified as a failed scan, otherwise it was considered a pass. One hundred and thirty‐four children undertook a practice MRI (age range 4.1–16.1 years, median age 7.7 years, 47% boys) and 120/134 (90%) passed the practice session. In all, 117/120 (98%) subsequently had a clinical non‐GA MRI and 110/117 (94%) passed (median age 7.8 years, 47% boys). Preparation is a safe and effective method to reduce the need for sedation and GA in children undergoing a clinical MRI scan. It provides a positive medical experience for children, parents and staff, and results in cost savings for the hospital.  相似文献   
Understanding diet and energy balance as risk factors for breast, colon, and other cancers requires information on the contribution of each factor and of interactions among factors to cancer risk. Rodent models for breast cancer provide extensive data on effects of dietary fat and calories, energy balance, body weight gain, and physical activity on tumor development. Analyses of the combined data from many studies have shown clearly that quality and quantity of dietary fat and energy balance contribute independently to increased mammary gland tumorigenesis. These findings were seen in female rats fed diets high in fat (35-40% of calories) compared to rats fed control diets, with approximately 10% of calories as fat (Fay and Freedman, 1997, Breast Cancer Res. Treat. 46, 215-223). The methods used permit comparison of experimental and epidemiological data, and they may be useful in extrapolating between species and developing public health recommendations. In addition to the contributions of lifetime-diet composition, intake, energy balance, and physical activity to cancer risk, there are questions about the timing and duration of alterations in these factors and about the "dose-response" characteristics of cancer risk to the factors. Endocrine mechanisms may be significant in mammary gland tumor risk, but experimental and epidemiological data indicate that cancers at other sites, such as colon and liver, also are influenced by the factors listed. Other diet and lifestyle factors that influence energy, or specifically fat, metabolism may also affect risk for cancers that are promoted by increased intake of fat and calories. Studies of separate and interactive effects of dietary fat, black tea, weight gain, and mammary gland tumorigenesis (Rogers, et al, 1998, Carcinogenesis 19, 1269-1273) have been analyzed. Using adjustment of carcinogenesis endpoints for body weight, tumor burden, and latency, they were found to be related to weight gain within treatment groups in 2 of 3 experiments.   相似文献   
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