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Mushroom worker's lung disease   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Stolz  JL; Arger  PH; Benson  JM 《Radiology》1976,119(1):61
Liver transplant(LT) is the primary treatment for patients with end-stage liver disease. About 25000 LTs are performed annually in the world. The potential for intraoperative bleeding is quite variable. However, massive bleeding is common and requires blood transfusion. Allogeneic blood transfusion has an immunosuppressive effect and an impact on recipient survival, in addition to the risk of transmission of viral infections and transfusion errors, among others.Techniques to prevent excessive bleeding or to use autologous blood have been proposed to minimize the negative effects of allogeneic blood transfusion.Intraoperative reinfusion of autologous blood is possible through previous selfdonation or blood collected during the operation. However, LT does not normally allow autologous transfusion by prior self-donation. Hence, using autologous blood collected intraoperatively is the most feasible option. The use of intraoperative blood salvage autotransfusion(IBSA) minimizes the perioperative use of allogeneic blood, preventing negative transfusion effects without negatively impacting other clinical outcomes. The use of IBSA in patients with cancer is still a matter of debate due to the theoretical risk of reinfusion of tumor cells. However, studies have demonstrated the safety of IBSA in several surgical procedures, including LT for hepatocellular carcinoma. Considering the literature available to date, we can state that IBSA should be routinely used in LT, both in patients with cancer and in patients with benign diseases.  相似文献   
To understand better the relationships between blood-group antigens and bacterial constituents, examples of 23 gram-negative bacteria (representing the 10 genera Citrobacter, Edwardsiella, Enterobacter, Escherichia, Klebsiella, Proteus, Pseudomonas, Salmonella, Serratia, and Shigella) were tested for the presence of Kl-like antigens by hemagglutination-inhibition (HAI) assays against both IgG and IgM anti-Kl. Saline-suspended whole organisms, cell-free culture media, and disrupted organisms were used to test for such antigens in, on, and secreted by the microorganisms examined. Disrupted organisms of an isolate of Shigella sonnei nonspecifically inhibited IgG anti-Kl as well as IgG antibodies of the specificities Kpb, Fya, S, and c. However, only Escherichia coli 0125:B15, subtype 12808, had specific K1-like activity (no activity with other IgG [(k, Kpb, Jka, Fya, S, c] and IgM [A, B, M, P1] antibodies). Disrupted organisms inhibited IgM but not IgG anti-K1 in the HAI assay. A second subtype, E. coli 0125:B15, subtype 12809, exhibited no K1-like activity. These findings support the report of K1 activity in cell-free broth cultures of E. coli 0125:B15 (subtype unspecified). Thus, although not all E. coli 0125:B15 possesses K1-like activity, the finding of such activity in at least one E. coli subtype confirms the idea that bacterial components may play a role in the production of naturally occurring antibodies directed against non-ABO red cell antigens.  相似文献   


Loperamide is a selective µ opioid receptor agonist acting locally in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract as an effective anti-diarrhoeal but can cause constipation. We tested whether modulating µ opioid receptor agonism with δ opioid receptor antagonism, by combining reference compounds or using a novel compound (‘MuDelta’), could normalize GI motility without constipation.


MuDelta was characterized in vitro as a potent µ opioid receptor agonist and high-affinity δ opioid receptor antagonist. Reference compounds, MuDelta and loperamide were assessed in the following ex vivo and in vivo experiments: guinea pig intestinal smooth muscle contractility, mouse intestinal epithelial ion transport and upper GI tract transit, entire GI transit or faecal output in novel environment stressed mice, or four weeks after intracolonic mustard oil (post-inflammatory). Colonic δ opioid receptor immunoreactivity was quantified.


δ Opioid receptor antagonism opposed µ opioid receptor agonist inhibition of intestinal contractility and motility. MuDelta reduced intestinal contractility and inhibited neurogenically-mediated secretion. Very low plasma levels of MuDelta were detected after oral administration. Stress up-regulated δ opioid receptor expression in colonic epithelial cells. In stressed mice, MuDelta normalized GI transit and faecal output to control levels over a wide dose range, whereas loperamide had a narrow dose range. MuDelta and loperamide reduced upper GI transit in the post-inflammatory model.


MuDelta normalizes, but does not prevent, perturbed GI transit over a wide dose-range in mice. These data support the subsequent assessment of MuDelta in a clinical phase II trial in patients with diarrhoea-predominant irritable bowel syndrome.  相似文献   
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